from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
from ..build_cpe import CPEDoesNotExist
from ..xml import ElementTree as ET
from .common import XCCDFEntity, SelectionHandler, add_sub_element
from ..constants import (
def noop_rule_filterfunc(rule):
return True
def rule_filter_from_def(filterdef):
if filterdef is None or filterdef == "":
return noop_rule_filterfunc
def filterfunc(rule):
# Remove globals for security and only expose
# variables relevant to the rule
return eval(filterdef, {"__builtins__": None}, rule.__dict__)
return filterfunc
class Profile(XCCDFEntity, SelectionHandler):
"""Represents XCCDF profile
KEYS = dict(
description=lambda: "",
extends=lambda: "",
hidden=lambda: "",
metadata=lambda: None,
reference=lambda: None,
selections=lambda: list(),
unselected_groups=lambda: list(),
platforms=lambda: set(),
cpe_names=lambda: set(),
platform=lambda: None,
filter_rules=lambda: "",
policies=lambda: list(),
"selections": "extends",
def process_input_dict(cls, input_contents, env_yaml, product_cpes):
input_contents = super(Profile, cls).process_input_dict(input_contents, env_yaml)
platform = input_contents.get("platform")
if platform is not None:
if env_yaml:
for platform in input_contents["platforms"]:
new_cpe_name = product_cpes.get_cpe_name(platform)
except CPEDoesNotExist:
msg = (
"Unsupported platform '{platform}' in a profile."
raise CPEDoesNotExist(msg)
return input_contents
def rule_filter(self):
if self.filter_rules:
return rule_filter_from_def(self.filter_rules)
return noop_rule_filterfunc
def _add_selects(self, element, selections, prefix, selected):
for selection in selections:
select = ET.Element("{%s}select" % XCCDF12_NS)
select.set("idref", prefix + selection)
select.set("selected", selected)
def _setup_defined_rules(self, element):
for value_id, selector in self.variables.items():
refine_value = ET.Element("{%s}refine-value" % XCCDF12_NS)
refine_value.set("idref", OSCAP_VALUE + value_id)
refine_value.set("selector", selector)
for refined_rule, refinement_list in self.refine_rules.items():
refine_rule = ET.Element("{%s}refine-rule" % XCCDF12_NS)
refine_rule.set("idref", OSCAP_RULE + refined_rule)
for refinement in refinement_list:
refine_rule.set(refinement[0], refinement[1])
def _should_have_version(self):
return self.metadata and 'version' in self.metadata and self.metadata[
'version'] is not None
def to_xml_element(self):
if self.hidden:
return ET.Comment(text='Hidden Profile: %s (%s)' % (self.title, self.id_))
element = ET.Element('{%s}Profile' % XCCDF12_NS)
element.set("id", OSCAP_PROFILE + self.id_)
if self._should_have_version():
add_sub_element(element, "version", XCCDF12_NS, str(self.metadata["version"]))
if self.extends:
element.set("extends", self.extends)
title = add_sub_element(element, "title", XCCDF12_NS, self.title)
title.set("override", "true")
desc = add_sub_element(
element, "description", XCCDF12_NS, self.description)
desc.set("override", "true")
if self.reference:
element, "reference", XCCDF12_NS, escape(self.reference))
for cpe_name in self.cpe_names:
plat = ET.SubElement(element, "{%s}platform" % XCCDF12_NS)
plat.set("idref", cpe_name)
self._add_selects(element, self.selected, OSCAP_RULE, "true")
self._add_selects(element, self.unselected, OSCAP_RULE, "false")
self._add_selects(element, self.unselected_groups, OSCAP_GROUP, "false")
return element
def get_rule_selectors(self):
return self.selected + self.unselected
def get_variable_selectors(self):
return self.variables
def validate_refine_rules(self, rules):
existing_rule_ids = [r.id_ for r in rules]
for refine_rule, refinement_list in self.refine_rules.items():
# Take first refinement to ilustrate where the error is
# all refinements in list are invalid, so it doesn't really matter
a_refinement = refinement_list[0]
if refine_rule not in existing_rule_ids:
msg = (
"You are trying to refine a rule that doesn't exist. "
"Rule '{rule_id}' was not found in the benchmark. "
"Please check all rule refinements for rule: '{rule_id}', for example: "
"- {rule_id}.{property_}={value}' in profile {profile_id}."
.format(rule_id=refine_rule, profile_id=self.id_,
property_=a_refinement[0], value=a_refinement[1])
raise ValueError(msg)
if refine_rule not in self.get_rule_selectors():
msg = ("- {rule_id}.{property_}={value}' in profile '{profile_id}' is refining "
"a rule that is not selected by it. The refinement will not have any "
"noticeable effect. Either select the rule or remove the rule refinement."
.format(rule_id=refine_rule, property_=a_refinement[0],
value=a_refinement[1], profile_id=self.id_)
raise ValueError(msg)
def validate_variables(self, variables):
variables_by_id = dict()
for var in variables:
variables_by_id[var.id_] = var
for var_id, our_val in self.variables.items():
if var_id not in variables_by_id:
all_vars_list = [" - %s" % v for v in variables_by_id.keys()]
msg = (
"Value '{var_id}' in profile '{profile_name}' is not known. "
"We know only variables:\n{var_names}"
var_id=var_id, profile_name=self.id_,
raise ValueError(msg)
allowed_selectors = [str(s) for s in variables_by_id[var_id].options.keys()]
if our_val not in allowed_selectors:
msg = (
"Value '{var_id}' in profile '{profile_name}' "
"uses the selector '{our_val}'. "
"This is not possible, as only selectors {all_selectors} are available. "
"Either change the selector used in the profile, or "
"add the selector-value pair to the variable definition."
var_id=var_id, profile_name=self.id_, our_val=our_val,
raise ValueError(msg)
def validate_rules(self, rules, groups):
existing_rule_ids = [r.id_ for r in rules]
rule_selectors = self.get_rule_selectors()
for id_ in rule_selectors:
if id_ in groups:
msg = (
"You have selected a group '{group_id}' instead of a "
"rule. Groups have no effect in the profile and are not "
"allowed to be selected. Please remove '{group_id}' "
"from profile '{profile_id}' before proceeding."
.format(group_id=id_, profile_id=self.id_)
raise ValueError(msg)
if id_ not in existing_rule_ids:
msg = (
"Rule '{rule_id}' was not found in the benchmark. Please "
"remove rule '{rule_id}' from profile '{profile_id}' "
"before proceeding."
.format(rule_id=id_, profile_id=self.id_)
raise ValueError(msg)
def _find_empty_groups(self, group, profile_rules):
is_empty = True
empty_groups = []
for child in group.groups.values():
child_empty, child_empty_groups = self._find_empty_groups(child, profile_rules)
if not child_empty:
is_empty = False
if is_empty:
group_rules = set(group.rules.keys())
if profile_rules & group_rules:
is_empty = False
if is_empty:
return is_empty, empty_groups
def unselect_empty_groups(self, root_group):
# Unselecting empty groups is necessary to make HTML guides shorter
# and the XCCDF more usable in tools such as SCAP Workbench.
profile_rules = set(self.selected)
is_empty, empty_groups = self._find_empty_groups(root_group, profile_rules)
if is_empty:
msg = ("Profile {0} unselects all groups. "
"Check whether it selects any rule or extends any profile."
raise ValueError(msg)
def remove_components_not_included(self, components_to_not_include):
rules_to_not_include = components_to_not_include.get("rules", set())
groups_to_not_include = components_to_not_include.get("groups", set())
self.selected = sorted(set(self.selected) - rules_to_not_include)
self.unselected = sorted(set(self.unselected) - rules_to_not_include)
self.unselected_groups = sorted(set(self.unselected_groups) - groups_to_not_include)
def __sub__(self, other):
profile = Profile(self.id_)
profile.title = self.title
profile.description = self.description
profile.extends = self.extends
profile.platforms = self.platforms
profile.platform = self.platform
profile.hidden = self.hidden
profile.selected = list(set(self.selected) - set(other.selected))
profile.unselected = list(set(self.unselected) - set(other.unselected))
profile.variables = dict(
(k, v) for (k, v) in self.variables.items()
if k not in other.variables or v != other.variables[k])
return profile