Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
I, [2024-12-08T23:19:25.037256 #1] INFO -- : Skipping file ./spec/integration/rambling/trie_spec.rb due to exception (Racc::ParseError): ./spec/integration/rambling/trie_spec.rb:31 :: parse error on value ".." (tDOT2)
unrecognized cop or department Gemspec/AddRuntimeDependency found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Gemspec/DependencyVersion`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/DuplicateSetElement found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Lint/DuplicateRegexpCharacterClassElement`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/HashNewWithKeywordArgumentsAsDefault found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Lint/EachWithObjectArgument`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/ItWithoutArgumentsInBlock found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Lint/LambdaWithoutLiteralBlock`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/LiteralAssignmentInCondition found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Lint/AssignmentInCondition`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/MixedCaseRange found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Lint/UnifiedInteger`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/NumericOperationWithConstantResult found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Lint/DisjunctiveAssignmentInConstructor`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/RedundantRegexpQuantifiers found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Lint/RedundantCopEnableDirective`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/UnescapedBracketInRegexp found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Lint/NumberedParameterAssignment`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/UselessDefined found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Lint/UselessRescue`, `Lint/UselessTimes`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/UselessNumericOperation found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence`?
unrecognized cop or department Performance/MapMethodChain found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Performance/MapCompact`?
unrecognized cop or department Performance/StringBytesize found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Performance/StringInclude`?
unrecognized cop or department RSpec/StringAsInstanceDoubleConstant found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `RSpec/PendingWithoutReason`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/ExactRegexpMatch found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/AmbiguousEndlessMethodDefinition found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/TrailingBodyOnMethodDefinition`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/BitwisePredicate found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/NumericPredicate`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/CombinableDefined found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/CombinableLoops`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/DigChain found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/Encoding`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/FileNull found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/FileRead`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/FileTouch found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/MultilineBlockChain`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/KeywordArgumentsMerging found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/KeywordParametersOrder`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/MapIntoArray found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/ArrayJoin`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/RedundantArrayConstructor found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantEach`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/RedundantCurrentDirectoryInPath found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantConditional`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/RedundantFilterChain found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantInterpolation`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/RedundantInterpolationUnfreeze found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantInterpolation`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/RedundantRegexpArgument found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantRegexpEscape`, `Style/RedundantArgument`, `Style/RedundantSelfAssignment`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/RedundantRegexpConstructor found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantRegexpEscape`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/ReturnNilInPredicateMethodDefinition found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantHeredocDelimiterQuotes`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/SafeNavigationChainLength found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/SafeNavigation`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/SendWithLiteralMethodName found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/TrailingMethodEndStatement`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/SingleLineDoEndBlock found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/SingleLineMethods`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/SuperArguments found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/PerlBackrefs`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/SuperWithArgsParentheses found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/DefWithParentheses`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/YAMLFileRead found in .rubocop.enabled.yml
Did you mean `Style/FileRead`?
unrecognized cop or department Gemspec/AddRuntimeDependency found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Gemspec/DependencyVersion`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/DuplicateSetElement found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/DuplicateRegexpCharacterClassElement`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/HashNewWithKeywordArgumentsAsDefault found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/EachWithObjectArgument`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/ItWithoutArgumentsInBlock found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/LambdaWithoutLiteralBlock`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/LiteralAssignmentInCondition found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/AssignmentInCondition`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/MixedCaseRange found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/UnifiedInteger`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/NumericOperationWithConstantResult found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/DisjunctiveAssignmentInConstructor`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/RedundantRegexpQuantifiers found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/RedundantCopEnableDirective`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/UnescapedBracketInRegexp found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/NumberedParameterAssignment`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/UselessDefined found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/UselessRescue`, `Lint/UselessTimes`?
unrecognized cop or department Lint/UselessNumericOperation found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence`?
unrecognized cop or department Performance/MapMethodChain found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Performance/MapCompact`?
unrecognized cop or department Performance/StringBytesize found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Performance/StringInclude`?
unrecognized cop or department RSpec/StringAsInstanceDoubleConstant found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `RSpec/PendingWithoutReason`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/ExactRegexpMatch found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/AmbiguousEndlessMethodDefinition found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/TrailingBodyOnMethodDefinition`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/BitwisePredicate found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/NumericPredicate`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/CombinableDefined found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/CombinableLoops`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/DigChain found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/Encoding`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/FileNull found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/FileRead`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/FileTouch found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/MultilineBlockChain`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/KeywordArgumentsMerging found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/KeywordParametersOrder`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/MapIntoArray found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/ArrayJoin`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/RedundantArrayConstructor found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantEach`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/RedundantCurrentDirectoryInPath found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantConditional`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/RedundantFilterChain found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantInterpolation`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/RedundantInterpolationUnfreeze found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantInterpolation`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/RedundantRegexpArgument found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantRegexpEscape`, `Style/RedundantArgument`, `Style/RedundantSelfAssignment`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/RedundantRegexpConstructor found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantRegexpEscape`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/ReturnNilInPredicateMethodDefinition found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/RedundantHeredocDelimiterQuotes`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/SafeNavigationChainLength found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/SafeNavigation`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/SendWithLiteralMethodName found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/TrailingMethodEndStatement`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/SingleLineDoEndBlock found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/SingleLineMethods`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/SuperArguments found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/PerlBackrefs`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/SuperWithArgsParentheses found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/DefWithParentheses`?
unrecognized cop or department Style/YAMLFileRead found in .rubocop.yml
Did you mean `Style/FileRead`?
The following cops were added to RuboCop, but are not configured. Please set Enabled to either `true` or `false` in your `.rubocop.yml` file.
Please also note that you can opt-in to new cops by default by adding this to your config:
NewCops: enable
Capybara/MatchStyle: # new in 2.17
Enabled: true
Capybara/NegationMatcher: # new in 2.14
Enabled: true
Capybara/SpecificActions: # new in 2.14
Enabled: true
Capybara/SpecificFinders: # new in 2.13
Enabled: true
Capybara/SpecificMatcher: # new in 2.12
Enabled: true
FactoryBot/ConsistentParenthesesStyle: # new in 2.14
Enabled: true
FactoryBot/FactoryNameStyle: # new in 2.16
Enabled: true
FactoryBot/SyntaxMethods: # new in 2.7
Enabled: true
RSpec/Rails/AvoidSetupHook: # new in 2.4
Enabled: true
RSpec/Rails/HaveHttpStatus: # new in 2.12
Enabled: true
RSpec/Rails/InferredSpecType: # new in 2.14
Enabled: true
RSpec/Rails/MinitestAssertions: # new in 2.17
Enabled: true
RSpec/Rails/TravelAround: # new in 2.19
Enabled: true
For more information: https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop/versioning.html