Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
I, [2024-12-01T01:09:07.925796 #1] INFO -- : Skipping file ./lib/nestedtext/core_ext.rb due to exception (Racc::ParseError): ./lib/nestedtext/core_ext.rb:6 :: parse error on value "include" (tIDENTIFIER)
I, [2024-12-01T01:09:07.959719 #1] INFO -- : Skipping file ./lib/nestedtext/scanners.rb due to exception (Racc::ParseError): ./lib/nestedtext/scanners.rb:35 :: parse error on value "&." (error)
unrecognized cop Gemspec/RequireMFA found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Gemspec/RequiredRubyVersion`?
unrecognized cop Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/AmbiguousRegexpLiteral`?
unrecognized cop Lint/AmbiguousRange found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/AmbiguousOperator`?
unrecognized cop Lint/IncompatibleIoSelectWithFiberScheduler found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier`?
unrecognized cop Lint/RequireRelativeSelfPath found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/RequireParentheses`?
unrecognized cop Lint/UselessRuby2Keywords found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/UselessTimes`?
unrecognized cop Naming/BlockForwarding found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Naming/BlockParameterName`?
unrecognized cop Security/IoMethods found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Security/Open`?
unrecognized cop Style/FileRead found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/IfInsideElse`?
unrecognized cop Style/FileWrite found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/Dir`?
unrecognized cop Style/MapToHash found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/OptionHash`?
unrecognized cop Style/NestedFileDirname found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/NegatedIfElseCondition`?
unrecognized cop Style/NumberedParameters found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/TernaryParentheses`?
unrecognized cop Style/NumberedParametersLimit found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/BarePercentLiterals`?
unrecognized cop Style/OpenStructUse found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/IpAddresses`?
unrecognized cop Style/RedundantSelfAssignmentBranch found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantSelfAssignment`?
unrecognized cop Style/SelectByRegexp found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/Strip`?
Warning: Style/HashSyntax does not support EnforcedShorthandSyntax parameter.
Supported parameters are:
- Enabled
- EnforcedStyle
- SupportedStyles
- UseHashRocketsWithSymbolValues
- PreferHashRocketsForNonAlnumEndingSymbols
The following cops were added to RuboCop, but are not configured. Please set Enabled to either `true` or `false` in your `.rubocop.yml` file.
Please also note that can also opt-in to new cops by default by adding this to your config:
NewCops: enable
Naming/InclusiveLanguage: # (new in 1.18)
Enabled: true
For more information: https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/versioning.html