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Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

          if method == "description"
            subst = "Policy: #{inputs[:policy].description}" if inputs[:policy].kind_of?(MiqPolicy)
            subst = "Alert: #{inputs[:policy].description}"  if inputs[:policy].kind_of?(MiqAlert)
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/miq_action.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

          if method == "type"
            subst = rec.class.to_s
          elsif method == "ems" && rec.respond_to?(:ext_management_system)
            ems = rec.ext_management_system
            subst = "vCenter #{ems.hostname}/#{ems.ipaddress}" unless ems.nil?
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/miq_action.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

              tags2desc[tag] = entry.nil? ? tag.titleize : entry.description
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/miq_report/generator.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

              nh[:create_time] = e1.attributes['cdate_on_disk'] if e1.attributes['cdate_on_disk'].present?
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/snapshot.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

                   [, found.send(obj_key)] if found
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/miq_request_workflow.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

          unless field[:auto_select_single] == false
            @values[field_name] = field[:values].to_a.first
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/miq_request_workflow.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

                   [set_value, field_values[set_value]] if field_values.key?(set_value)
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/miq_request_workflow.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

              if value.blank?
                fld[:error] = "#{required_description(dlg, fld)} is required"
                valid = false
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/miq_request_workflow.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

          unless currently_selected.nil? || field[:values].key?(currently_selected)
            @values[field_name] = [nil, nil]
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/miq_request_workflow.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

                   [,] if found
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/miq_request_workflow.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

                if j.tags.any? { |t| t.to_s.starts_with?("miq_schedules_") }
        "Removing user schedule with Tags: #{j.tags.inspect}")

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

            if f[:values].present?
              sorted_values = f[:values].sort
              selected_key = sorted_values.first.first
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/miq_request_workflow.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

              unless fld[:error].nil?
                valid = false
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/miq_request_workflow.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

            rescue => err
              _log.warn("#{err.message}, unable to raise policy event: [vm_scan_complete]")
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/vm_scan.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

            if vm.respond_to?(:refresh_on_scan)
              rescue => err
                _log.error("refreshing data from VIM: #{err.message}")
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/vm_scan.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

              raise _("Unable to find Vm") if vm.nil?
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/vm_scan.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

          if opts[:dry_run]
            puts "  **** This is a dry-run, nothing updated, skipping. ****"
            reconnected += 1

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

              vm.save_drift_state unless vm.nil?
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/vm_scan.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

          recs = recs.first if single_rec
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/extensions/ar_to_model_hash.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.

Avoid more than 3 levels of block nesting.

            rescue => err
              _log.error("saving VM drift state: #{err.message}")
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/vm_scan.rb by rubocop

Checks for excessive nesting of conditional and looping constructs.

You can configure if blocks are considered using the CountBlocks option. When set to false (the default) blocks are not counted towards the nesting level. Set to true to count blocks as well.

The maximum level of nesting allowed is configurable.
