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Function BarChart has 487 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

  iViz.view.component.BarChart = function() {
    var content = this;

    var chartInst_;// DC chart instance.
    var opts_ = {};// Chart configuration options
Severity: Major
Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 2 days to fix

    File barChart.js has 714 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    'use strict';
    (function(iViz, dc, _, $, d3, cbio) {
      // iViz pie chart component. It includes DC pie chart.
      iViz.view.component.BarChart = function() {
        var content = this;
    Severity: Major
    Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 1 day to fix

      Function barChart has 211 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

        iViz.util.barChart = (function() {
          var content = {};
           * Customize the bar chart configuration options according to
      Severity: Major
      Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 1 day to fix

        Function getDcConfig has 207 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

            content.getDcConfig = function(data, logScale) {
              var config = {
                xDomain: [],
                xFakeDomain: [], // Design for noGrouping Data
                divider: 1,
        Severity: Major
        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 1 day to fix

          Function rangeFilter has 190 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

              content.rangeFilter = function(logScaleChecked, _filter) {
                var tempFilters_ = [];
                var minNumBarPoint = '';
                var maxNumBarPoint = '';
                var selectedNumBar = [];
          Severity: Major
          Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 7 hrs to fix

            Function initDc_ has 140 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                var initDc_ = function(logScale) {
                  var tickVal = [];
                  var i = 0;
                  var barSet = {};
            Severity: Major
            Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 5 hrs to fix

              Function initTsvDownloadData has 39 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                  function initTsvDownloadData() {
                    var data = [];
                    var _cases = _.sortBy(chartInst_.dimension().top(Infinity), function(item) {
                      return isNaN(item[data_.attrId]) ? Infinity : -item[data_.attrId];
              Severity: Minor
              Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 1 hr to fix

                Function getCurrentCategories has 27 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                    content.getCurrentCategories = function(sortBy) {
                      var groups = dcDimension.group().top(Infinity);
                      var groupTypeId =
                        data_.groupType === 'patient' ? 'patient_uid' : 'sample_uid';
                      var selectedCases = _.pluck(dcDimension.top(Infinity), groupTypeId).sort();
                Severity: Minor
                Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 1 hr to fix

                  Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                if (selectedNumBar[0] >= opts_.xDomain[i + 1] && selectedNumBar[0] < opts_.xDomain[i + 2]) {
                                  // left point is closer to the upward tick
                                  minNumBarPoint = opts_.xDomain[i + 1];
                                } else {
                                  if ((_filter[0] - opts_.xDomain[i]) > (opts_.xDomain[i + 1] - _filter[0])) {
                  Severity: Major
                  Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                    Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                if (config.xDomain.length === 0) {
                                } else if (config.xDomain.length === 1) {
                                  config.xDomain.push(Number(config.xDomain[0] + config.gutter));
                                } else if (Math.abs(min) > 1500) {
                    Severity: Major
                    Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                      Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                    if (hasNA) { // chose max num bar and NA bar
                                      tempFilters_[0] = opts_.xDomain[opts_.xFakeDomain.indexOf(Number(selectedNumBar[0]))] + ', NA';
                                    } else {
                                      tempFilters_[0] = opts_.xDomain[opts_.xFakeDomain.indexOf(Number(selectedNumBar[0]))];
                      Severity: Major
                      Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                        Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                    if (data.hasNA) {
                                      // add marker for NA values
                                      config.emptyMappingVal =
                                        config.xFakeDomain[config.xFakeDomain.length - 1] + config.gutter;
                        Severity: Major
                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                          Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                        if (data.hasNA) {
                                          config.emptyMappingVal = Math.pow(10, i + 1);
                          Severity: Major
                          Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                            Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                          if (config.xDomain.length >= 2) {
                                            config.maxVal = config.xDomain[config.xDomain.length - 2];
                            Severity: Major
                            Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                              Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                          if (d[data_.attrId] <= opts_.xDomain[1]) {
                                            val = opts_.xDomain[0];
                                          } else if (d[data_.attrId] > opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 3] && data_.hasNA) {
                                            val = opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 2];
                                          } else if (d[data_.attrId] > opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 2] && !data_.hasNA) {
                              Severity: Major
                              Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                                Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                            if (!_.isNaN(range)) {
                                              for (i = 0; i <= config.numOfGroups; i++) {
                                                _tmpValue = i * config.gutter + config.startPoint;
                                                if (config.startPoint < 1500) {
                                                  _tmpValue =
                                Severity: Major
                                Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                                  Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                              if (data.hasNA) {
                                                config.emptyMappingVal = Math.pow(10, maxExponent + config.divider * 2);// add "NA" marker
                                  Severity: Major
                                  Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                                    Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                                for (i = minExponent; i <= maxExponent; i += config.divider) {
                                                  config.xDomain.push(Math.pow(10, i));
                                    Severity: Major
                                    Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                                      Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                                    if (data_.hasNA) { // has 'NA' tick
                                                      endNumIndex = opts_.xDomain.length - 2;
                                      Severity: Major
                                      Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                                        Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                                    if (d[data_.attrId] <= opts_.xDomain[1]) {
                                                      val = opts_.xDomain[0];
                                                    } else if (d[data_.attrId] > opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 3] && data_.hasNA) {
                                                      val = opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 2];
                                                    } else if (d[data_.attrId] > opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 2] && !data_.hasNA) {
                                        Severity: Major
                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                                          Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                                        if (selectedNumBar[selectedNumBar.length - 1] >= opts_.xDomain[i - 1] &&
                                                          selectedNumBar[selectedNumBar.length - 1] < opts_.xDomain[i]) {
                                                          // right point is closer to the downward tick
                                                          maxNumBarPoint = opts_.xDomain[i];
                                                        } else {
                                          Severity: Major
                                          Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                                            Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                                          if (!hasNA && !hasSmallerOutlier && !hasGreaterOutlier &&
                                                            minNumBarPoint !== '' && maxNumBarPoint !== '') {
                                                            tempFilters_[0] = minNumBarPoint + '<';
                                                            tempFilters_[1] = '<=' + maxNumBarPoint;
                                                          } else if (hasNA && !hasSmallerOutlier) {
                                            Severity: Major
                                            Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                                              Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                                            if (hasNA) {
                                                              tempFilters_[0] += 'NA';
                                                            } else {
                                                              tempFilters_[0] = tempFilters_[0].slice(0, -2);// remove last coma
                                              Severity: Major
                                              Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                                                Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                                              if (!hasNA && _filter[0] < opts_.xDomain[startNumIndex] &&
                                                                _filter[1] > opts_.xDomain[endNumIndex]) {
                                                                tempFilters_[0] = 'All Numbers';
                                                              } else if (!hasNA && minNumBarPoint !== '' && maxNumBarPoint !== '') {
                                                                tempFilters_[0] = minNumBarPoint + '<';
                                                Severity: Major
                                                Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                                                  Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                                            } else if (exponentRange === 1) {
                                                              config.minDomain = Math.pow(10, minExponent - 1);
                                                              config.xDomain.push(Math.pow(10, minExponent) / 3); // add "<=" marker
                                                              for (i = minExponent; i <= maxExponent + 1; i++) {
                                                                config.xDomain.push(Math.pow(10, i));
                                                  Severity: Major
                                                  Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                                                    Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

                                                                  if (data_.hasNA) {// has 'NA' tick
                                                                    endNumIndex = opts_.xDomain.length >= 3 ? opts_.xDomain.length - 3 : endNumIndex;
                                                                  } else {
                                                                    endNumIndex = opts_.xDomain.length - 2;
                                                    Severity: Major
                                                    Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 45 mins to fix

                                                      Consider simplifying this complex logical expression.

                                                              } else if ((!data_.noGrouping && _filter[0] < opts_.xDomain[0] && _filter[1] > opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 1]) ||
                                                                (data_.noGrouping && _filter[0] < opts_.xFakeDomain[0] && _filter[1] > opts_.xFakeDomain[opts_.xFakeDomain.length - 1])) {
                                                                tempFilters_[0] = 'All';
                                                              } else {
                                                                if (data_.noGrouping) {
                                                      Severity: Major
                                                      Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js - About 40 mins to fix

                                                        'patientId' is already defined

                                                                  var patientId = iViz.getPatientId(_cases[i].study_id, sampleId);

                                                        Disallow Redeclaring Variables (no-redeclare)

                                                        In JavaScript, it's possible to redeclare the same variable name using var. This can lead to confusion as to where the variable is actually declared and initialized.

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule is aimed at eliminating variables that have multiple declarations in the same scope.

                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

                                                        /*eslint no-redeclare: "error"*/
                                                        var a = 3;
                                                        var a = 10;

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule:

                                                        /*eslint no-redeclare: "error"*/
                                                        var a = 3;
                                                        // ...
                                                        a = 10;


                                                        This rule takes one optional argument, an object with a boolean property "builtinGlobals". It defaults to false. If set to true, this rule also checks redeclaration of built-in globals, such as Object, Array, Number...


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for the { "builtinGlobals": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint no-redeclare: ["error", { "builtinGlobals": true }]*/
                                                        var Object = 0;

                                                        Examples of incorrect code for the { "builtinGlobals": true } option and the browser environment:

                                                        /*eslint no-redeclare: ["error", { "builtinGlobals": true }]*/
                                                        /*eslint-env browser*/
                                                        var top = 0;

                                                        The browser environment has many built-in global variables (for example, top). Some of built-in global variables cannot be redeclared. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected trailing comma.

                                                                xBarValues: [],

                                                        require or disallow trailing commas (comma-dangle)

                                                        (fixable) The --fix option on the [command line](../user-guide/command-line-interface#fix) automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

                                                        Trailing commas in object literals are valid according to the ECMAScript 5 (and ECMAScript 3!) spec. However, IE8 (when not in IE8 document mode) and below will throw an error when it encounters trailing commas in JavaScript.

                                                        var foo = {
                                                            bar: "baz",
                                                            qux: "quux",

                                                        Trailing commas simplify adding and removing items to objects and arrays, since only the lines you are modifying must be touched. Another argument in favor of trailing commas is that it improves the clarity of diffs when an item is added or removed from an object or array:

                                                        Less clear:

                                                        var foo = {
                                                        -    bar: "baz",
                                                        -    qux: "quux"
                                                        +    bar: "baz"

                                                        More clear:

                                                        var foo = {
                                                             bar: "baz",
                                                        -    qux: "quux",

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces consistent use of trailing commas in object and array literals.


                                                        This rule has a string option:

                                                        • "never" (default) disallows trailing commas
                                                        • "always" requires trailing commas
                                                        • "always-multiline" requires trailing commas when the last element or property is in a different line than the closing ] or } and disallows trailing commas when the last element or property is on the same line as the closing ] or }
                                                        • "only-multiline" allows (but does not require) trailing commas when the last element or property is in a different line than the closing ] or } and disallows trailing commas when the last element or property is on the same line as the closing ] or }


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default "never" option:

                                                        /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "never"]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                            bar: "baz",
                                                            qux: "quux",
                                                        var arr = [1,2,];
                                                          bar: "baz",
                                                          qux: "quux",

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default "never" option:

                                                        /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "never"]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                            bar: "baz",
                                                            qux: "quux"
                                                        var arr = [1,2];
                                                          bar: "baz",
                                                          qux: "quux"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always" option:

                                                        /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always"]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                            bar: "baz",
                                                            qux: "quux"
                                                        var arr = [1,2];
                                                          bar: "baz",
                                                          qux: "quux"

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always" option:

                                                        /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always"]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                            bar: "baz",
                                                            qux: "quux",
                                                        var arr = [1,2,];
                                                          bar: "baz",
                                                          qux: "quux",


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "always-multiline" option:

                                                        /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always-multiline"]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                            bar: "baz",
                                                            qux: "quux"
                                                        var foo = { bar: "baz", qux: "quux", };
                                                        var arr = [1,2,];
                                                        var arr = [1,
                                                        var arr = [
                                                          bar: "baz",
                                                          qux: "quux"

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the "always-multiline" option:

                                                        /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "always-multiline"]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                            bar: "baz",
                                                            qux: "quux",
                                                        var foo = {bar: "baz", qux: "quux"};
                                                        var arr = [1,2];
                                                        var arr = [1,
                                                        var arr = [
                                                          bar: "baz",
                                                          qux: "quux",


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "only-multiline" option:

                                                        /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "only-multiline"]*/
                                                        var foo = { bar: "baz", qux: "quux", };
                                                        var arr = [1,2,];
                                                        var arr = [1,

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the "only-multiline" option:

                                                        /*eslint comma-dangle: ["error", "only-multiline"]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                            bar: "baz",
                                                            qux: "quux",
                                                        var foo = {
                                                            bar: "baz",
                                                            qux: "quux"
                                                        var foo = {bar: "baz", qux: "quux"};
                                                        var arr = [1,2];
                                                        var arr = [1,
                                                        var arr = [
                                                        var arr = [
                                                          bar: "baz",
                                                          qux: "quux",
                                                          bar: "baz",
                                                          qux: "quux"

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        You can turn this rule off if you are not concerned with dangling commas. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Missing JSDoc for parameter 'sortBy'.


                                                        Validates JSDoc comments are syntactically correct (valid-jsdoc)

                                                        JSDoc is a JavaScript API documentation generator. It uses specially-formatted comments inside of code to generate API documentation automatically. For example, this is what a JSDoc comment looks like for a function:

                                                         * Adds two numbers together.
                                                         * @param {int} num1 The first number.
                                                         * @param {int} num2 The second number.
                                                         * @returns {int} The sum of the two numbers.
                                                        function sum(num1, num2) {
                                                            return num1 + num2;

                                                        The JSDoc comments have a syntax all their own, and it is easy to mistakenly mistype a comment because comments aren't often checked for correctness in editors. Further, it's very easy for the function definition to get out of sync with the comments, making the comments a source of confusion and error.

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule aims to prevent invalid and incomplete JSDoc comments. It will warn when any of the following is true:

                                                        • There is a JSDoc syntax error
                                                        • A @param or @returns is used without a type specified
                                                        • A @param or @returns is used without a description
                                                        • A comment for a function is missing @returns
                                                        • A parameter has no associated @param in the JSDoc comment
                                                        • @params are out of order with named arguments

                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

                                                        /*eslint valid-jsdoc: "error"*/
                                                        // missing type for @param and missing @returns
                                                        /**                                 // 2 errors
                                                         * A description
                                                         * @param num1 The first number.
                                                        function foo(num1) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        // missing description for @param
                                                        /**                                 //error Missing JSDoc parameter description for 'num1'.
                                                         * A description
                                                         * @param {int} num1
                                                         * @returns {void}
                                                        function foo(num1) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        // no description for @returns
                                                        /**                                 //error Missing JSDoc return description.
                                                         * A description
                                                         * @returns {int}
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            // ...
                                                        // no type for @returns
                                                        /**                                 //error JSDoc syntax error.
                                                         * A description
                                                         * @returns Something awesome
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            // ...
                                                        // missing @param
                                                        /**                                 //error Missing JSDoc for parameter 'a'.
                                                         * A description
                                                         * @returns {void}
                                                        function foo(a) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        // incorrect @param
                                                        /**                                 //error Expected JSDoc for 'a' but found 'b'.
                                                         * A description
                                                         * @param {string} b Desc
                                                         * @returns {void}
                                                        function foo(a) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule:

                                                        /*eslint valid-jsdoc: "error"*/
                                                         * Adds two numbers together.
                                                         * @param {int} num1 The first number.
                                                         * @param {int} num2 The second number.
                                                         * @returns {int} The sum of the two numbers.
                                                        function foo(num1, num2) {
                                                            return num1 + num2;
                                                         * Represents a sum.
                                                         * @param {int} num1 The first number.
                                                         * @param {int} num2 The second number.
                                                         * @constructor
                                                        function foo(num1, num2) { }
                                                        // use of @override make @param and @returns optional
                                                         * A description
                                                         * @override
                                                        function foo(a) {
                                                            return a;
                                                        // @returns is not required for a constructor
                                                        class Foo {
                                                            * @param {int} num1 The first number.
                                                            constructor(num1) {
                                                                this.num1 = num1;
                                                        // @returns allowed without return if used with @abstract
                                                        class Foo {
                                                             * @abstract
                                                             * @return {Number} num
                                                            abstractMethod () {
                                                                throw new Error('Not implemented');



                                                        JSDoc offers a lot of tags with overlapping meaning. For example, both @return and @returns are acceptable for specifying the return value of a function. However, you may want to enforce a certain tag be used instead of others. You can specify your preferences regarding tag substitution by providing a mapping called prefer in the rule configuration. For example, to specify that @returns should be used instead of @return, you can use the following configuration:

                                                        "valid-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                            "prefer": {
                                                                "return": "returns"

                                                        With this configuration, ESLint will warn when it finds @return and recommend to replace it with @returns.


                                                        By default ESLint requires you to document every function with a @return tag regardless of whether there is anything returned by the function. If instead you want to enforce that only functions with a return statement are documented with a @return tag, set the requireReturn option to false. When requireReturn is false, every function documented with a @return tag must have a return statement, and every function with a return statement must have a @return tag.

                                                        "valid-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                            "requireReturn": false


                                                        By default ESLint requires you to specify a description for each @param. You can choose not to require descriptions for parameters by setting requireParamDescription to false.

                                                        "valid-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                            "requireParamDescription": false


                                                        By default ESLint requires you to specify a description for each @return. You can choose not to require descriptions for @return by setting requireReturnDescription to false.

                                                        "valid-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                            "requireReturnDescription": false


                                                        Specify a regular expression to validate jsdoc comment block description against.

                                                        "valid-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                            "matchDescription": "^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9\\s]*[.]$"


                                                        By default ESLint requires you to specify type for @return tag for every documented function.

                                                        "valid-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                            "requireReturnType": false


                                                        It will validate all the types from jsdoc with the options setup by the user. Inside the options, key should be what the type you want to check and the value of it should be what the expected type should be. Note that we don't check for spelling mistakes with this option. In the example below, it will expect the "object" to start with an uppercase and all the "string" type to start with a lowercase.

                                                        "valid-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                            "preferType": {
                                                                "String": "string",
                                                                "object": "Object",
                                                                "test": "TesT"

                                                        Examples of incorrect code for a sample of "preferType" options:

                                                        /*eslint valid-jsdoc: ["error", { "preferType": { "String": "string", "object": "Object", "test": "TesT" } }]*/
                                                         * Adds two numbers together.
                                                         * @param {String} param1 The first parameter.
                                                         * @returns {object} The sum of the two numbers.
                                                        function foo(param1) {
                                                            return {a: param1};
                                                         * Adds two numbers together.
                                                         * @param {Array<string>} param1 The first parameter.
                                                         * @param {{1:test}} param2 The second parameter.
                                                         * @returns {object} The sum of the two numbers.
                                                        function foo(param1, param2) {
                                                            return {a: param1};
                                                         * Adds two numbers together.
                                                         * @param {String|int} param1 The first parameter.
                                                         * @returns {object} The sum of the two numbers.
                                                        function foo(param1) {
                                                            return {a: param1};

                                                        Examples of correct code for a sample of "preferType" options:

                                                        /*eslint valid-jsdoc: ["error", { "preferType": { "String": "string", "object": "Object", "test": "TesT" } }]*/
                                                         * Adds two numbers together.
                                                         * @param {string} param1 The first parameter.
                                                         * @returns {Object} The sum of the two numbers.
                                                        function foo(param1) {
                                                            return {a: param1};
                                                         * Adds two numbers together.
                                                         * @param {Array<string>} param1 The first parameter.
                                                         * @param {{1:TesT}} param2 The second parameter.
                                                         * @returns {Object} The sum of the two numbers.
                                                        function foo(param1, param2) {
                                                            return {a: param1};
                                                         * Adds two numbers together.
                                                         * @param {string|int} param1 The first parameter.
                                                         * @returns {Object} The sum of the two numbers.
                                                        function foo(param1) {
                                                            return {a: param1};

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        If you aren't using JSDoc, then you can safely turn this rule off.

                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                              } else {
                                                                    opts_.xDomain[0] - opts_.gutter,
                                                        Severity: Major
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 3 hrs to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js on lines 147..154

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 102.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                              } else if (data_.noGrouping) {
                                                                    opts_.xFakeDomain[0] - opts_.gutter,
                                                        Severity: Major
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 3 hrs to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js on lines 154..161

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 102.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                                      if (selectedNumBar[0] >= opts_.xDomain[i + 1] && selectedNumBar[0] < opts_.xDomain[i + 2]) {
                                                                        // left point is closer to the upward tick
                                                                        minNumBarPoint = opts_.xDomain[i + 1];
                                                                      } else {
                                                                        if ((_filter[0] - opts_.xDomain[i]) > (opts_.xDomain[i + 1] - _filter[0])) {
                                                        Severity: Major
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 2 hrs to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js on lines 367..379

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 93.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                                      if (selectedNumBar[selectedNumBar.length - 1] >= opts_.xDomain[i - 1] &&
                                                                        selectedNumBar[selectedNumBar.length - 1] < opts_.xDomain[i]) {
                                                                        // right point is closer to the downward tick
                                                                        maxNumBarPoint = opts_.xDomain[i];
                                                                      } else {
                                                        Severity: Major
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 2 hrs to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js on lines 352..363

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 93.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                                  if (data_.hasNA) {
                                                                    maxNumBarPoint = opts_.xFakeDomain[opts_.xFakeDomain.length - 2];
                                                                  } else {
                                                                    maxNumBarPoint = opts_.xFakeDomain[opts_.xFakeDomain.length - 1];
                                                        Severity: Major
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 1 hr to fix
                                                        app/scripts/controller/util.js on lines 805..809

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 69.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                                      val = Math.ceil((d[data_.attrId] - opts_.startPoint) / opts_.gutter) *
                                                                        opts_.gutter + opts_.startPoint - opts_.gutter / 2;
                                                        Severity: Major
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 1 hr to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js on lines 79..80

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 66.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                                      val = Math.ceil((d[data_.attrId] - opts_.startPoint) / opts_.gutter) *
                                                                        opts_.gutter + opts_.startPoint + opts_.gutter / 2;
                                                        Severity: Major
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 1 hr to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js on lines 85..86

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 66.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                            content.updateDataForDownload = function(fileType) {
                                                              if (fileType === 'tsv') {
                                                              } else if (['pdf', 'svg'].indexOf(fileType) !== -1) {
                                                        Severity: Major
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 1 hr to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/pieChart/pieChart.js on lines 132..138

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 64.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                                            Number(config.xDomain[config.xDomain.length - 1] +
                                                                              config.gutter), 3, 0.1));
                                                        Severity: Minor
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 50 mins to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js on lines 766..768

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 51.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Identical blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                                          Number(config.xDomain[config.xDomain.length - 1] +
                                                                            config.gutter), 3, 0.1)));
                                                        Severity: Minor
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 50 mins to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js on lines 772..774

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 51.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                                        if (d[data_.attrId] <= opts_.xDomain[i] &&
                                                                          d[data_.attrId] >= opts_.xDomain[i - 1]) {
                                                                          _min = opts_.xDomain[i - 1];
                                                                          _max = opts_.xDomain[i];
                                                                          val = _min + (_max - _min) / 4;
                                                        Severity: Minor
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 45 mins to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js on lines 39..45

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 50.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                                    if (d[data_.attrId] < opts_.xDomain[i] &&
                                                                      d[data_.attrId] >= opts_.xDomain[i - 1]) {
                                                                      val = parseInt(Math.pow(10, i / 2 - 0.25), 10);
                                                                      _min = opts_.xDomain[i - 1];
                                                                      _max = opts_.xDomain[i];
                                                        Severity: Minor
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 45 mins to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js on lines 62..68

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 50.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                              content.setDownloadData('svg', {
                                                                title: opts_.displayName,
                                                                chartDivId: opts_.chartDivId,
                                                                chartId: opts_.chartId,
                                                                fileName: opts_.displayName
                                                        Severity: Minor
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 40 mins to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js on lines 225..230

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 49.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.

                                                              content.setDownloadData('pdf', {
                                                                title: opts_.displayName,
                                                                chartDivId: opts_.chartDivId,
                                                                chartId: opts_.chartId,
                                                                fileName: opts_.displayName
                                                        Severity: Minor
                                                        Found in app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js and 1 other location - About 40 mins to fix
                                                        app/scripts/views/components/barChart/barChart.js on lines 219..224

                                                        Duplicated Code

                                                        Duplicated code can lead to software that is hard to understand and difficult to change. The Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle states:

                                                        Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.

                                                        When you violate DRY, bugs and maintenance problems are sure to follow. Duplicated code has a tendency to both continue to replicate and also to diverge (leaving bugs as two similar implementations differ in subtle ways).


                                                        This issue has a mass of 49.

                                                        We set useful threshold defaults for the languages we support but you may want to adjust these settings based on your project guidelines.

                                                        The threshold configuration represents the minimum mass a code block must have to be analyzed for duplication. The lower the threshold, the more fine-grained the comparison.

                                                        If the engine is too easily reporting duplication, try raising the threshold. If you suspect that the engine isn't catching enough duplication, try lowering the threshold. The best setting tends to differ from language to language.

                                                        See codeclimate-duplication's documentation for more information about tuning the mass threshold in your .codeclimate.yml.


                                                        Further Reading

                                                        Line 48 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                  val = opts_.xFakeDomain[opts_.xDomain.indexOf(Number(d[data_.attrId]))];

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 74 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    } else if (d[data_.attrId] > opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 3] && data_.hasNA) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 85 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      val = Math.ceil((d[data_.attrId] - opts_.startPoint) / opts_.gutter) *

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected if as the only statement in an else block.

                                                                  if (data_.smallDataFlag) {

                                                        Disallow if as the Only Statement in an else Block (no-lonely-if)

                                                        If an if statement is the only statement in the else block of a parent if statement, it is often clearer to combine the two to using else if form.

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (bar) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        should be rewritten as

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (bar) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule warns when an if statement's else block contains only another if statement.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                            } else {
                                                                // ...

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        Disable this rule if the code is clearer without requiring the else if form. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected if as the only statement in an else block.

                                                                          if (minNumBarPoint === '' && maxNumBarPoint === '') {

                                                        Disallow if as the Only Statement in an else Block (no-lonely-if)

                                                        If an if statement is the only statement in the else block of a parent if statement, it is often clearer to combine the two to using else if form.

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (bar) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        should be rewritten as

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (bar) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule warns when an if statement's else block contains only another if statement.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                            } else {
                                                                // ...

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        Disable this rule if the code is clearer without requiring the else if form. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected negated condition.

                                                                    if (config.emptyMappingVal !== '') {

                                                        Disallow use of negated expressions in conditions (no-negated-condition)

                                                        Checks against the use of a negated expression in an if condition when the else branch is not empty or in a ternary operator. Negated conditions are more difficult to understand. Code can be made more readable by inverting the condition instead.

                                                        For example:

                                                        if (!a) {
                                                        else {

                                                        should instead be written as:

                                                        if (a) {
                                                        else {

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        The rule is aimed at preventing the use of a negated expression in a condition.

                                                        The following patterns are considered warnings:

                                                        /*eslint no-negated-condition: "error"*/
                                                        if (!a) {
                                                        } else {
                                                        if (a != b) {
                                                        } else {
                                                        if (a !== b) {
                                                        } else {
                                                        !a ? b : c

                                                        The following patterns are not warnings:

                                                        /*eslint no-negated-condition: "error"*/
                                                        if (!a) {
                                                        if (!a) {
                                                        } else if (b) {
                                                        if (a != b) {
                                                        a ? b : c

                                                        Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 385 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                if (!data_.noGrouping && _.isNumber(minNumBarPoint) && _.isNumber(maxNumBarPoint) && minNumBarPoint === maxNumBarPoint) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 400 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                        tempFilters_[0] = opts_.xDomain[opts_.xFakeDomain.indexOf(Number(selectedNumBar[0]))] + ', NA';

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected if as the only statement in an else block.

                                                                  if (data.noGrouping) {

                                                        Disallow if as the Only Statement in an else Block (no-lonely-if)

                                                        If an if statement is the only statement in the else block of a parent if statement, it is often clearer to combine the two to using else if form.

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (bar) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        should be rewritten as

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (bar) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule warns when an if statement's else block contains only another if statement.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                            } else {
                                                                // ...

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        Disable this rule if the code is clearer without requiring the else if form. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 316 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      (data_.hasNA && middle !== opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 1])) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 424 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      } else if (hasNA && minNumBarPoint !== '' && maxNumBarPoint === '') {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Strings must use singlequote.

                                                                        tempFilters_[1] = '<=' + opts_.xDomain[endNumIndex] + ", NA";

                                                        Enforce Quote Style (quotes)

                                                        (fixable) The --fix option on the [command line](../user-guide/command-line-interface#fix) automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

                                                        JavaScript allows you to define strings in one of three ways: double quotes, single quotes, and backticks (as of ECMAScript 6). For example:

                                                        /*eslint-env es6*/
                                                        var double = "double";
                                                        var single = 'single';
                                                        var backtick = `backtick`;    // ES6 only

                                                        Each of these lines creates a string and, in some cases, can be used interchangeably. The choice of how to define strings in a codebase is a stylistic one outside of template literals (which allow embedded of expressions to be interpreted).

                                                        Many codebases require strings to be defined in a consistent manner.

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule is aimed at ensuring consistency of string quotes and as such will report a problem when an inconsistent style is found.

                                                        The rule configuration takes up to two options:

                                                        1. The first option is "double", "single" or "backtick" for double-quotes, single-quotes or backticks respectively. The default is "double".
                                                        2. The second option takes two options:
                                                          1. "avoidEscape": When using "avoidEscape", this rule will not report a problem when a string is using single-quotes or double-quotes so long as the string contains a quote that would have to be escaped otherwise. For example, if you specify "double" and "avoidEscape", the string 'He said, "hi!"' is not considered a problem because using double quotes for that string would require escaping the double quotes inside of the string. This option is off by default.
                                                          2. "allowTemplateLiterals": when using "allowTemplateLiterals", this rule will not report a problem when a string is using backticks and option one is either "double" or "single".

                                                        When using "single" or "double", template literals that don't contain a substitution, don't contain a line break and aren't tagged templates, are flagged as problems, even with the "avoidEscape" option. However they are not problems when "allowTemplateLiterals" is used.

                                                        Configuration looks like this:

                                                        [2, "single", {"avoidEscape": true, "allowTemplateLiterals": true}]

                                                        Deprecation notice: The avoid-escape option is a deprecated syntax and you should use the object form instead.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "double"]*/
                                                        var single = 'single';
                                                        var unescaped = 'a string containing "double" quotes';
                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "single"]*/
                                                        var double = "double";
                                                        var unescaped = "a string containing 'single' quotes";
                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "double", {"avoidEscape": true}]*/
                                                        var single = 'single';
                                                        var single = `single`;
                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "single", {"avoidEscape": true}]*/
                                                        var double = "double";
                                                        var double = `double`;
                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "backtick"]*/
                                                        var single = 'single';
                                                        var double = "double";
                                                        var unescaped = 'a string containing `backticks`';
                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "backtick", {"avoidEscape": true}]*/
                                                        var single = 'single';
                                                        var double = "double";

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "double"]*/
                                                        /*eslint-env es6*/
                                                        var double = "double";
                                                        var backtick = `back\ntick`;  // backticks are allowed due to newline
                                                        var backtick = tag`backtick`; // backticks are allowed due to tag
                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "single"]*/
                                                        /*eslint-env es6*/
                                                        var single = 'single';
                                                        var backtick = `back${x}tick`; // backticks are allowed due to substitution
                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "double", {"avoidEscape": true}]*/
                                                        var single = 'a string containing "double" quotes';
                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "single", {"avoidEscape": true}]*/
                                                        var double = "a string containing 'single' quotes";
                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "double", {"allowTemplateLiterals": true}]*/
                                                        var single = 'single';
                                                        var single = `single`;
                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "single", {"allowTemplateLiterals": true}]*/
                                                        var double = "double";
                                                        var double = `double`;
                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "backtick"]*/
                                                        /*eslint-env es6*/
                                                        var backtick = `backtick`;
                                                        /*eslint quotes: ["error", "backtick", {"avoidEscape": true}]*/
                                                        var double = "a string containing `backtick` quotes"

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        If you do not need consistency in your string styles, you can safely disable this rule. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 530 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    caseIds: iViz.util.intersection(selectedCases, mapTickToCaseIds[group.key].caseIds.sort())

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 704 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    for (i = Math.pow(10, minExponent); i <= Math.pow(10, maxExponent + 1); i += config.divider) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 352 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      if (selectedNumBar[0] >= opts_.xDomain[i + 1] && selectedNumBar[0] < opts_.xDomain[i + 2]) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected if as the only statement in an else block.

                                                                  if (data_.noGrouping) {

                                                        Disallow if as the Only Statement in an else Block (no-lonely-if)

                                                        If an if statement is the only statement in the else block of a parent if statement, it is often clearer to combine the two to using else if form.

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (bar) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        should be rewritten as

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (bar) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule warns when an if statement's else block contains only another if statement.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                            } else {
                                                                // ...

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        Disable this rule if the code is clearer without requiring the else if form. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 509 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                              var selectedCases = _.pluck(dcDimension.top(Infinity), groupTypeId).sort();

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 268 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                              var endNumIndex = opts_.xDomain.length >= 1 ? opts_.xDomain.length - 1 : 0;

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 290 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                        endNumIndex = opts_.xDomain.length >= 3 ? opts_.xDomain.length - 3 : endNumIndex;

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected if as the only statement in an else block.

                                                                      if (middle !== opts_.xDomain[0] || middle !== opts_.xDomain[endNumIndex + 1] ||

                                                        Disallow if as the Only Statement in an else Block (no-lonely-if)

                                                        If an if statement is the only statement in the else block of a parent if statement, it is often clearer to combine the two to using else if form.

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (bar) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        should be rewritten as

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (bar) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule warns when an if statement's else block contains only another if statement.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                            } else {
                                                                // ...

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        Disable this rule if the code is clearer without requiring the else if form. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 336 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                  if (_filter[1] >= opts_.xDomain[endNumIndex] && _filter[1] < opts_.xDomain[endNumIndex + 1]) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 402 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                        tempFilters_[0] = opts_.xDomain[opts_.xFakeDomain.indexOf(Number(selectedNumBar[0]))];

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 427 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      } else if (hasNA && minNumBarPoint === '' && maxNumBarPoint === '') {//only select "NA" bar

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Expected space or tab after '//' in comment.

                                                                      } else if (hasNA && minNumBarPoint === '' && maxNumBarPoint === '') {//only select "NA" bar

                                                        Requires or disallows a whitespace (space or tab) beginning a comment (spaced-comment)

                                                        (fixable) The --fix option on the [command line](../user-guide/command-line-interface#fix) automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

                                                        Some style guides require or disallow a whitespace immediately after the initial // or /* of a comment. Whitespace after the // or /* makes it easier to read text in comments. On the other hand, commenting out code is easier without having to put a whitespace right after the // or /*.

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule will enforce consistency of spacing after the start of a comment // or /*. It also provides several exceptions for various documentation styles.


                                                        The rule takes two options.

                                                        • The first is a string which be either "always" or "never". The default is "always".

                                                          • If "always" then the // or /* must be followed by at least one whitespace.
                                                          • If "never" then there should be no whitespace following.
                                                        • This rule can also take a 2nd option, an object with either of the following keys: "exceptions" and "markers".

                                                          • The "exceptions" value is an array of string patterns which are considered exceptions to the rule. Please note that exceptions are ignored if the first argument is "never".
                                                          "spaced-comment": ["error", "always", { "exceptions": ["-", "+"] }]
                                                          • The "markers" value is an array of string patterns which are considered markers for docblock-style comments, such as an additional /, used to denote documentation read by doxygen, vsdoc, etc. which must have additional characters. The "markers" array will apply regardless of the value of the first argument, e.g. "always" or "never".
                                                          "spaced-comment": ["error", "always", { "markers": ["/"] }]

                                                        The difference between a marker and an exception is that a marker only appears at the beginning of the comment whereas exceptions can occur anywhere in the comment string.

                                                        You can also define separate exceptions and markers for block and line comments:

                                                        "spaced-comment": ["error", "always", {
                                                            "line": {
                                                                "markers": ["/"],
                                                                "exceptions": ["-", "+"]
                                                            "block": {
                                                                "markers": ["!"],
                                                                "exceptions": ["*"]


                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always"]*/
                                                        //This is a comment with no whitespace at the beginning
                                                        /*This is a comment with no whitespace at the beginning */

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always"] */
                                                        // This is a comment with a whitespace at the beginning
                                                        /* This is a comment with a whitespace at the beginning */
                                                         * This is a comment with a whitespace at the beginning
                                                        This comment has a newline
                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always"] */
                                                        * I am jsdoc


                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "never"]*/
                                                        // This is a comment with a whitespace at the beginning
                                                        /* This is a comment with a whitespace at the beginning */
                                                        /* \nThis is a comment with a whitespace at the beginning */

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "never"]*/
                                                        /*This is a comment with no whitespace at the beginning */
                                                        /*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "never"]*/
                                                        * I am jsdoc


                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "block": { "exceptions": ["-"] } }] */
                                                        // Comment block
                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "exceptions": ["-", "+"] }] */
                                                        // Comment block
                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "exceptions": ["-", "+"] }] */
                                                        /* Comment block */
                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "line": { "exceptions": ["-+"] } }] */
                                                        // Comment block

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "exceptions": ["-"] }] */
                                                        // Comment block
                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "line": { "exceptions": ["-"] } }] */
                                                        // Comment block
                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "exceptions": ["*"] }] */
                                                         * Comment block
                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "exceptions": ["-+"] }] */
                                                        // Comment block
                                                        // Comment block
                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "block": { "exceptions": ["-+"] } }] */
                                                        // Comment block


                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "markers": ["/"] }] */
                                                        ///This is a comment with a marker but without whitespace

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "markers": ["/"] }] */
                                                        /// This is a comment with a marker
                                                        /*eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "never", { "markers": ["!<"] }]*/
                                                        //!<this is a line comment with marker block subsequent lines are ignored></this>
                                                        /* eslint spaced-comment: ["error", "always", { "markers": ["global"] }] */
                                                        /*global ABC*/

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        Line 53 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    } else if (d[data_.attrId] > opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 3] && data_.hasNA) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 79 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      val = Math.ceil((d[data_.attrId] - opts_.startPoint) / opts_.gutter) *

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Missing JSDoc comment.

                                                            function initTsvDownloadData() {

                                                        Require JSDoc comment (require-jsdoc)

                                                        JSDoc is a JavaScript API documentation generator. It uses specially-formatted comments inside of code to generate API documentation automatically. For example, this is what a JSDoc comment looks like for a function:

                                                         * Adds two numbers together.
                                                         * @param {int} num1 The first number.
                                                         * @param {int} num2 The second number.
                                                         * @returns {int} The sum of the two numbers.
                                                        function sum(num1, num2) {
                                                            return num1 + num2;

                                                        Some style guides require JSDoc comments for all functions as a way of explaining function behavior.

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule generates warnings for nodes that do not have JSDoc comments when they should. Supported nodes:

                                                        • FunctionDeclaration
                                                        • ClassDeclaration
                                                        • MethodDefinition


                                                        This rule accepts a require object with its properties as

                                                        • FunctionDeclaration (default: true)
                                                        • ClassDeclaration (default: false)
                                                        • MethodDefinition (default: false)

                                                        Default option settings are

                                                            "require-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                                "require": {
                                                                    "FunctionDeclaration": true,
                                                                    "MethodDefinition": false,
                                                                    "ClassDeclaration": false

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint "require-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                            "require": {
                                                                "FunctionDeclaration": true,
                                                                "MethodDefinition": true,
                                                                "ClassDeclaration": true
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            return 10;
                                                        class Test{

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint "require-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                            "require": {
                                                                "FunctionDeclaration": true,
                                                                "MethodDefinition": true,
                                                                "ClassDeclaration": true
                                                        * It returns 10
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            return 10;
                                                        * It returns 10
                                                        var foo = function() {
                                                            return 10;
                                                        var array = [1,2,3];
                                                        array.filter(function(item) {
                                                            return item > 2;
                                                        * It returns 10
                                                        class Test{
                                                            * returns the date

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        If you do not require JSDoc for your functions, then you can leave this rule off.

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        Newline required at end of file but not found.


                                                        Require file to end with single newline (eol-last)

                                                        (fixable) The --fix option on the [command line](../user-guide/command-line-interface#fix) automatically fixes problems reported by this rule.

                                                        Trailing newlines in non-empty files are a common UNIX idiom. Benefits of trailing newlines include the ability to concatenate or append to files as well as output files to the terminal without interfering with shell prompts.

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule requires at least one newline at the end of non-empty files.

                                                        Prior to v0.16.0 this rule also enforced that there was only a single line at the end of the file. If you still want this behaviour, consider enabling [no-multiple-empty-lines](no-multiple-empty-lines.md) with maxEOF and/or [no-trailing-spaces](no-trailing-spaces.md).

                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

                                                        /*eslint eol-last: "error"*/
                                                        function doSmth() {
                                                          var foo = 2;

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule:

                                                        /*eslint eol-last: "error"*/
                                                        function doSmth() {
                                                          var foo = 2;


                                                        This rule has a string option:

                                                        • "unix" (default) enforces line feed (LF) as newline
                                                        • "windows" enforces carriage return line feed (CRLF) as newline Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 33 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    val = data_.hasNA ? opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 2] : opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 1];

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected if as the only statement in an else block.

                                                                    if (d[data_.attrId] <= opts_.xDomain[1]) {

                                                        Disallow if as the Only Statement in an else Block (no-lonely-if)

                                                        If an if statement is the only statement in the else block of a parent if statement, it is often clearer to combine the two to using else if form.

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (bar) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        should be rewritten as

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (bar) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule warns when an if statement's else block contains only another if statement.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                            } else {
                                                                // ...

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        Disable this rule if the code is clearer without requiring the else if form. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Missing JSDoc comment.

                                                            function initCanvasDownloadData() {

                                                        Require JSDoc comment (require-jsdoc)

                                                        JSDoc is a JavaScript API documentation generator. It uses specially-formatted comments inside of code to generate API documentation automatically. For example, this is what a JSDoc comment looks like for a function:

                                                         * Adds two numbers together.
                                                         * @param {int} num1 The first number.
                                                         * @param {int} num2 The second number.
                                                         * @returns {int} The sum of the two numbers.
                                                        function sum(num1, num2) {
                                                            return num1 + num2;

                                                        Some style guides require JSDoc comments for all functions as a way of explaining function behavior.

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule generates warnings for nodes that do not have JSDoc comments when they should. Supported nodes:

                                                        • FunctionDeclaration
                                                        • ClassDeclaration
                                                        • MethodDefinition


                                                        This rule accepts a require object with its properties as

                                                        • FunctionDeclaration (default: true)
                                                        • ClassDeclaration (default: false)
                                                        • MethodDefinition (default: false)

                                                        Default option settings are

                                                            "require-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                                "require": {
                                                                    "FunctionDeclaration": true,
                                                                    "MethodDefinition": false,
                                                                    "ClassDeclaration": false

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint "require-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                            "require": {
                                                                "FunctionDeclaration": true,
                                                                "MethodDefinition": true,
                                                                "ClassDeclaration": true
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            return 10;
                                                        class Test{

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint "require-jsdoc": ["error", {
                                                            "require": {
                                                                "FunctionDeclaration": true,
                                                                "MethodDefinition": true,
                                                                "ClassDeclaration": true
                                                        * It returns 10
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            return 10;
                                                        * It returns 10
                                                        var foo = function() {
                                                            return 10;
                                                        var array = [1,2,3];
                                                        array.filter(function(item) {
                                                            return item > 2;
                                                        * It returns 10
                                                        class Test{
                                                            * returns the date

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        If you do not require JSDoc for your functions, then you can leave this rule off.

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        Line 366 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    if (_filter[1] >= opts_.xDomain[i] && _filter[1] < opts_.xDomain[i + 1]) {// check right range point

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 688 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      config.emptyMappingVal = Math.pow(10, maxExponent + config.divider * 2);// add "NA" marker

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 716 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      config.xFakeDomain.push(data.uniqueSortedData.indexOf(value) * config.gutter);

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 722 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                        config.xFakeDomain[config.xFakeDomain.length - 1] + config.gutter;

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 78 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    } else if (iViz.util.isAgeClinicalAttr(data_.attrId) && (opts_.xDomain.length >= 2 && opts_.xDomain[1] === 18) && d[data_.attrId] <= 20) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected if as the only statement in an else block.

                                                                    if (logScaleChecked) {

                                                        Disallow if as the Only Statement in an else Block (no-lonely-if)

                                                        If an if statement is the only statement in the else block of a parent if statement, it is often clearer to combine the two to using else if form.

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (bar) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        should be rewritten as

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (bar) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule warns when an if statement's else block contains only another if statement.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                            } else {
                                                                // ...

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        Disable this rule if the code is clearer without requiring the else if form. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected if as the only statement in an else block.

                                                                          if (minNumBarPoint === '') {

                                                        Disallow if as the Only Statement in an else Block (no-lonely-if)

                                                        If an if statement is the only statement in the else block of a parent if statement, it is often clearer to combine the two to using else if form.

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (bar) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        should be rewritten as

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (bar) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule warns when an if statement's else block contains only another if statement.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                            } else {
                                                                // ...

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        Disable this rule if the code is clearer without requiring the else if form. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 372 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                        if ((_filter[1] - opts_.xDomain[i]) > (opts_.xDomain[i + 1] - _filter[1])) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 419 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      } else if (!hasNA && minNumBarPoint !== '' && maxNumBarPoint !== '') {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 422 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      } else if (!hasNA && minNumBarPoint === '' && maxNumBarPoint !== '') {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Split 'var' declarations into multiple statements.

                                                                var minExponent, maxExponent, exponentRange;

                                                        Require or Disallow One Variable Declaration per Scope (one-var)

                                                        Variables can be declared at any point in JavaScript code using var, let, or const. There are many styles and preferences related to the declaration of variables, and one of those is deciding on how many variable declarations should be allowed in a single function.

                                                        There are two schools of thought in this regard:

                                                        1. There should be just one variable declaration for all variables in the function. That declaration typically appears at the top of the function.
                                                        2. You should use one variable declaration for each variable you want to define.

                                                        For instance:

                                                        // one variable declaration per function
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var bar, baz;
                                                        // multiple variable declarations per function
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var bar;
                                                            var baz;

                                                        The single-declaration school of thought is based in pre-ECMAScript 6 behaviors, where there was no such thing as block scope, only function scope. Since all var statements are hoisted to the top of the function anyway, some believe that declaring all variables in a single declaration at the top of the function removes confusion around scoping rules.

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule is aimed at enforcing the use of either one variable declaration or multiple declarations per function (for var) or block (for let and const) scope. As such, it will warn when it encounters an unexpected number of variable declarations.


                                                        There are two ways to configure this rule. The first is by using one string specified as "always" (the default) to enforce one variable declaration per scope or "never" to enforce multiple variable declarations per scope. If you declare variables in your code with let and const, then "always" and "never" will apply to the block scope for those declarations, not the function scope.

                                                        The second way to configure this rule is with an object. The keys are any of:

                                                        • var
                                                        • let
                                                        • const


                                                        • uninitialized
                                                        • initialized

                                                        and the values are either "always" or "never". This allows you to set behavior differently for each type of declaration, or whether variables are initialized during declaration.

                                                        You can configure the rule as follows:

                                                        (default) Exactly one variable declaration per type per function (var) or block (let or const)

                                                        "one-var": [2, "always"]

                                                        Exactly one declarator per declaration per function (var) or block (let or const)

                                                        "one-var": ["error", "never"]

                                                        Configure each declaration type individually. Defaults to "always" if key not present.

                                                        "one-var": ["error", {
                                                            "var": "always", // Exactly one var declaration per function
                                                            "let": "always", // Exactly one let declaration per block
                                                            "const": "never" // Exactly one declarator per const declaration per block

                                                        Configure uninitialized and initialized seperately. Defaults to "always" if key not present.

                                                        "one-var": [2, {
                                                            "uninitialized": "always", // Exactly one declaration for uninitialized variables per function (var) or block (let or const)
                                                            "initialized": "never" // Exactly one declarator per initialized variable declaration per function (var) or block (let or const)

                                                        When configured with "always" as the first option (the default), the following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint one-var: ["error", "always"]*/
                                                        /*eslint-env es6*/
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var bar;
                                                            var baz;
                                                            let qux;
                                                            let norf;
                                                        function foo(){
                                                            const bar = false;
                                                            const baz = true;
                                                            let qux;
                                                            let norf;
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var bar;
                                                            if (baz) {
                                                                var qux = true;

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint one-var: ["error", "always"]*/
                                                        /*eslint-env es6*/
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var bar,
                                                            let qux,
                                                        function foo(){
                                                            const bar = true,
                                                                baz = false;
                                                            let qux,
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var bar,
                                                            if (baz) {
                                                                qux = true;
                                                        function foo(){
                                                            let bar;
                                                            if (baz) {
                                                                let qux;

                                                        When configured with "never" as the first option, the following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint one-var: ["error", "never"]*/
                                                        /*eslint-env es6*/
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var bar,
                                                            const bar = true,
                                                                baz = false;
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var bar,
                                                            if (baz) {
                                                                qux = true;
                                                        function foo(){
                                                            let bar = true,
                                                                baz = false;

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint one-var: ["error", "never"]*/
                                                        /*eslint-env es6*/
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var bar;
                                                            var baz;
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var bar;
                                                            if (baz) {
                                                                var qux = true;
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            let bar;
                                                            if (baz) {
                                                                let qux = true;

                                                        When configured with an object as the first option, you can individually control how var, let, and const are handled, or alternatively how uninitialized and initialized variables are handled (which if used will override var, let, and const).

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint one-var: ["error", { var: "always", let: "never", const: "never" }]*/
                                                        /*eslint-env es6*/
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var bar,
                                                            let qux;
                                                            let norf;
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            const bar = 1;
                                                            const baz = 2;
                                                            let qux;
                                                            let norf;

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint one-var: ["error", { uninitialized: "always", initialized: "never" }]*/
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var a, b, c;
                                                            var foo = true;
                                                            var bar = false;

                                                        If you are configuring the rule with an object, by default, if you didn't specify declaration type it will not be checked. So the following pattern is not considered a warning when options are set to: { var: "always", let: "always" }

                                                        /*eslint one-var: ["error", { var: "always", let: "always" }]*/
                                                        /*eslint-env es6*/
                                                        function foo() {
                                                            var a, b;
                                                            const foo = true;
                                                            const bar = true;
                                                            let c, d;


                                                        • JSHint - This rule maps to the onevar JSHint rule, but allows let and const to be configured separately.
                                                        • JSCS - This rule roughly maps to "disallowMultipleVarDecl"

                                                        Further Reading

                                                        JSLint Errors - Combine this with the previous 'var' statement Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 710 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    config.maxDomain = Math.pow(10, maxExponent + 1) + config.divider * 2;

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected if as the only statement in an else block.

                                                                        if ((_filter[1] - opts_.xDomain[i]) > (opts_.xDomain[i + 1] - _filter[1])) {

                                                        Disallow if as the Only Statement in an else Block (no-lonely-if)

                                                        If an if statement is the only statement in the else block of a parent if statement, it is often clearer to combine the two to using else if form.

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (bar) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        should be rewritten as

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (bar) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule warns when an if statement's else block contains only another if statement.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                            } else {
                                                                // ...

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        Disable this rule if the code is clearer without requiring the else if form. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        More than 1 blank line not allowed.


                                                        Disallows multiple blank lines (no-multiple-empty-lines)

                                                        Some developers prefer to have multiple blank lines removed, while others feel that it helps improve readability. Whitespace is useful for separating logical sections of code, but excess whitespace takes up more of the screen.

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule aims to reduce the scrolling required when reading through your code. It will warn when the maximum amount of empty lines has been exceeded.


                                                        The second argument can be used to configure this rule:

                                                        • max sets the maximum number of consecutive blank lines.
                                                        • maxEOF can be used to set a different number for the end of file. The last blank lines will then be treated differently. If omitted, the max option is applied at the end of the file.
                                                        • maxBOF can be used to set a different number for the beginning of the file. If omitted, the 'max' option is applied at the beginning of the file.


                                                        In the following example, the error is the severity of the rule, and the max property is the maximum number of empty lines (2 in this example).

                                                        "no-multiple-empty-lines": ["error", {"max": 2}]

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-multiple-empty-lines: ["error", {max: 2}]*/
                                                        var foo = 5;
                                                        var bar = 3;

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-multiple-empty-lines: ["error", {max: 2}]*/
                                                        var foo = 5;
                                                        var bar = 3;


                                                        "no-multiple-empty-lines": ["error", {"max": 2, "maxEOF": 1}]

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-multiple-empty-lines: ["error", {max: 2, maxEOF: 1}]*/
                                                        var foo = 5;
                                                        var bar = 3;

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-multiple-empty-lines: ["error", {max: 2, maxEOF: 1}]*/
                                                        var foo = 5;
                                                        var bar = 3;


                                                        "no-multiple-empty-lines": ["error", {"max": 2, "maxBOF": 0}]

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-multiple-empty-lines: ["error", {max: 2, maxBOF: 0}]*/
                                                        var foo = 5;
                                                        var bar = 3;

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-multiple-empty-lines: ["error", {max: 2, maxBOF: 0}]*/
                                                        var foo = 5;
                                                        var bar = 3;

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        If you do not care about extra blank lines, turn this off. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 322 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                        (data_.hasNA && middle !== opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 1])) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 350 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    if (_filter[0] >= opts_.xDomain[i] && _filter[0] < opts_.xDomain[i + 1]) {// check left range point

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 388 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                  (data_.noGrouping && _filter[0] < opts_.xFakeDomain[0] && _filter[1] > opts_.xFakeDomain[opts_.xFakeDomain.length - 1])) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 786 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                  if (config.xDomain.indexOf(18) === -1 && config.gutter <= 4 && config.gutter >= 2 && config.xDomain[0] < 18 && config.xDomain[config.xDomain.length - 1] > 18) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 175 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                              var _cases = _.sortBy(chartInst_.dimension().top(Infinity), function(item) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 367 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      if (selectedNumBar[selectedNumBar.length - 1] >= opts_.xDomain[i - 1] &&

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 528 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    name: mapTickToCaseIds[group.key].range || mapTickToCaseIds[group.key].tick,

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 55 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    } else if (d[data_.attrId] > opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 2] && !data_.hasNA) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 321 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      if (middle !== opts_.xDomain[0] || middle !== opts_.xDomain[endNumIndex + 1] ||

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 330 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                if (!data_.noGrouping && !logScaleChecked && opts_.xDomain.length >= 2) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected if as the only statement in an else block.

                                                                        if ((_filter[0] - opts_.xDomain[i]) > (opts_.xDomain[i + 1] - _filter[0])) {

                                                        Disallow if as the Only Statement in an else Block (no-lonely-if)

                                                        If an if statement is the only statement in the else block of a parent if statement, it is often clearer to combine the two to using else if form.

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (bar) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        should be rewritten as

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (bar) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule warns when an if statement's else block contains only another if statement.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                            } else {
                                                                // ...

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        Disable this rule if the code is clearer without requiring the else if form. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 804 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      config.emptyMappingVal = config.xDomain[config.xDomain.length - 1];

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 76 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    } else if (d[data_.attrId] > opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 2] && !data_.hasNA) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 300 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                    if (data_.hasNA && tick === opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 1]) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 406 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                        tempFilters_[0] += opts_.xDomain[opts_.xFakeDomain.indexOf(Number(barValue))] + ', ';

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 708 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      config.emptyMappingVal = Math.pow(10, maxExponent + 1) + config.divider;// add "NA" marker

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 356 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                        if ((_filter[0] - opts_.xDomain[i]) > (opts_.xDomain[i + 1] - _filter[0])) {

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 387 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                } else if ((!data_.noGrouping && _filter[0] < opts_.xDomain[0] && _filter[1] > opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 1]) ||

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 393 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                      (_filter[0] <= opts_.xBarValues[0] && _filter[1] >= opts_.xBarValues[opts_.xBarValues.length - 2] &&

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected if as the only statement in an else block.

                                                                    if (logScaleChecked) {

                                                        Disallow if as the Only Statement in an else Block (no-lonely-if)

                                                        If an if statement is the only statement in the else block of a parent if statement, it is often clearer to combine the two to using else if form.

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (bar) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        should be rewritten as

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (bar) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule warns when an if statement's else block contains only another if statement.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                            } else {
                                                                // ...

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        Disable this rule if the code is clearer without requiring the else if form. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Unexpected if as the only statement in an else block.

                                                                      if (!hasNA && !hasSmallerOutlier && !hasGreaterOutlier &&

                                                        Disallow if as the Only Statement in an else Block (no-lonely-if)

                                                        If an if statement is the only statement in the else block of a parent if statement, it is often clearer to combine the two to using else if form.

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (bar) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        should be rewritten as

                                                        if (foo) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (bar) {
                                                            // ...

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule warns when an if statement's else block contains only another if statement.

                                                        The following patterns are considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...
                                                            } else {
                                                                // ...

                                                        The following patterns are not considered problems:

                                                        /*eslint no-lonely-if: "error"*/
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else if (anotherCondition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            // ...
                                                        if (condition) {
                                                            // ...
                                                        } else {
                                                            if (anotherCondition) {
                                                                // ...

                                                        When Not To Use It

                                                        Disable this rule if the code is clearer without requiring the else if form. Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 440 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                            tempFilters_[1] = '> ' + opts_.xDomain[opts_.xDomain.length - 3] + ', NA';

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        Line 519 exceeds the maximum line length of 80.

                                                                  var name = mapTickToCaseIds[group.key].range || mapTickToCaseIds[group.key].tick;

                                                        enforce a maximum line length (max-len)

                                                        Very long lines of code in any language can be difficult to read. In order to aid in readability and maintainability many coders have developed a convention to limit lines of code to X number of characters (traditionally 80 characters).

                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" }; // very long

                                                        Rule Details

                                                        This rule enforces a maximum line length to increase code readability and maintainability.

                                                        Note: This rule calculates the length of a line via code points, not characters. That means if you use a double-byte character in your code, it will count as 2 code points instead of 1, and 2 will be used to calculate line length. This is a technical limitation of JavaScript that is made easier with ES2015, and we will look to update this when ES2015 is available in Node.js.


                                                        This rule has a number or object option:

                                                        • "code" (default 80) enforces a maximum line length
                                                        • "tabWidth" (default 4) specifies the character width for tab characters
                                                        • "comments" enforces a maximum line length for comments; defaults to value of code
                                                        • "ignorePattern" ignores lines matching a regular expression; can only match a single line and need to be double escaped when written in YAML or JSON
                                                        • "ignoreComments": true ignores all trailing comments and comments on their own line
                                                        • "ignoreTrailingComments": true ignores only trailing comments
                                                        • "ignoreUrls": true ignores lines that contain a URL


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }, "difficult": "to read" };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "code": 80 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80]*/
                                                        var foo = {
                                                          "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                          "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" },
                                                          "easier": "to read"


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = { "bar": "This is a bar.", "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" } };

                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "tabWidth": 4 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", 80, 4]*/
                                                        \t  \t  var foo = {
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "bar": "This is a bar.",
                                                        \t  \t  \t  \t  "baz": { "qux": "This is a qux" }
                                                        \t  \t  };


                                                        Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "comments": 65 } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "comments": 65 }]*/
                                                         * This is a comment that violates the maximum line length we have specified


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreComments": true }]*/
                                                         * This is a really really really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreTrailingComments": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreTrailingComments": true }]*/
                                                        var foo = 'bar'; // This is a really really really really really really really long comment


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignoreUrls": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignoreUrls": true }]*/
                                                        var url = 'https://www.example.com/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long';


                                                        Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "ignorePattern": true } option:

                                                        /*eslint max-len: ["error", { "ignorePattern": "^\\s*var\\s.+=\\s*require\\s*\\(/" }]*/
                                                        var dep = require('really/really/really/really/really/really/really/really/long/module');

                                                        Related Rules

                                                        • [complexity](complexity.md)
                                                        • [max-depth](max-depth.md)
                                                        • [max-nested-callbacks](max-nested-callbacks.md)
                                                        • [max-params](max-params.md)
                                                        • [max-statements](max-statements.md) Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

                                                        There are no issues that match your filters.
