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1 hr
Test Coverage

Line 17 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

            clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser
Severity: Minor
Found in AngularCoinBoard/src/karma.conf.js by eslint

enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

Rule Details

This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability. The length of a line is defined as the number of Unicode characters in the line.


This rule has a number or object option:

  • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
  • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
  • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
  • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
  • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
  • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
  • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL
  • "ignoreStrings": true ignores lines that contain a double-quoted or single-quoted string
  • "ignoreTemplateLiterals": true ignores lines that contain a template literal
  • "ignoreRegExpLiterals": true ignores lines that contain a RegExp literal


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/

var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/

var foo = {
  "bar": "This is a bar.",
  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
  "easier": "to read"


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/

\t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/

\t  \t  var foo = {
\t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
\t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
\t  \t  };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/

 * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/

 * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/

var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/

var url = '';


Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreStrings": true } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreStrings": true }]*/

var longString = 'this is a really really really really really long string!';


Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTemplateLiterals": true } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTemplateLiterals": true }]*/

var longTemplateLiteral = `this is a really really really really really long template literal!`;


Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreRegExpLiterals": true } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreRegExpLiterals": true }]*/

var longRegExpLiteral = /this is a really really really really really long regular expression!/;


Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/

var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

Related Rules

  • [complexity](
  • [max-depth](
  • [max-nested-callbacks](
  • [max-params](
  • [max-statements]( Source:

Function exports has 27 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

module.exports = function (config) {
        basePath: '../',
        frameworks: ['jasmine', '@angular-devkit/build-angular'],
        plugins: [
Severity: Minor
Found in AngularCoinBoard/src/karma.conf.js - About 1 hr to fix

    Missing trailing comma.

    Severity: Minor
    Found in AngularCoinBoard/src/karma.conf.js by eslint

    require or disallow trailing commas (comma-dangle)

    Trailing commas in object literals are valid according to the ECMAScript 5 (and ECMAScript 3!) spec. However, IE8 (when not in IE8 document mode) and below will throw an error when it encounters trailing commas in JavaScript.

    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",

    Trailing commas simplify adding and removing items to objects and arrays, since only the lines you are modifying must be touched. Another argument in favor of trailing commas is that it improves the clarity of diffs when an item is added or removed from an object or array:

    Less clear:

    var foo = {
    -    bar: "baz",
    -    qux: "quux"
    +    bar: "baz"

    More clear:

    var foo = {
         bar: "baz",
    -    qux: "quux",

    Rule Details

    This rule enforces consistent use of trailing commas in object and array literals.


    This rule has a string option or an object option:

        "comma-dangle": ["error", "never"],
        // or
        "comma-dangle": ["error", {
            "arrays": "never",
            "objects": "never",
            "imports": "never",
            "exports": "never",
            "functions": "ignore",
    • "never" (default) disallows trailing commas
    • "always" requires trailing commas
    • "always-multiline" requires trailing commas when the last element or property is in a different line than the closing ] or } and disallows trailing commas when the last element or property is on the same line as the closing ] or }
    • "only-multiline" allows (but does not require) trailing commas when the last element or property is in a different line than the closing ] or } and disallows trailing commas when the last element or property is on the same line as the closing ] or }

    Trailing commas in function declarations and function calls are valid syntax since ECMAScript 2017; however, the string option does not check these situations for backwards compatibility.

    You can also use an object option to configure this rule for each type of syntax. Each of the following options can be set to "never", "always", "always-multiline", "only-multiline", or "ignore". The default for each option is "never" unless otherwise specified.

    • arrays is for array literals and array patterns of destructuring. (e.g. let [a,] = [1,];)
    • objects is for object literals and object patterns of destructuring. (e.g. let {a,} = {a: 1};)
    • imports is for import declarations of ES Modules. (e.g. import {a,} from "foo";)
    • exports is for export declarations of ES Modules. (e.g. export {a,};)
    • functions is for function declarations and function calls. (e.g. (function(a,){ })(b,);)
      functions is set to "ignore" by default for consistency with the string option.


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default "never" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "never"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var arr = [1,2,];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the default "never" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "never"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var arr = [1,2];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var arr = [1,2];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var arr = [1,2,];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always-multiline"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var foo = { bar: "baz", qux: "quux", };
    var arr = [1,2,];
    var arr = [1,
    var arr = [
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always-multiline"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var foo = {bar: "baz", qux: "quux"};
    var arr = [1,2];
    var arr = [1,
    var arr = [
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "only-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "only-multiline"]*/
    var foo = { bar: "baz", qux: "quux", };
    var arr = [1,2,];
    var arr = [1,

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the "only-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "only-multiline"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var foo = {bar: "baz", qux: "quux"};
    var arr = [1,2];
    var arr = [1,
    var arr = [
    var arr = [
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the {"functions": "never"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "never"}]*/
    function foo(a, b,) {
    foo(a, b,);
    new foo(a, b,);

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the {"functions": "never"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "never"}]*/
    function foo(a, b) {
    foo(a, b);
    new foo(a, b);

    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the {"functions": "always"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "always"}]*/
    function foo(a, b) {
    foo(a, b);
    new foo(a, b);

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the {"functions": "always"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "always"}]*/
    function foo(a, b,) {
    foo(a, b,);
    new foo(a, b,);

    When Not To Use It

    You can turn this rule off if you are not concerned with dangling commas. Source:

    Missing trailing comma.

                fixWebpackSourcePaths: true
    Severity: Minor
    Found in AngularCoinBoard/src/karma.conf.js by eslint

    require or disallow trailing commas (comma-dangle)

    Trailing commas in object literals are valid according to the ECMAScript 5 (and ECMAScript 3!) spec. However, IE8 (when not in IE8 document mode) and below will throw an error when it encounters trailing commas in JavaScript.

    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",

    Trailing commas simplify adding and removing items to objects and arrays, since only the lines you are modifying must be touched. Another argument in favor of trailing commas is that it improves the clarity of diffs when an item is added or removed from an object or array:

    Less clear:

    var foo = {
    -    bar: "baz",
    -    qux: "quux"
    +    bar: "baz"

    More clear:

    var foo = {
         bar: "baz",
    -    qux: "quux",

    Rule Details

    This rule enforces consistent use of trailing commas in object and array literals.


    This rule has a string option or an object option:

        "comma-dangle": ["error", "never"],
        // or
        "comma-dangle": ["error", {
            "arrays": "never",
            "objects": "never",
            "imports": "never",
            "exports": "never",
            "functions": "ignore",
    • "never" (default) disallows trailing commas
    • "always" requires trailing commas
    • "always-multiline" requires trailing commas when the last element or property is in a different line than the closing ] or } and disallows trailing commas when the last element or property is on the same line as the closing ] or }
    • "only-multiline" allows (but does not require) trailing commas when the last element or property is in a different line than the closing ] or } and disallows trailing commas when the last element or property is on the same line as the closing ] or }

    Trailing commas in function declarations and function calls are valid syntax since ECMAScript 2017; however, the string option does not check these situations for backwards compatibility.

    You can also use an object option to configure this rule for each type of syntax. Each of the following options can be set to "never", "always", "always-multiline", "only-multiline", or "ignore". The default for each option is "never" unless otherwise specified.

    • arrays is for array literals and array patterns of destructuring. (e.g. let [a,] = [1,];)
    • objects is for object literals and object patterns of destructuring. (e.g. let {a,} = {a: 1};)
    • imports is for import declarations of ES Modules. (e.g. import {a,} from "foo";)
    • exports is for export declarations of ES Modules. (e.g. export {a,};)
    • functions is for function declarations and function calls. (e.g. (function(a,){ })(b,);)
      functions is set to "ignore" by default for consistency with the string option.


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default "never" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "never"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var arr = [1,2,];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the default "never" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "never"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var arr = [1,2];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var arr = [1,2];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var arr = [1,2,];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always-multiline"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var foo = { bar: "baz", qux: "quux", };
    var arr = [1,2,];
    var arr = [1,
    var arr = [
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always-multiline"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var foo = {bar: "baz", qux: "quux"};
    var arr = [1,2];
    var arr = [1,
    var arr = [
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "only-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "only-multiline"]*/
    var foo = { bar: "baz", qux: "quux", };
    var arr = [1,2,];
    var arr = [1,

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the "only-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "only-multiline"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var foo = {bar: "baz", qux: "quux"};
    var arr = [1,2];
    var arr = [1,
    var arr = [
    var arr = [
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the {"functions": "never"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "never"}]*/
    function foo(a, b,) {
    foo(a, b,);
    new foo(a, b,);

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the {"functions": "never"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "never"}]*/
    function foo(a, b) {
    foo(a, b);
    new foo(a, b);

    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the {"functions": "always"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "always"}]*/
    function foo(a, b) {
    foo(a, b);
    new foo(a, b);

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the {"functions": "always"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "always"}]*/
    function foo(a, b,) {
    foo(a, b,);
    new foo(a, b,);

    When Not To Use It

    You can turn this rule off if you are not concerned with dangling commas. Source:

    Missing trailing comma.

                clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser
    Severity: Minor
    Found in AngularCoinBoard/src/karma.conf.js by eslint

    require or disallow trailing commas (comma-dangle)

    Trailing commas in object literals are valid according to the ECMAScript 5 (and ECMAScript 3!) spec. However, IE8 (when not in IE8 document mode) and below will throw an error when it encounters trailing commas in JavaScript.

    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",

    Trailing commas simplify adding and removing items to objects and arrays, since only the lines you are modifying must be touched. Another argument in favor of trailing commas is that it improves the clarity of diffs when an item is added or removed from an object or array:

    Less clear:

    var foo = {
    -    bar: "baz",
    -    qux: "quux"
    +    bar: "baz"

    More clear:

    var foo = {
         bar: "baz",
    -    qux: "quux",

    Rule Details

    This rule enforces consistent use of trailing commas in object and array literals.


    This rule has a string option or an object option:

        "comma-dangle": ["error", "never"],
        // or
        "comma-dangle": ["error", {
            "arrays": "never",
            "objects": "never",
            "imports": "never",
            "exports": "never",
            "functions": "ignore",
    • "never" (default) disallows trailing commas
    • "always" requires trailing commas
    • "always-multiline" requires trailing commas when the last element or property is in a different line than the closing ] or } and disallows trailing commas when the last element or property is on the same line as the closing ] or }
    • "only-multiline" allows (but does not require) trailing commas when the last element or property is in a different line than the closing ] or } and disallows trailing commas when the last element or property is on the same line as the closing ] or }

    Trailing commas in function declarations and function calls are valid syntax since ECMAScript 2017; however, the string option does not check these situations for backwards compatibility.

    You can also use an object option to configure this rule for each type of syntax. Each of the following options can be set to "never", "always", "always-multiline", "only-multiline", or "ignore". The default for each option is "never" unless otherwise specified.

    • arrays is for array literals and array patterns of destructuring. (e.g. let [a,] = [1,];)
    • objects is for object literals and object patterns of destructuring. (e.g. let {a,} = {a: 1};)
    • imports is for import declarations of ES Modules. (e.g. import {a,} from "foo";)
    • exports is for export declarations of ES Modules. (e.g. export {a,};)
    • functions is for function declarations and function calls. (e.g. (function(a,){ })(b,);)
      functions is set to "ignore" by default for consistency with the string option.


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default "never" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "never"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var arr = [1,2,];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the default "never" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "never"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var arr = [1,2];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var arr = [1,2];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var arr = [1,2,];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always-multiline"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var foo = { bar: "baz", qux: "quux", };
    var arr = [1,2,];
    var arr = [1,
    var arr = [
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always-multiline"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var foo = {bar: "baz", qux: "quux"};
    var arr = [1,2];
    var arr = [1,
    var arr = [
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "only-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "only-multiline"]*/
    var foo = { bar: "baz", qux: "quux", };
    var arr = [1,2,];
    var arr = [1,

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the "only-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "only-multiline"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var foo = {bar: "baz", qux: "quux"};
    var arr = [1,2];
    var arr = [1,
    var arr = [
    var arr = [
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the {"functions": "never"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "never"}]*/
    function foo(a, b,) {
    foo(a, b,);
    new foo(a, b,);

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the {"functions": "never"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "never"}]*/
    function foo(a, b) {
    foo(a, b);
    new foo(a, b);

    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the {"functions": "always"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "always"}]*/
    function foo(a, b) {
    foo(a, b);
    new foo(a, b);

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the {"functions": "always"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "always"}]*/
    function foo(a, b,) {
    foo(a, b,);
    new foo(a, b,);

    When Not To Use It

    You can turn this rule off if you are not concerned with dangling commas. Source:

    Missing trailing comma.

            singleRun: false
    Severity: Minor
    Found in AngularCoinBoard/src/karma.conf.js by eslint

    require or disallow trailing commas (comma-dangle)

    Trailing commas in object literals are valid according to the ECMAScript 5 (and ECMAScript 3!) spec. However, IE8 (when not in IE8 document mode) and below will throw an error when it encounters trailing commas in JavaScript.

    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",

    Trailing commas simplify adding and removing items to objects and arrays, since only the lines you are modifying must be touched. Another argument in favor of trailing commas is that it improves the clarity of diffs when an item is added or removed from an object or array:

    Less clear:

    var foo = {
    -    bar: "baz",
    -    qux: "quux"
    +    bar: "baz"

    More clear:

    var foo = {
         bar: "baz",
    -    qux: "quux",

    Rule Details

    This rule enforces consistent use of trailing commas in object and array literals.


    This rule has a string option or an object option:

        "comma-dangle": ["error", "never"],
        // or
        "comma-dangle": ["error", {
            "arrays": "never",
            "objects": "never",
            "imports": "never",
            "exports": "never",
            "functions": "ignore",
    • "never" (default) disallows trailing commas
    • "always" requires trailing commas
    • "always-multiline" requires trailing commas when the last element or property is in a different line than the closing ] or } and disallows trailing commas when the last element or property is on the same line as the closing ] or }
    • "only-multiline" allows (but does not require) trailing commas when the last element or property is in a different line than the closing ] or } and disallows trailing commas when the last element or property is on the same line as the closing ] or }

    Trailing commas in function declarations and function calls are valid syntax since ECMAScript 2017; however, the string option does not check these situations for backwards compatibility.

    You can also use an object option to configure this rule for each type of syntax. Each of the following options can be set to "never", "always", "always-multiline", "only-multiline", or "ignore". The default for each option is "never" unless otherwise specified.

    • arrays is for array literals and array patterns of destructuring. (e.g. let [a,] = [1,];)
    • objects is for object literals and object patterns of destructuring. (e.g. let {a,} = {a: 1};)
    • imports is for import declarations of ES Modules. (e.g. import {a,} from "foo";)
    • exports is for export declarations of ES Modules. (e.g. export {a,};)
    • functions is for function declarations and function calls. (e.g. (function(a,){ })(b,);)
      functions is set to "ignore" by default for consistency with the string option.


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default "never" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "never"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var arr = [1,2,];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the default "never" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "never"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var arr = [1,2];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var arr = [1,2];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var arr = [1,2,];
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always-multiline"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var foo = { bar: "baz", qux: "quux", };
    var arr = [1,2,];
    var arr = [1,
    var arr = [
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always-multiline"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var foo = {bar: "baz", qux: "quux"};
    var arr = [1,2];
    var arr = [1,
    var arr = [
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "only-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "only-multiline"]*/
    var foo = { bar: "baz", qux: "quux", };
    var arr = [1,2,];
    var arr = [1,

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the "only-multiline" option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "only-multiline"]*/
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux",
    var foo = {
        bar: "baz",
        qux: "quux"
    var foo = {bar: "baz", qux: "quux"};
    var arr = [1,2];
    var arr = [1,
    var arr = [
    var arr = [
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux",
      bar: "baz",
      qux: "quux"


    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the {"functions": "never"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "never"}]*/
    function foo(a, b,) {
    foo(a, b,);
    new foo(a, b,);

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the {"functions": "never"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "never"}]*/
    function foo(a, b) {
    foo(a, b);
    new foo(a, b);

    Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the {"functions": "always"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "always"}]*/
    function foo(a, b) {
    foo(a, b);
    new foo(a, b);

    Examples of correct code for this rule with the {"functions": "always"} option:

    /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", {"functions": "always"}]*/
    function foo(a, b,) {
    foo(a, b,);
    new foo(a, b,);

    When Not To Use It

    You can turn this rule off if you are not concerned with dangling commas. Source:

    Newline required at end of file but not found.

    Severity: Minor
    Found in AngularCoinBoard/src/karma.conf.js by eslint

    require or disallow newline at the end of files (eol-last)

    Trailing newlines in non-empty files are a common UNIX idiom. Benefits of trailing newlines include the ability to concatenate or append to files as well as output files to the terminal without interfering with shell prompts.

    Rule Details

    This rule enforces at least one newline (or absence thereof) at the end of non-empty files.

    Prior to v0.16.0 this rule also enforced that there was only a single line at the end of the file. If you still want this behaviour, consider enabling [no-multiple-empty-lines]( with maxEOF and/or [no-trailing-spaces](

    Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

    /*eslint eol-last: ["error", "always"]*/
    function doSmth() {
      var foo = 2;

    Examples of correct code for this rule:

    /*eslint eol-last: ["error", "always"]*/
    function doSmth() {
      var foo = 2;


    This rule has a string option:

    • "always" (default) enforces that files end with a newline (LF)
    • "never" enforces that files do not end with a newline
    • "unix" (deprecated) is identical to "always"
    • "windows" (deprecated) is identical to "always", but will use a CRLF character when autofixing

    Deprecated: The options "unix" and "windows" are deprecated. If you need to enforce a specific linebreak style, use this rule in conjunction with linebreak-style. Source:

    There are no issues that match your filters.
