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Using Data to Coach ICs to Excel

Hillary Nussbaum

By: Hillary Nussbaum
June 03, 2021

Team members crowded around one member using laptop

Developers who are struggling to keep up, as well as those developers who are excelling but no longer growing, are likely to be unsatisfied in their current roles. But engineering leaders, especially managers of managers or those who are not involved in the day-to-day writing of code, may not have insight into who is in need of support and who is craving their next challenge.

With the right combination of quantitative and qualitative data, you’ll be able to spot opportunities to coach developers of all levels. You’ll also have an easier time setting and tracking progress towards concrete targets, which will empower your team members to reach their goals.

Start by Gathering Qualitative Engineering Data

Use your 1 on 1 time to initiate conversations with each of your team members about where they think their strengths and weaknesses lie, and what they’d like to improve. You may want to give your team members some time to prepare for these conversations, as it can be hard to make this sort of assessment on the spot.

Pay extra attention in standups and retros, keeping an eye out for any patterns that might be relevant, like a developer who frequently gets stuck on the same kind of problem or tends to surface similar issues — these could represent valuable coaching opportunities. It can also be helpful to look for alignment between individual goals and team objectives, as this will make it easier to narrow your focus and help drive progress on multiple levels.

Dig Into Quantitative Engineering Data

Next, you’ll want to take a closer look at quantitative data. A Software Engineering Intelligence platform like Velocity can pull information from your existing engineering tools and turn them into actionable reports and visualizations, giving you greater insight into where your developers are excelling, and where they might be struggling. Use this information to confirm your team member’s assessment of their strengths and weaknesses, as well as your own observations.

You may find that an engineer who feels like they’re a a slow coder isn’t actually struggling to keep up with their workload because of their skill level, but because they’ve been pulled into too many meetings and aren’t getting as much coding time as other team members. In other cases, the quantitative data will surface new issues or confirm what you and your team member already know, underscoring the need to focus on a particular area for improvement.

Velocity’s Developer360 report can help you gain insight into where your developers are excelling.

James Gaythwaite, CTO of Greenlight, finds this kind of quantitative data particularly helpful for ensuring new hires are onboarding effectively — and for spotting high-performers early on. As a new member of the team, a developer may not have an accurate idea of how well they’re getting up to speed, but data can provide an objective assessment of how quickly they’re progressing. James finds it helpful to compare the same metrics across new developers and seasoned team members, to find out where recent hires could use a bit of additional support. This type of comparison also makes it easier to spot new engineers who are progressing faster than expected, so that team leaders can make sure to offer them more challenging work and keep them engaged. Of course, as is true with all data, James cautions that these kinds of metrics-based comparisons must always be viewed in context — engineers working on different types of projects and in different parts of the codebase will naturally perform differently on certain metrics.

Set Concrete Engineering Goals

Once you’ve identified areas for improvement, you’ll want to set specific, achievable goals. Quantitative data is critical to setting those goals, as it provides the concrete measurements necessary to drive improvement. Work with each team member to evaluate the particular challenges they’re facing and come up with a plan of action for addressing them. Then, set realistic, yet ambitious goals that are tied to specific objective measurements.

This won’t always be easy — if a developer is struggling with confidence in their coding ability, for example, you won’t be able to apply a confidence metric, but you can find something else useful to measure. Try setting targets for PR Size or Time to Open, which will encourage that developer to open smaller Pull Requests more frequently, opening their work up to constructive feedback from the rest of the team. Ideally, they’ll be met with positive reinforcement and a confidence boost as their work moves through the development pipeline, but even if it does turn out their code isn’t up to par, smaller Pull Requests will result in smaller changes, and hopefully alleviate the overwhelming feeling that can come when a large Pull Request is met with multiple comments and edits in the review process.

The Targets report allows you to set SLA-style goals for your developers.

Targets like these can be an important way to help developers reach their individual goals, but you can also use them to set team- or organization-wide goals and encourage progress on multiple fronts. Roger Deetz, VP of Engineering at Springbuk, used Velocity to identify best practices and help coach developers across the organization to adopt them. With specific goals and concrete targets, the team was able to decrease their Cycle Time by 48% and boost Pull Request Throughput by 64%.

Though it’s certainly possible to coach developers and drive progress without objective data, it’s much harder. If you’re looking to promote high-performance on your team, look to incorporate data into your approach. You’ll be able to identify specific coaching opportunities, set concrete goals, and help every member of your team excel.

To find out how Velocity can help you coach your team members to level up, reach out to one of our product specialists.