Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
I, [2024-12-05T00:27:29.873039 #1] INFO -- : Skipping file ./cookbooks/mu-tools/recipes/apply_security.rb due to exception (RubyParser::SyntaxError): "$]" is not allowed as a global variable name. near line 128: "/ { print $2 }' /etc/rsyslog.conf | egrep -o \"/.*\"` -perm /o+rwx"
.rubocop.yml: Layout/LineLength has the wrong namespace - should be Metrics
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/RedundantStringCoercion found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/SuppressedException found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Naming/MethodParameterName found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized parameter Metrics/MethodLength:ExcludedMethods found in .rubocop.yml