DORA, The Code Climate Way
Harness the power of Velocity's Analytics module by viewing DORA Metrics alongside other key engineering metrics to assess the speed and stability of your organization, discover opportunities for improvement, and deliver even more value to your customers.
Actual data for accurate insights
Velocity calculates DORA metrics using your actual incident and deploy data, to give you the most reliable look at your team’s deploy and incident response health.
Related metrics offer actionable information
Velocity’s Analytics module allows users to view DORA metrics side by side with 60+ engineering metrics to find correlations and identify opportunities to make improvements.
Understand changes over time
View historical data and scope metrics to specific time frames to understand trends and spot changes over time.
Annotations add context
Note important events or organizational changes directly in the Analytics module to track their impact on key metrics.
Find out how to use DORA metrics to boost performance in your organization.
What are the four DORA metrics?
Gauge your team's performance with the four metrics most statistically correlated with a company’s organizational performance.
The percentage of deployed changes that cause a failure in production. Use CFR to understand if your team is striking the right balance between moving quickly and delivering high-quality code.
How long, on average, it takes to recover from a failure in production. Ensuring that your team has the right processes to detect, diagnose, and resolve issues is critical to minimizing customer downtime.
How frequently the engineering team is successfully deploying code to production. DF helps benchmark how often your team is shipping value to customers.
The time it takes to go from code committed to code successfully running in production. MLTC helps you understand the efficiency of your development process.

Maximize Engineering Impact with DORA Metrics
Nathen Harvey, Developer Advocate at DORA and Google Cloud, shares best practices for using DORA metrics to drive change in your organization.
Drive change with DORADig into DORA

Combine Velocity and DORA Metrics to Improve Your DevOps Performance

By Madison Unell March 08

What are DORA Metrics and Why Do They Matter?

By Code Climate July 26

Round Table Insights: Using DORA Metrics to Boost Engineering Performance

By Code Climate September 01