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chore(deps): update dependency postcss-preset-env to v9.5.13 #13427
renovate[bot] authored cae5643f
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codeclimate validate-config
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codeclimate validate-config
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Parser process id: 12
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W, [2024-05-13T21:47:25.818026 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping packages/ui-lib/src/ux/text/TypedText.tsx due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:25.818072 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:25.855372 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping packages/ui-lib/src/async-message.tsx due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:25.855650 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:25.900944 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping packages/ui-lib/src/_stories/Header.stories.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:25.900975 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:25.902590 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping packages/ui-lib/src/_stories/Button.stories.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:25.902635 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:25.904507 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping packages/ui-lib/src/_stories/Page.stories.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:25.904533 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.033441 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping packages/db-main-prisma/e2e/e2e-dsn-services.util.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.033534 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.035836 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/playwright.config.old.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.035872 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.046936 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/playwright.config.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.046966 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.054232 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/src/providers/AppProviders.tsx due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.054269 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.156360 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/src/server/api/rest/post-repository.ssr.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.156401 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.228719 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/src/features/auth/components/LoginForm.tsx due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.228762 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.291261 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/src/features/demo/api/fetch-poems.api.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.291309 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.294984 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/src/features/demo/blocks/jumbotron/Jumbotron.tsx due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.295064 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.406690 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/src/lib/emotion/createEmotionCache.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.406963 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.415483 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/src/lib/factory/ky.factory.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.415722 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.496341 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/src/pages/_error.tsx due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.496386 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.513683 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/src/pages/_monitor/sentry/csr-page.tsx due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.513717 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.517749 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/src/pages/_document.tsx due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.517936 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.568588 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/e2e/playwright.config.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.568847 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.584044 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/e2e/api/_monitor/healthcheck.spec.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.584333 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.585979 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/e2e/pages/system/404.spec.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.586008 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.590885 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/nextjs-app/e2e/pages/index/index.spec.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.590911 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.620552 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/remix-app/src/app/entry.server.tsx due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.620780 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.633093 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/remix-app/src/lib/emotion/createEmotionCache.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.633292 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.647305 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping apps/remix-app/tailwind.config.ts due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T21:47:26.647497 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
View output
Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...