Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
W, [2024-11-03T07:32:32.861982 #1] WARN -- : Skipping .idea/fileTemplates/internal/RSpec.rb due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-11-03T07:32:32.862016 #1] WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-11-03T07:32:32.912496 #1] WARN -- : Skipping lib/porridge/serializer_definer.rb due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-11-03T07:32:32.912533 #1] WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-11-03T07:32:32.923249 #1] WARN -- : Skipping lib/porridge/factory.rb due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-11-03T07:32:32.923281 #1] WARN -- : Response status: 422
Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
I, [2024-11-03T07:32:35.168568 #1] INFO -- : Skipping file ./.idea/fileTemplates/internal/RSpec.rb due to exception (RubyParser::SyntaxError): "${" is not allowed as a global variable name. near line 4: "NAME} do"
I, [2024-11-03T07:32:35.251098 #1] INFO -- : Skipping file ./lib/porridge/serializer_definer.rb due to exception (Racc::ParseError): ./lib/porridge/serializer_definer.rb:14 :: parse error on value ":" (tCOLON)
I, [2024-11-03T07:32:35.261559 #1] INFO -- : Skipping file ./lib/porridge/factory.rb due to exception (Racc::ParseError): ./lib/porridge/factory.rb:38 :: parse error on value ":" (tCOLON)