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Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.

    return post._id == id;
Severity: Minor
Found in server/router.js by eslint

Require === and !== (eqeqeq)

It is considered good practice to use the type-safe equality operators === and !== instead of their regular counterparts == and !=.

The reason for this is that == and != do type coercion which follows the rather obscure Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm. For instance, the following statements are all considered true:

  • [] == false
  • [] == ![]
  • 3 == "03"

If one of those occurs in an innocent-looking statement such as a == b the actual problem is very difficult to spot.

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at eliminating the type-unsafe equality operators.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint eqeqeq: "error"*/

if (x == 42) { }

if ("" == text) { }

if (obj.getStuff() != undefined) { }



The "smart" option enforces the use of === and !== except for these cases:

  • Comparing two literal values
  • Evaluating the value of typeof
  • Comparing against null

Examples of incorrect code for the "smart" option:

/*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "smart"]*/

// comparing two variables requires ===
a == b

// only one side is a literal
foo == true
bananas != 1

// comparing to undefined requires ===
value == undefined

Examples of correct code for the "smart" option:

/*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "smart"]*/

typeof foo == 'undefined'
'hello' != 'world'
0 == 0
true == true
foo == null


The "allow-null" option will enforce === and !== in your code with one exception - it permits comparing to null to check for null or undefined in a single expression.

Examples of incorrect code for the "allow-null" option:

/*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "allow-null"]*/

bananas != 1
typeof foo == 'undefined'
'hello' != 'world'
0 == 0
foo == undefined

Examples of correct code for the "allow-null" option:

/*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "allow-null"]*/

foo == null

When Not To Use It

If you don't want to enforce a style for using equality operators, then it's safe to disable this rule. Source:

'module' is not defined.

module.exports = router;
Severity: Minor
Found in server/router.js by eslint

Disallow Undeclared Variables (no-undef)

This rule can help you locate potential ReferenceErrors resulting from misspellings of variable and parameter names, or accidental implicit globals (for example, from forgetting the var keyword in a for loop initializer).

Rule Details

Any reference to an undeclared variable causes a warning, unless the variable is explicitly mentioned in a /*global ...*/ comment.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-undef: "error"*/

var a = someFunction();
b = 10;

Examples of correct code for this rule with global declaration:

/*global someFunction b:true*/
/*eslint no-undef: "error"*/

var a = someFunction();
b = 10;

The b:true syntax in /*global */ indicates that assignment to b is correct.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with global declaration:

/*global b*/
/*eslint no-undef: "error"*/

b = 10;

By default, variables declared in /*global */ are read-only, therefore assignment is incorrect.


  • typeof set to true will warn for variables used inside typeof check (Default false).


Examples of correct code for the default { "typeof": false } option:

/*eslint no-undef: "error"*/

if (typeof UndefinedIdentifier === "undefined") {
    // do something ...

You can use this option if you want to prevent typeof check on a variable which has not been declared.

Examples of incorrect code for the { "typeof": true } option:

/*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */

if(typeof a === "string"){}

Examples of correct code for the { "typeof": true } option with global declaration:

/*global a*/
/*eslint no-undef: ["error", { "typeof": true }] */

if(typeof a === "string"){}


For convenience, ESLint provides shortcuts that pre-define global variables exposed by popular libraries and runtime environments. This rule supports these environments, as listed in Specifying Environments. A few examples are given below.


Examples of correct code for this rule with browser environment:

/*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
/*eslint-env browser*/

setTimeout(function() {


Examples of correct code for this rule with node environment:

/*eslint no-undef: "error"*/
/*eslint-env node*/

var fs = require("fs");
module.exports = function() {

When Not To Use It

If explicit declaration of global variables is not to your taste.


This rule provides compatibility with treatment of global variables in JSHint and JSLint.

Further Reading

Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.

  if (email == '' && password == 'angular2') {
Severity: Minor
Found in server/router.js by eslint

Require === and !== (eqeqeq)

It is considered good practice to use the type-safe equality operators === and !== instead of their regular counterparts == and !=.

The reason for this is that == and != do type coercion which follows the rather obscure Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm. For instance, the following statements are all considered true:

  • [] == false
  • [] == ![]
  • 3 == "03"

If one of those occurs in an innocent-looking statement such as a == b the actual problem is very difficult to spot.

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at eliminating the type-unsafe equality operators.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint eqeqeq: "error"*/

if (x == 42) { }

if ("" == text) { }

if (obj.getStuff() != undefined) { }



The "smart" option enforces the use of === and !== except for these cases:

  • Comparing two literal values
  • Evaluating the value of typeof
  • Comparing against null

Examples of incorrect code for the "smart" option:

/*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "smart"]*/

// comparing two variables requires ===
a == b

// only one side is a literal
foo == true
bananas != 1

// comparing to undefined requires ===
value == undefined

Examples of correct code for the "smart" option:

/*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "smart"]*/

typeof foo == 'undefined'
'hello' != 'world'
0 == 0
true == true
foo == null


The "allow-null" option will enforce === and !== in your code with one exception - it permits comparing to null to check for null or undefined in a single expression.

Examples of incorrect code for the "allow-null" option:

/*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "allow-null"]*/

bananas != 1
typeof foo == 'undefined'
'hello' != 'world'
0 == 0
foo == undefined

Examples of correct code for the "allow-null" option:

/*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "allow-null"]*/

foo == null

When Not To Use It

If you don't want to enforce a style for using equality operators, then it's safe to disable this rule. Source:

Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.

  if (email == '' && password == 'angular2') {
Severity: Minor
Found in server/router.js by eslint

Require === and !== (eqeqeq)

It is considered good practice to use the type-safe equality operators === and !== instead of their regular counterparts == and !=.

The reason for this is that == and != do type coercion which follows the rather obscure Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm. For instance, the following statements are all considered true:

  • [] == false
  • [] == ![]
  • 3 == "03"

If one of those occurs in an innocent-looking statement such as a == b the actual problem is very difficult to spot.

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at eliminating the type-unsafe equality operators.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint eqeqeq: "error"*/

if (x == 42) { }

if ("" == text) { }

if (obj.getStuff() != undefined) { }



The "smart" option enforces the use of === and !== except for these cases:

  • Comparing two literal values
  • Evaluating the value of typeof
  • Comparing against null

Examples of incorrect code for the "smart" option:

/*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "smart"]*/

// comparing two variables requires ===
a == b

// only one side is a literal
foo == true
bananas != 1

// comparing to undefined requires ===
value == undefined

Examples of correct code for the "smart" option:

/*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "smart"]*/

typeof foo == 'undefined'
'hello' != 'world'
0 == 0
true == true
foo == null


The "allow-null" option will enforce === and !== in your code with one exception - it permits comparing to null to check for null or undefined in a single expression.

Examples of incorrect code for the "allow-null" option:

/*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "allow-null"]*/

bananas != 1
typeof foo == 'undefined'
'hello' != 'world'
0 == 0
foo == undefined

Examples of correct code for the "allow-null" option:

/*eslint eqeqeq: ["error", "allow-null"]*/

foo == null

When Not To Use It

If you don't want to enforce a style for using equality operators, then it's safe to disable this rule. Source:

Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block.

  else {
Severity: Minor
Found in server/router.js by eslint

Require Brace Style (brace-style)

Brace style is closely related to indent style in programming and describes the placement of braces relative to their control statement and body. There are probably a dozen, if not more, brace styles in the world.

The one true brace style is one of the most common brace styles in JavaScript, in which the opening brace of a block is placed on the same line as its corresponding statement or declaration. For example:

if (foo) {
} else {

One common variant of one true brace style is called Stroustrup, in which the else statements in an if-else construct, as well as catch and finally, must be on its own line after the preceding closing brace. For example:

if (foo) {
else {

Another style is called Allman, in which all the braces are expected to be on their own lines without any extra indentation. For example:

if (foo)

While no style is considered better than the other, most developers agree that having a consistent style throughout a project is important for its long-term maintainability.

Rule Details

This rule enforces consistent brace style for blocks.


This rule has a string option:

  • "1tbs" (default) enforces one true brace style
  • "stroustrup" enforces Stroustrup style
  • "allman" enforces Allman style

This rule has an object option for an exception:

  • "allowSingleLine": true (default false) allows the opening and closing braces for a block to be on the same line


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default "1tbs" option:

/*eslint brace-style: "error"*/

function foo()
  return true;

if (foo)

} catch(e)

if (foo) {
else {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default "1tbs" option:

/*eslint brace-style: "error"*/

function foo() {
  return true;

if (foo) {

if (foo) {
} else {

try {
} catch(e) {

// when there are no braces, there are no problems
if (foo) bar();
else if (baz) boom();

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true } options:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true }]*/

function nop() { return; }

if (foo) { bar(); }

if (foo) { bar(); } else { baz(); }

try { somethingRisky(); } catch(e) { handleError(); }


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "stroustrup" option:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "stroustrup"]*/

function foo()
  return true;

if (foo)

} catch(e)

if (foo) {
} else {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "stroustrup" option:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "stroustrup"]*/

function foo() {
  return true;

if (foo) {

if (foo) {
else {

try {
catch(e) {

// when there are no braces, there are no problems
if (foo) bar();
else if (baz) boom();

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "stroustrup", { "allowSingleLine": true } options:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "stroustrup", { "allowSingleLine": true }]*/

function nop() { return; }

if (foo) { bar(); }

if (foo) { bar(); }
else { baz(); }

try { somethingRisky(); }
catch(e) { handleError(); }


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "allman" option:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "allman"]*/

function foo() {
  return true;

if (foo)
  bar(); }

} catch(e)

if (foo) {
} else {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "allman" option:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "allman"]*/

function foo()
  return true;

if (foo)

if (foo)


// when there are no braces, there are no problems
if (foo) bar();
else if (baz) boom();

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "allman", { "allowSingleLine": true } options:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "allman", { "allowSingleLine": true }]*/

function nop() { return; }

if (foo) { bar(); }

if (foo) { bar(); }
else { baz(); }

try { somethingRisky(); }
catch(e) { handleError(); }

When Not To Use It

If your project will not be using the one true brace style, turn this rule off.

Further Reading

A space is required after '{'

  this.body = {success: true};
Severity: Minor
Found in server/router.js by eslint

Disallow or enforce spaces inside of curly braces in objects. (object-curly-spacing)

(fixable) The --fix option on the [command line](../user-guide/command-line-interface#fix) automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

While formatting preferences are very personal, a number of style guides require or disallow spaces between curly braces in the following situations:

// simple object literals
var obj = { foo: "bar" };

// nested object literals
var obj = { foo: { zoo: "bar" } };

// destructuring assignment (EcmaScript 6)
var { x, y } = y;

// import/export declarations (EcmaScript 6)
import { foo } from "bar";
export { foo };

Rule Details

This rule aims to maintain consistency around the spacing inside of object literals. It also applies to EcmaScript 6 destructured assignment and import/export specifiers.

It either requires or disallows spaces between those braces and the values inside of them. Braces that are separated from the adjacent value by a new line are exempt from this rule.


There are two main options for the rule:

  • "always" enforces a space inside of curly braces
  • "never" disallows spaces inside of curly braces (default)

Depending on your coding conventions, you can choose either option by specifying it in your configuration:

"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always"]


When "never" is set, the following patterns are considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "never"]*/

var obj = { 'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = {'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = { baz: {'foo': 'qux'}, bar};
var obj = {baz: { 'foo': 'qux'}, bar};
var {x } = y;
import { foo } from 'bar';

The following patterns are not considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "never"]*/

var obj = {'foo': 'bar'};
var obj = {'foo': {'bar': 'baz'}, 'qux': 'quxx'};
var obj = {
  'foo': 'bar'
var obj = {'foo': 'bar'
var obj = {
var obj = {};
var {x} = y;
import {foo} from 'bar';


When "always" is used, the following patterns are considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "always"]*/

var obj = {'foo': 'bar'};
var obj = {'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = { baz: {'foo': 'qux'}, bar};
var obj = {baz: { 'foo': 'qux' }, bar};
var obj = {'foo': 'bar'
var obj = {
var {x} = y;
import {foo } from 'bar';

The following patterns are not considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "always"]*/

var obj = {};
var obj = { 'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = { 'foo': { 'bar': 'baz' }, 'qux': 'quxx' };
var obj = {
  'foo': 'bar'
var { x } = y;
import { foo } from 'bar';

Note that {} is always exempt from spacing requirements with this rule.


There are two exceptions you can apply to this rule: objectsInObjects and arraysInObjects. Their values can be set to either true or false as part of an object literal set as the 3rd argument for the rule.

These exceptions work in the context of the first option. That is, if "always" is set to enforce spacing and an exception is set to false, it will disallow spacing for cases matching the exception. Likewise, if "never" is set to disallow spacing and an exception is set to true, it will enforce spacing for cases matching the exception.

You can add exceptions like so:

"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always", {
  "objectsInObjects": false,
  "arraysInObjects": false


In the case of the "always" option, set objectsInObjects exception to false to enforce the following syntax (notice the }} at the end):

var obj = { "foo": { "baz": 1, "bar": 2 }};

In the case of the "never" option, set objectsInObjects exception to true to enforce the following style (with a space between the } at the end:

var obj = {"foo": {"baz": 1, "bar": 2} };


In the case of the "always" option, set arraysInObjects exception to false to enforce the following syntax (notice the ]} at the end):

var obj = { "foo": [ 1, 2 ]};
var obj = { "foo": [ "baz", "bar" ]};

In the case of the "never" option, set arraysInObjects exception to true to enforce the following style (with a space between the ] and } at the end:

var obj = {"foo": [ 1, 2 ] };
var obj = {"foo": [ "baz", "bar" ] };

When Not To Use It

You can turn this rule off if you are not concerned with the consistency of spacing between curly braces.

Related Rules

  • [comma-spacing](
  • [space-in-parens](
  • [space-in-brackets]( (deprecated) Source:

Closing curly brace does not appear on the same line as the subsequent block.

  else {
Severity: Minor
Found in server/router.js by eslint

Require Brace Style (brace-style)

Brace style is closely related to indent style in programming and describes the placement of braces relative to their control statement and body. There are probably a dozen, if not more, brace styles in the world.

The one true brace style is one of the most common brace styles in JavaScript, in which the opening brace of a block is placed on the same line as its corresponding statement or declaration. For example:

if (foo) {
} else {

One common variant of one true brace style is called Stroustrup, in which the else statements in an if-else construct, as well as catch and finally, must be on its own line after the preceding closing brace. For example:

if (foo) {
else {

Another style is called Allman, in which all the braces are expected to be on their own lines without any extra indentation. For example:

if (foo)

While no style is considered better than the other, most developers agree that having a consistent style throughout a project is important for its long-term maintainability.

Rule Details

This rule enforces consistent brace style for blocks.


This rule has a string option:

  • "1tbs" (default) enforces one true brace style
  • "stroustrup" enforces Stroustrup style
  • "allman" enforces Allman style

This rule has an object option for an exception:

  • "allowSingleLine": true (default false) allows the opening and closing braces for a block to be on the same line


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default "1tbs" option:

/*eslint brace-style: "error"*/

function foo()
  return true;

if (foo)

} catch(e)

if (foo) {
else {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default "1tbs" option:

/*eslint brace-style: "error"*/

function foo() {
  return true;

if (foo) {

if (foo) {
} else {

try {
} catch(e) {

// when there are no braces, there are no problems
if (foo) bar();
else if (baz) boom();

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true } options:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true }]*/

function nop() { return; }

if (foo) { bar(); }

if (foo) { bar(); } else { baz(); }

try { somethingRisky(); } catch(e) { handleError(); }


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "stroustrup" option:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "stroustrup"]*/

function foo()
  return true;

if (foo)

} catch(e)

if (foo) {
} else {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "stroustrup" option:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "stroustrup"]*/

function foo() {
  return true;

if (foo) {

if (foo) {
else {

try {
catch(e) {

// when there are no braces, there are no problems
if (foo) bar();
else if (baz) boom();

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "stroustrup", { "allowSingleLine": true } options:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "stroustrup", { "allowSingleLine": true }]*/

function nop() { return; }

if (foo) { bar(); }

if (foo) { bar(); }
else { baz(); }

try { somethingRisky(); }
catch(e) { handleError(); }


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "allman" option:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "allman"]*/

function foo() {
  return true;

if (foo)
  bar(); }

} catch(e)

if (foo) {
} else {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "allman" option:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "allman"]*/

function foo()
  return true;

if (foo)

if (foo)


// when there are no braces, there are no problems
if (foo) bar();
else if (baz) boom();

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "allman", { "allowSingleLine": true } options:

/*eslint brace-style: ["error", "allman", { "allowSingleLine": true }]*/

function nop() { return; }

if (foo) { bar(); }

if (foo) { bar(); }
else { baz(); }

try { somethingRisky(); }
catch(e) { handleError(); }

When Not To Use It

If your project will not be using the one true brace style, turn this rule off.

Further Reading

A space is required before '}'

  this.body = {success: true};
Severity: Minor
Found in server/router.js by eslint

Disallow or enforce spaces inside of curly braces in objects. (object-curly-spacing)

(fixable) The --fix option on the [command line](../user-guide/command-line-interface#fix) automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

While formatting preferences are very personal, a number of style guides require or disallow spaces between curly braces in the following situations:

// simple object literals
var obj = { foo: "bar" };

// nested object literals
var obj = { foo: { zoo: "bar" } };

// destructuring assignment (EcmaScript 6)
var { x, y } = y;

// import/export declarations (EcmaScript 6)
import { foo } from "bar";
export { foo };

Rule Details

This rule aims to maintain consistency around the spacing inside of object literals. It also applies to EcmaScript 6 destructured assignment and import/export specifiers.

It either requires or disallows spaces between those braces and the values inside of them. Braces that are separated from the adjacent value by a new line are exempt from this rule.


There are two main options for the rule:

  • "always" enforces a space inside of curly braces
  • "never" disallows spaces inside of curly braces (default)

Depending on your coding conventions, you can choose either option by specifying it in your configuration:

"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always"]


When "never" is set, the following patterns are considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "never"]*/

var obj = { 'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = {'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = { baz: {'foo': 'qux'}, bar};
var obj = {baz: { 'foo': 'qux'}, bar};
var {x } = y;
import { foo } from 'bar';

The following patterns are not considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "never"]*/

var obj = {'foo': 'bar'};
var obj = {'foo': {'bar': 'baz'}, 'qux': 'quxx'};
var obj = {
  'foo': 'bar'
var obj = {'foo': 'bar'
var obj = {
var obj = {};
var {x} = y;
import {foo} from 'bar';


When "always" is used, the following patterns are considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "always"]*/

var obj = {'foo': 'bar'};
var obj = {'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = { baz: {'foo': 'qux'}, bar};
var obj = {baz: { 'foo': 'qux' }, bar};
var obj = {'foo': 'bar'
var obj = {
var {x} = y;
import {foo } from 'bar';

The following patterns are not considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "always"]*/

var obj = {};
var obj = { 'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = { 'foo': { 'bar': 'baz' }, 'qux': 'quxx' };
var obj = {
  'foo': 'bar'
var { x } = y;
import { foo } from 'bar';

Note that {} is always exempt from spacing requirements with this rule.


There are two exceptions you can apply to this rule: objectsInObjects and arraysInObjects. Their values can be set to either true or false as part of an object literal set as the 3rd argument for the rule.

These exceptions work in the context of the first option. That is, if "always" is set to enforce spacing and an exception is set to false, it will disallow spacing for cases matching the exception. Likewise, if "never" is set to disallow spacing and an exception is set to true, it will enforce spacing for cases matching the exception.

You can add exceptions like so:

"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always", {
  "objectsInObjects": false,
  "arraysInObjects": false


In the case of the "always" option, set objectsInObjects exception to false to enforce the following syntax (notice the }} at the end):

var obj = { "foo": { "baz": 1, "bar": 2 }};

In the case of the "never" option, set objectsInObjects exception to true to enforce the following style (with a space between the } at the end:

var obj = {"foo": {"baz": 1, "bar": 2} };


In the case of the "always" option, set arraysInObjects exception to false to enforce the following syntax (notice the ]} at the end):

var obj = { "foo": [ 1, 2 ]};
var obj = { "foo": [ "baz", "bar" ]};

In the case of the "never" option, set arraysInObjects exception to true to enforce the following style (with a space between the ] and } at the end:

var obj = {"foo": [ 1, 2 ] };
var obj = {"foo": [ "baz", "bar" ] };

When Not To Use It

You can turn this rule off if you are not concerned with the consistency of spacing between curly braces.

Related Rules

  • [comma-spacing](
  • [space-in-parens](
  • [space-in-brackets]( (deprecated) Source:

A space is required after '{'

  let result = {success: false};
Severity: Minor
Found in server/router.js by eslint

Disallow or enforce spaces inside of curly braces in objects. (object-curly-spacing)

(fixable) The --fix option on the [command line](../user-guide/command-line-interface#fix) automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

While formatting preferences are very personal, a number of style guides require or disallow spaces between curly braces in the following situations:

// simple object literals
var obj = { foo: "bar" };

// nested object literals
var obj = { foo: { zoo: "bar" } };

// destructuring assignment (EcmaScript 6)
var { x, y } = y;

// import/export declarations (EcmaScript 6)
import { foo } from "bar";
export { foo };

Rule Details

This rule aims to maintain consistency around the spacing inside of object literals. It also applies to EcmaScript 6 destructured assignment and import/export specifiers.

It either requires or disallows spaces between those braces and the values inside of them. Braces that are separated from the adjacent value by a new line are exempt from this rule.


There are two main options for the rule:

  • "always" enforces a space inside of curly braces
  • "never" disallows spaces inside of curly braces (default)

Depending on your coding conventions, you can choose either option by specifying it in your configuration:

"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always"]


When "never" is set, the following patterns are considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "never"]*/

var obj = { 'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = {'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = { baz: {'foo': 'qux'}, bar};
var obj = {baz: { 'foo': 'qux'}, bar};
var {x } = y;
import { foo } from 'bar';

The following patterns are not considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "never"]*/

var obj = {'foo': 'bar'};
var obj = {'foo': {'bar': 'baz'}, 'qux': 'quxx'};
var obj = {
  'foo': 'bar'
var obj = {'foo': 'bar'
var obj = {
var obj = {};
var {x} = y;
import {foo} from 'bar';


When "always" is used, the following patterns are considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "always"]*/

var obj = {'foo': 'bar'};
var obj = {'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = { baz: {'foo': 'qux'}, bar};
var obj = {baz: { 'foo': 'qux' }, bar};
var obj = {'foo': 'bar'
var obj = {
var {x} = y;
import {foo } from 'bar';

The following patterns are not considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "always"]*/

var obj = {};
var obj = { 'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = { 'foo': { 'bar': 'baz' }, 'qux': 'quxx' };
var obj = {
  'foo': 'bar'
var { x } = y;
import { foo } from 'bar';

Note that {} is always exempt from spacing requirements with this rule.


There are two exceptions you can apply to this rule: objectsInObjects and arraysInObjects. Their values can be set to either true or false as part of an object literal set as the 3rd argument for the rule.

These exceptions work in the context of the first option. That is, if "always" is set to enforce spacing and an exception is set to false, it will disallow spacing for cases matching the exception. Likewise, if "never" is set to disallow spacing and an exception is set to true, it will enforce spacing for cases matching the exception.

You can add exceptions like so:

"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always", {
  "objectsInObjects": false,
  "arraysInObjects": false


In the case of the "always" option, set objectsInObjects exception to false to enforce the following syntax (notice the }} at the end):

var obj = { "foo": { "baz": 1, "bar": 2 }};

In the case of the "never" option, set objectsInObjects exception to true to enforce the following style (with a space between the } at the end:

var obj = {"foo": {"baz": 1, "bar": 2} };


In the case of the "always" option, set arraysInObjects exception to false to enforce the following syntax (notice the ]} at the end):

var obj = { "foo": [ 1, 2 ]};
var obj = { "foo": [ "baz", "bar" ]};

In the case of the "never" option, set arraysInObjects exception to true to enforce the following style (with a space between the ] and } at the end:

var obj = {"foo": [ 1, 2 ] };
var obj = {"foo": [ "baz", "bar" ] };

When Not To Use It

You can turn this rule off if you are not concerned with the consistency of spacing between curly braces.

Related Rules

  • [comma-spacing](
  • [space-in-parens](
  • [space-in-brackets]( (deprecated) Source:

A space is required before '}'

  let result = {success: false};
Severity: Minor
Found in server/router.js by eslint

Disallow or enforce spaces inside of curly braces in objects. (object-curly-spacing)

(fixable) The --fix option on the [command line](../user-guide/command-line-interface#fix) automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

While formatting preferences are very personal, a number of style guides require or disallow spaces between curly braces in the following situations:

// simple object literals
var obj = { foo: "bar" };

// nested object literals
var obj = { foo: { zoo: "bar" } };

// destructuring assignment (EcmaScript 6)
var { x, y } = y;

// import/export declarations (EcmaScript 6)
import { foo } from "bar";
export { foo };

Rule Details

This rule aims to maintain consistency around the spacing inside of object literals. It also applies to EcmaScript 6 destructured assignment and import/export specifiers.

It either requires or disallows spaces between those braces and the values inside of them. Braces that are separated from the adjacent value by a new line are exempt from this rule.


There are two main options for the rule:

  • "always" enforces a space inside of curly braces
  • "never" disallows spaces inside of curly braces (default)

Depending on your coding conventions, you can choose either option by specifying it in your configuration:

"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always"]


When "never" is set, the following patterns are considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "never"]*/

var obj = { 'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = {'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = { baz: {'foo': 'qux'}, bar};
var obj = {baz: { 'foo': 'qux'}, bar};
var {x } = y;
import { foo } from 'bar';

The following patterns are not considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "never"]*/

var obj = {'foo': 'bar'};
var obj = {'foo': {'bar': 'baz'}, 'qux': 'quxx'};
var obj = {
  'foo': 'bar'
var obj = {'foo': 'bar'
var obj = {
var obj = {};
var {x} = y;
import {foo} from 'bar';


When "always" is used, the following patterns are considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "always"]*/

var obj = {'foo': 'bar'};
var obj = {'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = { baz: {'foo': 'qux'}, bar};
var obj = {baz: { 'foo': 'qux' }, bar};
var obj = {'foo': 'bar'
var obj = {
var {x} = y;
import {foo } from 'bar';

The following patterns are not considered problems:

/*eslint object-curly-spacing: ["error", "always"]*/

var obj = {};
var obj = { 'foo': 'bar' };
var obj = { 'foo': { 'bar': 'baz' }, 'qux': 'quxx' };
var obj = {
  'foo': 'bar'
var { x } = y;
import { foo } from 'bar';

Note that {} is always exempt from spacing requirements with this rule.


There are two exceptions you can apply to this rule: objectsInObjects and arraysInObjects. Their values can be set to either true or false as part of an object literal set as the 3rd argument for the rule.

These exceptions work in the context of the first option. That is, if "always" is set to enforce spacing and an exception is set to false, it will disallow spacing for cases matching the exception. Likewise, if "never" is set to disallow spacing and an exception is set to true, it will enforce spacing for cases matching the exception.

You can add exceptions like so:

"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always", {
  "objectsInObjects": false,
  "arraysInObjects": false


In the case of the "always" option, set objectsInObjects exception to false to enforce the following syntax (notice the }} at the end):

var obj = { "foo": { "baz": 1, "bar": 2 }};

In the case of the "never" option, set objectsInObjects exception to true to enforce the following style (with a space between the } at the end:

var obj = {"foo": {"baz": 1, "bar": 2} };


In the case of the "always" option, set arraysInObjects exception to false to enforce the following syntax (notice the ]} at the end):

var obj = { "foo": [ 1, 2 ]};
var obj = { "foo": [ "baz", "bar" ]};

In the case of the "never" option, set arraysInObjects exception to true to enforce the following style (with a space between the ] and } at the end:

var obj = {"foo": [ 1, 2 ] };
var obj = {"foo": [ "baz", "bar" ] };

When Not To Use It

You can turn this rule off if you are not concerned with the consistency of spacing between curly braces.

Related Rules

  • [comma-spacing](
  • [space-in-parens](
  • [space-in-brackets]( (deprecated) Source:

Line 19 exceeds the maximum line length of 120.

    description: 'Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences and LINQ-style query operators.'
Severity: Minor
Found in server/router.js by eslint

enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

Rule Details

This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


This rule has a number or object option:

  • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
  • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
  • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
  • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
  • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
  • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
  • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/

var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/

var foo = {
  "bar": "This is a bar.",
  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
  "easier": "to read"


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/

\t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/

\t  \t  var foo = {
\t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
\t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
\t  \t  };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/

 * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/

 * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/

var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/

var url = '';


Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

/*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/

var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

Related Rules

  • [complexity](
  • [max-depth](
  • [max-nested-callbacks](
  • [max-params](
  • [max-statements]( Source:

'use strict' is unnecessary inside of modules.

'use strict';
Severity: Minor
Found in server/router.js by eslint

Strict Mode Directives (strict)

A strict mode directive at the beginning of a script or function body enables strict mode semantics.

When used globally, the entire script, including all contained functions, are strict mode code:

"use strict";

It is also possible to specify function-level strict mode, such that strict mode applies only to the function in which the directive occurs:

function foo() {
    "use strict";

var bar = function() {
    "use strict";

Unlike scripts, ECMAScript modules are always in strict mode. Strict mode directives in ECMAScript modules have no effect.

Rule Details

This rule is aimed at using strict mode directives effectively, and as such, will flag any unexpected uses or omissions of strict mode directives.


There are four options for this rule:

  • "safe" - require "use strict" globally when inside a module wrapper and in function scopes everywhere else. This is the default.
  • "never" - disallow "use strict".
  • "global" - require "use strict" in the global scope.
  • "function" - require "use strict" in function scopes only.

All strict mode directives are flagged as unnecessary if ECMAScript modules or implied strict mode are enabled (see [Specifying Parser Options](../user-guide/configuring#specifying-parser-options)). This behaviour does not depend on the rule options, but can be silenced by disabling this rule.


Node.js and the CommonJS module system wrap modules inside a hidden function wrapper that defines each module's scope. The wrapper makes it safe to concatenate strict mode modules while maintaining their original strict mode directives. When the node or commonjs environments are enabled or globalReturn is enabled in ecmaFeatures, ESLint considers code to be inside the module wrapper, and "safe" mode corresponds to "global" mode and enforces global strict mode directives. Everywhere else, "safe" mode corresponds to "function" mode and enforces strict mode directives inside top-level functions.


This mode forbids any occurrence of a strict mode directive.

Examples of incorrect code for the "never" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "never"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {
    "use strict";

var bar = function() {
    "use strict";


Examples of correct code for the "never" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "never"]*/

function foo() {

var bar = function() {



This mode ensures that all code is in strict mode and that there are no extraneous strict mode directives at the top level or in nested functions, which are themselves already strict by virtue of being contained in strict global code. It requires that global code contains exactly one strict mode directive. Strict mode directives inside functions are considered unnecessary. Multiple strict mode directives at any level also trigger warnings.

Examples of incorrect code for the "global" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

"use strict";
"use strict";

function foo() {
    "use strict";

    return function() {
        "use strict";
        "use strict";



Examples of correct code for the "global" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {
    return function() {



This mode ensures that all function bodies are strict mode code, while global code is not. Particularly if a build step concatenates multiple scripts, a strict mode directive in global code of one script could unintentionally enable strict mode in another script that was not intended to be strict code. It forbids any occurrence of a strict mode directive in global code. It requires exactly one strict mode directive in each function declaration or expression whose parent is global code. Strict mode directives inside nested functions are considered unnecessary. Multiple strict mode directives at any level also trigger warnings.

Examples of incorrect code for the "function" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {
    // Missing strict mode directive

    return function() {
        "use strict";   // Unnecessary; parent should contain a strict mode directive
        "use strict";



Examples of correct code for the "function" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/

function foo() {
    "use strict";

    return function() {

(function() {
    "use strict";



earlier default (removed)

Replacement notice: This mode, previously enabled by turning on the rule without specifying a mode, has been removed in ESLint v1.0. "function" mode is most similar to the deprecated behavior.

This mode ensures that all functions are executed in strict mode. A strict mode directive must be present in global code or in every top-level function declaration or expression. It does not concern itself with unnecessary strict mode directives in nested functions that are already strict, nor with multiple strict mode directives at the same level.

Examples of incorrect code for an earlier default option which has been removed:

// "strict": "error"

function foo() {
    return true;

Examples of correct code for an earlier default option which has been removed:

// "strict": "error"

"use strict";

function foo() {
    return true;
// "strict": "error"

function foo() {

    "use strict";

    return true;
// "strict": "error"

(function() {
    "use strict";

    // other code

When Not To Use It

In a codebase that has both strict and non-strict code, either turn this rule off, or selectively disable it where necessary. For example, functions referencing arguments.callee are invalid in strict mode. A full list of strict mode differences is available on MDN. Source:

There are no issues that match your filters.
