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Expected method shorthand.

    get: function* (key) {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Require Object Literal Shorthand Syntax (object-shorthand)

EcmaScript 6 provides a concise form for defining object literal methods and properties. This syntax can make defining complex object literals much cleaner.

Here are a few common examples using the ES5 syntax:

// properties
var foo = {
    x: x,
    y: y,
    z: z,

// methods
var foo = {
    a: function() {},
    b: function() {}

Now here are ES6 equivalents:

/*eslint-env es6*/

// properties
var foo = {x, y, z};

// methods
var foo = {
    a() {},
    b() {}

Rule Details

This rule enforces the use of the shorthand syntax. This applies to all methods (including generators) defined in object literals and any properties defined where the key name matches name of the assigned variable.

Each of the following properties would warn:

/*eslint object-shorthand: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    w: function() {},
    x: function *() {},
    [y]: function() {},
    z: z

In that case the expected syntax would have been:

/*eslint object-shorthand: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    w() {},
    *x() {},
    [y]() {},

This rule does not flag arrow functions inside of object literals. The following will not warn:

/*eslint object-shorthand: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    x: (y) => y


The rule takes an option which specifies when it should be applied. It can be set to one of the following values:

  • "always" (default) expects that the shorthand will be used whenever possible.
  • "methods" ensures the method shorthand is used (also applies to generators).
  • "properties" ensures the property shorthand is used (where the key and variable name match).
  • "never" ensures that no property or method shorthand is used in any object literal.
  • "consistent" ensures that either all shorthand or all longform will be used in an object literal.
  • "consistent-as-needed" ensures that either all shorthand or all longform will be used in an object literal, but ensures all shorthand whenever possible.

You can set the option in configuration like this:

    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always"]

Additionally, the rule takes an optional object configuration:

  • "avoidQuotes": true indicates that longform syntax is preferred whenever the object key is a string literal (default: false). Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always", "methods", or "properties".
  • "ignoreConstructors": true can be used to prevent the rule from reporting errors for constructor functions. (By default, the rule treats constructors the same way as other functions.) Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always" or "methods".
  • "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true indicates that methods are preferred over explicit-return arrow functions for function properties. (By default, the rule allows either of these.) Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always" or "methods".


    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "avoidQuotes": true }]

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidQuotes": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidQuotes": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    "bar-baz"() {}

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidQuotes": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidQuotes": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    "bar-baz": function() {},
    "qux": qux


    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true }]

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    ConstructorFunction: function() {}


    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true }]

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
  foo: (bar, baz) => {
    return bar + baz;

  qux: (foobar) => {
    return foobar * 2;

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
  foo(bar, baz) {
    return bar + baz;

  qux: foobar => foobar * 2

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "consistent" option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: [2, "consistent"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    b: "foo",

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "consistent" option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: [2, "consistent"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    a: a,
    b: "foo"

var bar = {

Example of incorrect code with the "consistent-as-needed" option, which is very similar to "consistent":

/*eslint object-shorthand: [2, "consistent-as-needed"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    a: a,
    b: b,

When Not To Use It

Anyone not yet in an ES6 environment would not want to apply this rule. Others may find the terseness of the shorthand syntax harder to read and may not want to encourage it with this rule.

Further Reading

Object initializer - MDN Source:

This generator function does not have 'yield'.

    set: function* (key, value) {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Disallow generator functions that do not have yield (require-yield)

Rule Details

This rule generates warnings for generator functions that do not have the yield keyword.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint require-yield: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function* foo() {
  return 10;

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint require-yield: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function* foo() {
  yield 5;
  return 10;

function foo() {
  return 10;

// This rule does not warn on empty generator functions.
function* foo() { }

When Not To Use It

If you don't want to notify generator functions that have no yield expression, then it's safe to disable this rule.

Related Rules

Unexpected string concatenation.

    const config = require('config/webpack/'+ env +'.config')
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Suggest using template literals instead of string concatenation. (prefer-template)

In ES2015 (ES6), we can use template literals instead of string concatenation.

var str = "Hello, " + name + "!";
/*eslint-env es6*/

var str = `Hello, ${name}!`;

Rule Details

This rule is aimed to flag usage of + operators with strings.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint prefer-template: "error"*/

var str = "Hello, " + name + "!";
var str = "Time: " + (12 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint prefer-template: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var str = "Hello World!";
var str = `Hello, ${name}!`;
var str = `Time: ${12 * 60 * 60 * 1000}`;

// This is reported by `no-useless-concat`.
var str = "Hello, " + "World!";

When Not To Use It

This rule should not be used in ES3/5 environments.

In ES2015 (ES6) or later, if you don't want to be notified about string concatenation, you can safely disable this rule.

Related Rules

Missing space after *.

co(function *() {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce spacing around the * in generator functions (generator-star-spacing)

Generators are a new type of function in ECMAScript 6 that can return multiple values over time. These special functions are indicated by placing an * after the function keyword.

Here is an example of a generator function:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function* generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

This is also valid:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function *generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

This is valid as well:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function * generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

To keep a sense of consistency when using generators this rule enforces a single position for the *.

Rule Details

This rule aims to enforce spacing around the * of generator functions.


The rule takes one option, an object, which has two keys before and after having boolean values true or false.

  • before enforces spacing between the * and the function keyword. If it is true, a space is required, otherwise spaces are disallowed.

In object literal shorthand methods, spacing before the * is not checked, as they lack a function keyword.

  • after enforces spacing between the * and the function name (or the opening parenthesis for anonymous generator functions). If it is true, a space is required, otherwise spaces are disallowed.

The default is {"before": true, "after": false}.

An example configuration:

"generator-star-spacing": ["error", {"before": true, "after": false}]

And the option has shorthand as a string keyword:

  • {"before": true, "after": false}"before"
  • {"before": false, "after": true}"after"
  • {"before": true, "after": true}"both"
  • {"before": false, "after": false}"neither"

An example of shorthand configuration:

"generator-star-spacing": ["error", "after"]



Examples of correct code for this rule with the "before" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": true, "after": false}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function *generator() {}

var anonymous = function *() {};

var shorthand = { *generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "after" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": false, "after": true}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function* generator() {}

var anonymous = function* () {};

var shorthand = { * generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "both" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": true, "after": true}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function * generator() {}

var anonymous = function * () {};

var shorthand = { * generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "neither" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": false, "after": false}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function*generator() {}

var anonymous = function*() {};

var shorthand = { *generator() {} };

When Not To Use It

If your project will not be using generators or you are not concerned with spacing consistency, you do not need this rule.

Further Reading

Mixed spaces and tabs.

      proxy : true,
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

disallow mixed spaces and tabs for indentation (no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs)

Most code conventions require either tabs or spaces be used for indentation. As such, it's usually an error if a single line of code is indented with both tabs and spaces.

Rule Details

This rule disallows mixed spaces and tabs for indentation.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: "error"*/

function add(x, y) {
// --->..return x + y;

      return x + y;

function main() {
// --->var x = 5,
// --->....y = 7;

    var x = 5,
        y = 7;

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: "error"*/

function add(x, y) {
// --->return x + y;
    return x + y;


This rule has a string option.

  • "smart-tabs" allows mixed spaces and tabs when the latter are used for alignment.


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "smart-tabs" option:

/*eslint no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: ["error", "smart-tabs"]*/

function main() {
// --->var x = 5,
// --->....y = 7;

    var x = 5,
        y = 7;

Further Reading

Unexpected require().

    app.use(require('koa-webpack-dev-middleware')(compiler, config.server.options))
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source:

Unexpected require().

Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source:

Unexpected require().

Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source:

Unexpected require().

  const cache = require('lru-cache')({ maxAge: 3000 })
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source:

Unexpected require().

      require('koa-proxy')({ host: '' })
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source:

This generator function does not have 'yield'.

co(function *() {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Disallow generator functions that do not have yield (require-yield)

Rule Details

This rule generates warnings for generator functions that do not have the yield keyword.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint require-yield: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function* foo() {
  return 10;

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint require-yield: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function* foo() {
  yield 5;
  return 10;

function foo() {
  return 10;

// This rule does not warn on empty generator functions.
function* foo() { }

When Not To Use It

If you don't want to notify generator functions that have no yield expression, then it's safe to disable this rule.

Related Rules

Unexpected require().

    const webpack = require('webpack')
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source:

Unexpected parentheses around single function argument having a body with no curly braces

  require('blocked')((ms) => debug('koa')(`blocked for ${ms}ms`))
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Require parens in arrow function arguments (arrow-parens)

Arrow functions can omit parentheses when they have exactly one parameter. In all other cases the parameter(s) must be wrapped in parentheses. This rule enforces the consistent use of parentheses in arrow functions.

Rule Details

This rule enforces parentheses around arrow function parameters regardless of arity. For example:

/*eslint-env es6*/

// Bad
a => {}

// Good
(a) => {}

Following this style will help you find arrow functions (=>) which may be mistakenly included in a condition when a comparison such as >= was the intent.

/*eslint-env es6*/

// Bad
if (a => 2) {

// Good
if (a >= 2) {

The rule can also be configured to discourage the use of parens when they are not required:

/*eslint-env es6*/

// Bad
(a) => {}

// Good
a => {}


This rule has a string option and an object one.

String options are:

  • "always" (default) requires parens around arguments in all cases.
  • "as-needed" allows omitting parens when there is only one argument.

Object properties for variants of the "as-needed" option:

  • "requireForBlockBody": true modifies the as-needed rule in order to require parens if the function body is in an instructions block (surrounded by braces).


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default "always" option:

/*eslint arrow-parens: ["error", "always"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

a => {};
a => a;
a => {'\n'};
a.then(foo => {});
a.then(foo => a);
a(foo => { if (true) {} });

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default "always" option:

/*eslint arrow-parens: ["error", "always"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

() => {};
(a) => {};
(a) => a;
(a) => {'\n'}
a.then((foo) => {});
a.then((foo) => { if (true) {} });

If Statements

One of benefits of this option is that it prevents the incorrect use of arrow functions in conditionals:

/*eslint-env es6*/

var a = 1;
var b = 2;
// ...
if (a => b) {
} else {
// outputs 'bigger', not smaller as expected

The contents of the if statement is an arrow function, not a comparison.

If the arrow function is intentional, it should be wrapped in parens to remove ambiguity.

/*eslint-env es6*/

var a = 1;
var b = 0;
// ...
if ((a) => b) {
 console.log('truthy value returned');
} else {
 console.log('falsey value returned');
// outputs 'truthy value returned'

The following is another example of this behavior:

/*eslint-env es6*/

var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4;
var f = a => b ? c: d;
// f = ?

f is an arrow function which takes a as an argument and returns the result of b ? c: d.

This should be rewritten like so:

/*eslint-env es6*/

var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3, d = 4;
var f = (a) => b ? c: d;


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "as-needed" option:

/*eslint arrow-parens: ["error", "as-needed"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

(a) => {};
(a) => a;
(a) => {'\n'};
a.then((foo) => {});
a.then((foo) => a);
a((foo) => { if (true) {} });

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "as-needed" option:

/*eslint arrow-parens: ["error", "as-needed"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

() => {};
a => {};
a => a;
a => {'\n'};
a.then(foo => {});
a.then(foo => { if (true) {} });
(a, b, c) => a;
(a = 10) => a;
([a, b]) => a;
({a, b}) => a;


Examples of incorrect code for the { "requireForBlockBody": true } option:

/*eslint arrow-parens: [2, "as-needed", { "requireForBlockBody": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

(a) => a;
a => {};
a => {'\n'}; => x * x); => {
  return x * x;
a.then(foo => {});

Examples of correct code for the { "requireForBlockBody": true } option:

/*eslint arrow-parens: [2, "as-needed", { "requireForBlockBody": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

(a) => {};
(a) => {'\n'};
a => ({});
() => {};
a => a;
a.then((foo) => {});
a.then((foo) => { if (true) {} });
a((foo) => { if (true) {} });
(a, b, c) => a;
(a = 10) => a;
([a, b]) => a;
({a, b}) => a;

Further Reading

Unexpected require().

  require('blocked')((ms) => debug('koa')(`blocked for ${ms}ms`))
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source:

Unexpected require().

Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source:

Unexpected require().

Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source:

Trailing spaces not allowed.

Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

disallow trailing whitespace at the end of lines (no-trailing-spaces)

Sometimes in the course of editing files, you can end up with extra whitespace at the end of lines. These whitespace differences can be picked up by source control systems and flagged as diffs, causing frustration for developers. While this extra whitespace causes no functional issues, many code conventions require that trailing spaces be removed before check-in.

Rule Details

This rule disallows trailing whitespace (spaces, tabs, and other Unicode whitespace characters) at the end of lines.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-trailing-spaces: "error"*/

var foo = 0;//•••••
var baz = 5;//••

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-trailing-spaces: "error"*/

var foo = 0;
var baz = 5;


This rule has an object option:

  • "skipBlankLines": false (default) disallows trailing whitespace on empty lines
  • "skipBlankLines": true allows trailing whitespace on empty lines


Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "skipBlankLines": true } option:

/*eslint no-trailing-spaces: ["error", { "skipBlankLines": true }]*/

var foo = 0;
var baz = 5;


Unexpected require().

Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source:

Missing space after *.

app.use(function*(next) {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce spacing around the * in generator functions (generator-star-spacing)

Generators are a new type of function in ECMAScript 6 that can return multiple values over time. These special functions are indicated by placing an * after the function keyword.

Here is an example of a generator function:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function* generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

This is also valid:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function *generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

This is valid as well:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function * generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

To keep a sense of consistency when using generators this rule enforces a single position for the *.

Rule Details

This rule aims to enforce spacing around the * of generator functions.


The rule takes one option, an object, which has two keys before and after having boolean values true or false.

  • before enforces spacing between the * and the function keyword. If it is true, a space is required, otherwise spaces are disallowed.

In object literal shorthand methods, spacing before the * is not checked, as they lack a function keyword.

  • after enforces spacing between the * and the function name (or the opening parenthesis for anonymous generator functions). If it is true, a space is required, otherwise spaces are disallowed.

The default is {"before": true, "after": false}.

An example configuration:

"generator-star-spacing": ["error", {"before": true, "after": false}]

And the option has shorthand as a string keyword:

  • {"before": true, "after": false}"before"
  • {"before": false, "after": true}"after"
  • {"before": true, "after": true}"both"
  • {"before": false, "after": false}"neither"

An example of shorthand configuration:

"generator-star-spacing": ["error", "after"]



Examples of correct code for this rule with the "before" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": true, "after": false}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function *generator() {}

var anonymous = function *() {};

var shorthand = { *generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "after" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": false, "after": true}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function* generator() {}

var anonymous = function* () {};

var shorthand = { * generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "both" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": true, "after": true}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function * generator() {}

var anonymous = function * () {};

var shorthand = { * generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "neither" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": false, "after": false}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function*generator() {}

var anonymous = function*() {};

var shorthand = { *generator() {} };

When Not To Use It

If your project will not be using generators or you are not concerned with spacing consistency, you do not need this rule.

Further Reading

Unexpected tab character.

      proxy : true,
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

disallow all tabs (no-tabs)

Some style guides don't allow the use of tab characters at all, including within comments.

Rule Details

This rule looks for tabs anywhere inside a file: code, comments or anything else.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

var a /t= 2;

* /t/t it's a test function
function test(){}

var x = 1; // /t test

Examples of correct code for this rule:

var a = 2;

* it's a test function
function test(){}

var x = 1; // test

When Not To Use It

If you have established a standard where having tabs is fine.


Extra space after key 'proxy'.

      proxy : true,
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties (key-spacing)

This rule enforces spacing around the colon in object literal properties. It can verify each property individually, or it can ensure horizontal alignment of adjacent properties in an object literal.

Rule Details

This rule enforces consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties. In the case of long lines, it is acceptable to add a new line wherever whitespace is allowed.


This rule has an object option:

  • "beforeColon": false (default) disallows spaces between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "beforeColon": true requires at least one space between the key and the colon in object literals.
  • "afterColon": true (default) requires at least one space between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "afterColon": false disallows spaces between the colon and the value in object literals.
  • "mode": "strict" (default) enforces exactly one space before or after colons in object literals.
  • "mode": "minimum" enforces one or more spaces before or after colons in object literals.
  • "align": "value" enforces horizontal alignment of values in object literals.
  • "align": "colon" enforces horizontal alignment of both colons and values in object literals.
  • "align" with an object value allows for fine-grained spacing when values are being aligned in object literals.
  • "singleLine" specifies a spacing style for single-line object literals.
  • "multiLine" specifies a spacing style for multi-line object literals.

Please note that you can either use the top-level options or the grouped options (singleLine and multiLine) but not both.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "beforeColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "beforeColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "beforeColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo" : 42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "afterColon": true } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": true }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo": 42 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "afterColon": false } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "afterColon": false }]*/

var obj = { "foo":42 };


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default { "mode": "strict" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "strict" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat: 2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "mode": "minimum" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "mode": "minimum" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a: value,
    bcde:  42,
    fg :   foo()

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "value" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "value" }]*/

var obj = {
    a:    value,
    bcde: 42,

    fg: foo(),
    h:  function() {
        return this.a;
    ijkl: 'Non-consecutive lines form a new group'

var obj = { a: "foo", longPropertyName: "bar" };

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat:    2 * 2

Examples of correct code for this rule with the { "align": "colon" } option:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", { "align": "colon" }]*/

    foobar: 42,
    bat   : 2 * 2


The align option can take additional configuration through the beforeColon, afterColon, mode, and on options.

If align is defined as an object, but not all of the parameters are provided, undefined parameters will default to the following:

// Defaults
align: {
    "beforeColon": false,
    "afterColon": true,
    "on": "colon",
    "mode": "strict"

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7
/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": false,
        "on": "value"

var obj = {
    "one":  1,

align and multiLine

The multiLine and align options can differ, which allows for fine-tuned control over the key-spacing of your files. align will not inherit from multiLine if align is configured as an object.

multiLine is used any time an object literal spans multiple lines. The align configuration is used when there is a group of properties in the same object. For example:

var myObj = {
  key1: 1, // uses multiLine

  key2: 2, // uses align (when defined)
  key3: 3, // uses align (when defined)

  key4: 4 // uses multiLine

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    "one"             : 1,
    "seven"           : 7

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "align": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint key-spacing: ["error", {
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true

    "align": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "on": "colon"

var obj = {
    "myObjectFunction": function() {
        // Do something
    }, // These are two separate groups, so no alignment between `myObjectFuction` and `one`
    "one"   : 1,
    "seven" : 7 // `one` and `seven` are in their own group, and therefore aligned

singleLine and multiLine

Examples of correct code for this rule with sample { "singleLine": { }, "multiLine": { } } options:

/*eslint "key-spacing": [2, {
    "singleLine": {
        "beforeColon": false,
        "afterColon": true
    "multiLine": {
        "beforeColon": true,
        "afterColon": true,
        "align": "colon"
var obj = { one: 1, "two": 2, three: 3 };
var obj2 = {
    "two" : 2,
    three : 3

When Not To Use It

If you have another convention for property spacing that might not be consistent with the available options, or if you want to permit multiple styles concurrently you can safely disable this rule. Source:

Unexpected space before *.

co(function *() {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce spacing around the * in generator functions (generator-star-spacing)

Generators are a new type of function in ECMAScript 6 that can return multiple values over time. These special functions are indicated by placing an * after the function keyword.

Here is an example of a generator function:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function* generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

This is also valid:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function *generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

This is valid as well:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function * generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

To keep a sense of consistency when using generators this rule enforces a single position for the *.

Rule Details

This rule aims to enforce spacing around the * of generator functions.


The rule takes one option, an object, which has two keys before and after having boolean values true or false.

  • before enforces spacing between the * and the function keyword. If it is true, a space is required, otherwise spaces are disallowed.

In object literal shorthand methods, spacing before the * is not checked, as they lack a function keyword.

  • after enforces spacing between the * and the function name (or the opening parenthesis for anonymous generator functions). If it is true, a space is required, otherwise spaces are disallowed.

The default is {"before": true, "after": false}.

An example configuration:

"generator-star-spacing": ["error", {"before": true, "after": false}]

And the option has shorthand as a string keyword:

  • {"before": true, "after": false}"before"
  • {"before": false, "after": true}"after"
  • {"before": true, "after": true}"both"
  • {"before": false, "after": false}"neither"

An example of shorthand configuration:

"generator-star-spacing": ["error", "after"]



Examples of correct code for this rule with the "before" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": true, "after": false}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function *generator() {}

var anonymous = function *() {};

var shorthand = { *generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "after" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": false, "after": true}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function* generator() {}

var anonymous = function* () {};

var shorthand = { * generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "both" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": true, "after": true}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function * generator() {}

var anonymous = function * () {};

var shorthand = { * generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "neither" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": false, "after": false}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function*generator() {}

var anonymous = function*() {};

var shorthand = { *generator() {} };

When Not To Use It

If your project will not be using generators or you are not concerned with spacing consistency, you do not need this rule.

Further Reading

Unexpected require().

    const config = require('config/webpack/'+ env +'.config')
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source:

This generator function does not have 'yield'.

    get: function* (key) {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Disallow generator functions that do not have yield (require-yield)

Rule Details

This rule generates warnings for generator functions that do not have the yield keyword.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint require-yield: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function* foo() {
  return 10;

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint require-yield: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function* foo() {
  yield 5;
  return 10;

function foo() {
  return 10;

// This rule does not warn on empty generator functions.
function* foo() { }

When Not To Use It

If you don't want to notify generator functions that have no yield expression, then it's safe to disable this rule.

Related Rules

Expected method shorthand.

    set: function* (key, value) {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Require Object Literal Shorthand Syntax (object-shorthand)

EcmaScript 6 provides a concise form for defining object literal methods and properties. This syntax can make defining complex object literals much cleaner.

Here are a few common examples using the ES5 syntax:

// properties
var foo = {
    x: x,
    y: y,
    z: z,

// methods
var foo = {
    a: function() {},
    b: function() {}

Now here are ES6 equivalents:

/*eslint-env es6*/

// properties
var foo = {x, y, z};

// methods
var foo = {
    a() {},
    b() {}

Rule Details

This rule enforces the use of the shorthand syntax. This applies to all methods (including generators) defined in object literals and any properties defined where the key name matches name of the assigned variable.

Each of the following properties would warn:

/*eslint object-shorthand: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    w: function() {},
    x: function *() {},
    [y]: function() {},
    z: z

In that case the expected syntax would have been:

/*eslint object-shorthand: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    w() {},
    *x() {},
    [y]() {},

This rule does not flag arrow functions inside of object literals. The following will not warn:

/*eslint object-shorthand: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    x: (y) => y


The rule takes an option which specifies when it should be applied. It can be set to one of the following values:

  • "always" (default) expects that the shorthand will be used whenever possible.
  • "methods" ensures the method shorthand is used (also applies to generators).
  • "properties" ensures the property shorthand is used (where the key and variable name match).
  • "never" ensures that no property or method shorthand is used in any object literal.
  • "consistent" ensures that either all shorthand or all longform will be used in an object literal.
  • "consistent-as-needed" ensures that either all shorthand or all longform will be used in an object literal, but ensures all shorthand whenever possible.

You can set the option in configuration like this:

    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always"]

Additionally, the rule takes an optional object configuration:

  • "avoidQuotes": true indicates that longform syntax is preferred whenever the object key is a string literal (default: false). Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always", "methods", or "properties".
  • "ignoreConstructors": true can be used to prevent the rule from reporting errors for constructor functions. (By default, the rule treats constructors the same way as other functions.) Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always" or "methods".
  • "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true indicates that methods are preferred over explicit-return arrow functions for function properties. (By default, the rule allows either of these.) Note that this option can only be enabled when the string option is set to "always" or "methods".


    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "avoidQuotes": true }]

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidQuotes": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidQuotes": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    "bar-baz"() {}

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidQuotes": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidQuotes": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    "bar-baz": function() {},
    "qux": qux


    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true }]

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "ignoreConstructors": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    ConstructorFunction: function() {}


    "object-shorthand": ["error", "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true }]

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
  foo: (bar, baz) => {
    return bar + baz;

  qux: (foobar) => {
    return foobar * 2;

Example of correct code for this rule with the "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true } option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: ["error", "always", { "avoidExplicitReturnArrows": true }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
  foo(bar, baz) {
    return bar + baz;

  qux: foobar => foobar * 2

Example of incorrect code for this rule with the "consistent" option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: [2, "consistent"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    b: "foo",

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "consistent" option:

/*eslint object-shorthand: [2, "consistent"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    a: a,
    b: "foo"

var bar = {

Example of incorrect code with the "consistent-as-needed" option, which is very similar to "consistent":

/*eslint object-shorthand: [2, "consistent-as-needed"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var foo = {
    a: a,
    b: b,

When Not To Use It

Anyone not yet in an ES6 environment would not want to apply this rule. Others may find the terseness of the shorthand syntax harder to read and may not want to encourage it with this rule.

Further Reading

Object initializer - MDN Source:

Expected indentation of 4 spaces but found 6.

      signed: true,
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

enforce consistent indentation (indent)

There are several common guidelines which require specific indentation of nested blocks and statements, like:

function hello(indentSize, type) {
    if (indentSize === 4 && type !== 'tab') {
        console.log('Each next indentation will increase on 4 spaces');

These are the most common scenarios recommended in different style guides:

  • Two spaces, not longer and no tabs: Google, npm, Node.js, Idiomatic, Felix
  • Tabs: jQuery
  • Four spaces: Crockford

Rule Details

This rule enforces a consistent indentation style. The default style is 4 spaces.


This rule has a mixed option:

For example, for 2-space indentation:

    "indent": ["error", 2]

Or for tabbed indentation:

    "indent": ["error", "tab"]

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
  function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
    function foo(d) {

This rule has an object option:

  • "SwitchCase" (default: 0) enforces indentation level for case clauses in switch statements
  • "VariableDeclarator" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for var declarators; can also take an object to define separate rules for var, let and const declarations.
  • "outerIIFEBody" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for file-level IIFEs.
  • "MemberExpression" (off by default) enforces indentation level for multi-line property chains (except in variable declarations and assignments)
  • "FunctionDeclaration" takes an object to define rules for function declarations.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function declaration. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the declaration must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function declaration.
  • "FunctionExpression" takes an object to define rules for function expressions.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the expression must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function expression.
  • "CallExpression" takes an object to define rules for function call expressions.
    • arguments (off by default) enforces indentation level for arguments in a call expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all arguments of the expression must be aligned with the first argument.
  • "ArrayExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for elements in arrays. It can also be set to the string "first", indicating that all the elements in the array should be aligned with the first element.
  • "ObjectExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for properties in objects. It can be set to the string "first", indicating that all properties in the object should be aligned with the first property.

Level of indentation denotes the multiple of the indent specified. Example:

  • Indent of 4 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 8 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to {"var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3} will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces for var and let, 6 spaces for const statements.
  • Indent of tab with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 2 tabs.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 0 will not indent case clauses with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 1 will indent case clauses with 2 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 4 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of tab with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 2 tabs with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 2 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 8 spaces.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
/*tab*/function foo(d) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

case "a":
case "b":

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

  case "a":
  case "b":


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
  b = 2,
  c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
      b = 2,
      c = 3;


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the options 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

  function foo(x) {
    return x + 1;


if(y) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the options 2, {"outerIIFEBody": 0}:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

function foo(x) {
  return x + 1;


if(y) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


// Any indentation is permitted in variable declarations and assignments.
var bip = aardvark.badger


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
             qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
                   qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
  baz, boop, beep);

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
    baz, boop, beep);


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
    bar: 1,
baz: 2,
      qux: 3

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
  bar: 1,
  baz: 2,
  qux: 3

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
  baz: 2 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
            baz: 2 };


Expected indentation of 4 spaces but found 6.

      httpOnly: true,
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

enforce consistent indentation (indent)

There are several common guidelines which require specific indentation of nested blocks and statements, like:

function hello(indentSize, type) {
    if (indentSize === 4 && type !== 'tab') {
        console.log('Each next indentation will increase on 4 spaces');

These are the most common scenarios recommended in different style guides:

  • Two spaces, not longer and no tabs: Google, npm, Node.js, Idiomatic, Felix
  • Tabs: jQuery
  • Four spaces: Crockford

Rule Details

This rule enforces a consistent indentation style. The default style is 4 spaces.


This rule has a mixed option:

For example, for 2-space indentation:

    "indent": ["error", 2]

Or for tabbed indentation:

    "indent": ["error", "tab"]

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
  function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
    function foo(d) {

This rule has an object option:

  • "SwitchCase" (default: 0) enforces indentation level for case clauses in switch statements
  • "VariableDeclarator" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for var declarators; can also take an object to define separate rules for var, let and const declarations.
  • "outerIIFEBody" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for file-level IIFEs.
  • "MemberExpression" (off by default) enforces indentation level for multi-line property chains (except in variable declarations and assignments)
  • "FunctionDeclaration" takes an object to define rules for function declarations.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function declaration. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the declaration must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function declaration.
  • "FunctionExpression" takes an object to define rules for function expressions.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the expression must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function expression.
  • "CallExpression" takes an object to define rules for function call expressions.
    • arguments (off by default) enforces indentation level for arguments in a call expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all arguments of the expression must be aligned with the first argument.
  • "ArrayExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for elements in arrays. It can also be set to the string "first", indicating that all the elements in the array should be aligned with the first element.
  • "ObjectExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for properties in objects. It can be set to the string "first", indicating that all properties in the object should be aligned with the first property.

Level of indentation denotes the multiple of the indent specified. Example:

  • Indent of 4 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 8 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to {"var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3} will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces for var and let, 6 spaces for const statements.
  • Indent of tab with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 2 tabs.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 0 will not indent case clauses with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 1 will indent case clauses with 2 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 4 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of tab with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 2 tabs with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 2 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 8 spaces.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
/*tab*/function foo(d) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

case "a":
case "b":

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

  case "a":
  case "b":


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
  b = 2,
  c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
      b = 2,
      c = 3;


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the options 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

  function foo(x) {
    return x + 1;


if(y) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the options 2, {"outerIIFEBody": 0}:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

function foo(x) {
  return x + 1;


if(y) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


// Any indentation is permitted in variable declarations and assignments.
var bip = aardvark.badger


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
             qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
                   qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
  baz, boop, beep);

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
    baz, boop, beep);


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
    bar: 1,
baz: 2,
      qux: 3

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
  bar: 1,
  baz: 2,
  qux: 3

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
  baz: 2 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
            baz: 2 };


Expected indentation of 4 spaces but found 6.

      path: '/',
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

enforce consistent indentation (indent)

There are several common guidelines which require specific indentation of nested blocks and statements, like:

function hello(indentSize, type) {
    if (indentSize === 4 && type !== 'tab') {
        console.log('Each next indentation will increase on 4 spaces');

These are the most common scenarios recommended in different style guides:

  • Two spaces, not longer and no tabs: Google, npm, Node.js, Idiomatic, Felix
  • Tabs: jQuery
  • Four spaces: Crockford

Rule Details

This rule enforces a consistent indentation style. The default style is 4 spaces.


This rule has a mixed option:

For example, for 2-space indentation:

    "indent": ["error", 2]

Or for tabbed indentation:

    "indent": ["error", "tab"]

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
  function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
    function foo(d) {

This rule has an object option:

  • "SwitchCase" (default: 0) enforces indentation level for case clauses in switch statements
  • "VariableDeclarator" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for var declarators; can also take an object to define separate rules for var, let and const declarations.
  • "outerIIFEBody" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for file-level IIFEs.
  • "MemberExpression" (off by default) enforces indentation level for multi-line property chains (except in variable declarations and assignments)
  • "FunctionDeclaration" takes an object to define rules for function declarations.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function declaration. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the declaration must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function declaration.
  • "FunctionExpression" takes an object to define rules for function expressions.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the expression must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function expression.
  • "CallExpression" takes an object to define rules for function call expressions.
    • arguments (off by default) enforces indentation level for arguments in a call expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all arguments of the expression must be aligned with the first argument.
  • "ArrayExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for elements in arrays. It can also be set to the string "first", indicating that all the elements in the array should be aligned with the first element.
  • "ObjectExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for properties in objects. It can be set to the string "first", indicating that all properties in the object should be aligned with the first property.

Level of indentation denotes the multiple of the indent specified. Example:

  • Indent of 4 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 8 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to {"var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3} will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces for var and let, 6 spaces for const statements.
  • Indent of tab with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 2 tabs.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 0 will not indent case clauses with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 1 will indent case clauses with 2 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 4 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of tab with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 2 tabs with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 2 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 8 spaces.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
/*tab*/function foo(d) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

case "a":
case "b":

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

  case "a":
  case "b":


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
  b = 2,
  c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
      b = 2,
      c = 3;


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the options 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

  function foo(x) {
    return x + 1;


if(y) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the options 2, {"outerIIFEBody": 0}:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

function foo(x) {
  return x + 1;


if(y) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


// Any indentation is permitted in variable declarations and assignments.
var bip = aardvark.badger


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
             qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
                   qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
  baz, boop, beep);

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
    baz, boop, beep);


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
    bar: 1,
baz: 2,
      qux: 3

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
  bar: 1,
  baz: 2,
  qux: 3

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
  baz: 2 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
            baz: 2 };


Expected indentation of 4 spaces but found 6.

      overwrite: true,
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

enforce consistent indentation (indent)

There are several common guidelines which require specific indentation of nested blocks and statements, like:

function hello(indentSize, type) {
    if (indentSize === 4 && type !== 'tab') {
        console.log('Each next indentation will increase on 4 spaces');

These are the most common scenarios recommended in different style guides:

  • Two spaces, not longer and no tabs: Google, npm, Node.js, Idiomatic, Felix
  • Tabs: jQuery
  • Four spaces: Crockford

Rule Details

This rule enforces a consistent indentation style. The default style is 4 spaces.


This rule has a mixed option:

For example, for 2-space indentation:

    "indent": ["error", 2]

Or for tabbed indentation:

    "indent": ["error", "tab"]

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
  function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
    function foo(d) {

This rule has an object option:

  • "SwitchCase" (default: 0) enforces indentation level for case clauses in switch statements
  • "VariableDeclarator" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for var declarators; can also take an object to define separate rules for var, let and const declarations.
  • "outerIIFEBody" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for file-level IIFEs.
  • "MemberExpression" (off by default) enforces indentation level for multi-line property chains (except in variable declarations and assignments)
  • "FunctionDeclaration" takes an object to define rules for function declarations.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function declaration. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the declaration must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function declaration.
  • "FunctionExpression" takes an object to define rules for function expressions.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the expression must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function expression.
  • "CallExpression" takes an object to define rules for function call expressions.
    • arguments (off by default) enforces indentation level for arguments in a call expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all arguments of the expression must be aligned with the first argument.
  • "ArrayExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for elements in arrays. It can also be set to the string "first", indicating that all the elements in the array should be aligned with the first element.
  • "ObjectExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for properties in objects. It can be set to the string "first", indicating that all properties in the object should be aligned with the first property.

Level of indentation denotes the multiple of the indent specified. Example:

  • Indent of 4 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 8 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to {"var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3} will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces for var and let, 6 spaces for const statements.
  • Indent of tab with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 2 tabs.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 0 will not indent case clauses with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 1 will indent case clauses with 2 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 4 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of tab with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 2 tabs with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 2 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 8 spaces.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
/*tab*/function foo(d) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

case "a":
case "b":

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

  case "a":
  case "b":


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
  b = 2,
  c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
      b = 2,
      c = 3;


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the options 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

  function foo(x) {
    return x + 1;


if(y) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the options 2, {"outerIIFEBody": 0}:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

function foo(x) {
  return x + 1;


if(y) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


// Any indentation is permitted in variable declarations and assignments.
var bip = aardvark.badger


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
             qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
                   qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
  baz, boop, beep);

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
    baz, boop, beep);


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
    bar: 1,
baz: 2,
      qux: 3

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
  bar: 1,
  baz: 2,
  qux: 3

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
  baz: 2 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
            baz: 2 };


Expected indentation of 4 spaces but found 6.

      secure: true,
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

enforce consistent indentation (indent)

There are several common guidelines which require specific indentation of nested blocks and statements, like:

function hello(indentSize, type) {
    if (indentSize === 4 && type !== 'tab') {
        console.log('Each next indentation will increase on 4 spaces');

These are the most common scenarios recommended in different style guides:

  • Two spaces, not longer and no tabs: Google, npm, Node.js, Idiomatic, Felix
  • Tabs: jQuery
  • Four spaces: Crockford

Rule Details

This rule enforces a consistent indentation style. The default style is 4 spaces.


This rule has a mixed option:

For example, for 2-space indentation:

    "indent": ["error", 2]

Or for tabbed indentation:

    "indent": ["error", "tab"]

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
  function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
    function foo(d) {

This rule has an object option:

  • "SwitchCase" (default: 0) enforces indentation level for case clauses in switch statements
  • "VariableDeclarator" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for var declarators; can also take an object to define separate rules for var, let and const declarations.
  • "outerIIFEBody" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for file-level IIFEs.
  • "MemberExpression" (off by default) enforces indentation level for multi-line property chains (except in variable declarations and assignments)
  • "FunctionDeclaration" takes an object to define rules for function declarations.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function declaration. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the declaration must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function declaration.
  • "FunctionExpression" takes an object to define rules for function expressions.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the expression must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function expression.
  • "CallExpression" takes an object to define rules for function call expressions.
    • arguments (off by default) enforces indentation level for arguments in a call expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all arguments of the expression must be aligned with the first argument.
  • "ArrayExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for elements in arrays. It can also be set to the string "first", indicating that all the elements in the array should be aligned with the first element.
  • "ObjectExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for properties in objects. It can be set to the string "first", indicating that all properties in the object should be aligned with the first property.

Level of indentation denotes the multiple of the indent specified. Example:

  • Indent of 4 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 8 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to {"var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3} will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces for var and let, 6 spaces for const statements.
  • Indent of tab with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 2 tabs.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 0 will not indent case clauses with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 1 will indent case clauses with 2 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 4 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of tab with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 2 tabs with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 2 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 8 spaces.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
/*tab*/function foo(d) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

case "a":
case "b":

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

  case "a":
  case "b":


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
  b = 2,
  c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
      b = 2,
      c = 3;


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the options 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

  function foo(x) {
    return x + 1;


if(y) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the options 2, {"outerIIFEBody": 0}:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

function foo(x) {
  return x + 1;


if(y) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


// Any indentation is permitted in variable declarations and assignments.
var bip = aardvark.badger


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
             qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
                   qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
  baz, boop, beep);

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
    baz, boop, beep);


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
    bar: 1,
baz: 2,
      qux: 3

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
  bar: 1,
  baz: 2,
  qux: 3

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
  baz: 2 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
            baz: 2 };


Missing space after *.

co(function *() {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce spacing around the * in generator functions (generator-star-spacing)

Generators are a new type of function in ECMAScript 6 that can return multiple values over time. These special functions are indicated by placing an * after the function keyword.

Here is an example of a generator function:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function* generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

This is also valid:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function *generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

This is valid as well:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function * generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

To keep a sense of consistency when using generators this rule enforces a single position for the *.

Rule Details

This rule aims to enforce spacing around the * of generator functions.


The rule takes one option, an object, which has two keys before and after having boolean values true or false.

  • before enforces spacing between the * and the function keyword. If it is true, a space is required, otherwise spaces are disallowed.

In object literal shorthand methods, spacing before the * is not checked, as they lack a function keyword.

  • after enforces spacing between the * and the function name (or the opening parenthesis for anonymous generator functions). If it is true, a space is required, otherwise spaces are disallowed.

The default is {"before": true, "after": false}.

An example configuration:

"generator-star-spacing": ["error", {"before": true, "after": false}]

And the option has shorthand as a string keyword:

  • {"before": true, "after": false}"before"
  • {"before": false, "after": true}"after"
  • {"before": true, "after": true}"both"
  • {"before": false, "after": false}"neither"

An example of shorthand configuration:

"generator-star-spacing": ["error", "after"]



Examples of correct code for this rule with the "before" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": true, "after": false}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function *generator() {}

var anonymous = function *() {};

var shorthand = { *generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "after" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": false, "after": true}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function* generator() {}

var anonymous = function* () {};

var shorthand = { * generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "both" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": true, "after": true}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function * generator() {}

var anonymous = function * () {};

var shorthand = { * generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "neither" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": false, "after": false}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function*generator() {}

var anonymous = function*() {};

var shorthand = { *generator() {} };

When Not To Use It

If your project will not be using generators or you are not concerned with spacing consistency, you do not need this rule.

Further Reading

Mixed spaces and tabs.

      cookie: {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

disallow mixed spaces and tabs for indentation (no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs)

Most code conventions require either tabs or spaces be used for indentation. As such, it's usually an error if a single line of code is indented with both tabs and spaces.

Rule Details

This rule disallows mixed spaces and tabs for indentation.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: "error"*/

function add(x, y) {
// --->..return x + y;

      return x + y;

function main() {
// --->var x = 5,
// --->....y = 7;

    var x = 5,
        y = 7;

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: "error"*/

function add(x, y) {
// --->return x + y;
    return x + y;


This rule has a string option.

  • "smart-tabs" allows mixed spaces and tabs when the latter are used for alignment.


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "smart-tabs" option:

/*eslint no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs: ["error", "smart-tabs"]*/

function main() {
// --->var x = 5,
// --->....y = 7;

    var x = 5,
        y = 7;

Further Reading

Unexpected tab character.

      cookie: {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

disallow all tabs (no-tabs)

Some style guides don't allow the use of tab characters at all, including within comments.

Rule Details

This rule looks for tabs anywhere inside a file: code, comments or anything else.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

var a /t= 2;

* /t/t it's a test function
function test(){}

var x = 1; // /t test

Examples of correct code for this rule:

var a = 2;

* it's a test function
function test(){}

var x = 1; // test

When Not To Use It

If you have established a standard where having tabs is fine.


Expected indentation of 4 spaces but found 6.

      maxAge: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000,
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

enforce consistent indentation (indent)

There are several common guidelines which require specific indentation of nested blocks and statements, like:

function hello(indentSize, type) {
    if (indentSize === 4 && type !== 'tab') {
        console.log('Each next indentation will increase on 4 spaces');

These are the most common scenarios recommended in different style guides:

  • Two spaces, not longer and no tabs: Google, npm, Node.js, Idiomatic, Felix
  • Tabs: jQuery
  • Four spaces: Crockford

Rule Details

This rule enforces a consistent indentation style. The default style is 4 spaces.


This rule has a mixed option:

For example, for 2-space indentation:

    "indent": ["error", 2]

Or for tabbed indentation:

    "indent": ["error", "tab"]

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
  function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
    function foo(d) {

This rule has an object option:

  • "SwitchCase" (default: 0) enforces indentation level for case clauses in switch statements
  • "VariableDeclarator" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for var declarators; can also take an object to define separate rules for var, let and const declarations.
  • "outerIIFEBody" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for file-level IIFEs.
  • "MemberExpression" (off by default) enforces indentation level for multi-line property chains (except in variable declarations and assignments)
  • "FunctionDeclaration" takes an object to define rules for function declarations.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function declaration. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the declaration must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function declaration.
  • "FunctionExpression" takes an object to define rules for function expressions.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the expression must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function expression.
  • "CallExpression" takes an object to define rules for function call expressions.
    • arguments (off by default) enforces indentation level for arguments in a call expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all arguments of the expression must be aligned with the first argument.
  • "ArrayExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for elements in arrays. It can also be set to the string "first", indicating that all the elements in the array should be aligned with the first element.
  • "ObjectExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for properties in objects. It can be set to the string "first", indicating that all properties in the object should be aligned with the first property.

Level of indentation denotes the multiple of the indent specified. Example:

  • Indent of 4 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 8 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to {"var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3} will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces for var and let, 6 spaces for const statements.
  • Indent of tab with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 2 tabs.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 0 will not indent case clauses with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 1 will indent case clauses with 2 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 4 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of tab with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 2 tabs with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 2 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 8 spaces.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
/*tab*/function foo(d) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

case "a":
case "b":

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

  case "a":
  case "b":


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
  b = 2,
  c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
      b = 2,
      c = 3;


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the options 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

  function foo(x) {
    return x + 1;


if(y) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the options 2, {"outerIIFEBody": 0}:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

function foo(x) {
  return x + 1;


if(y) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


// Any indentation is permitted in variable declarations and assignments.
var bip = aardvark.badger


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
             qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
                   qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
  baz, boop, beep);

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
    baz, boop, beep);


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
    bar: 1,
baz: 2,
      qux: 3

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
  bar: 1,
  baz: 2,
  qux: 3

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
  baz: 2 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
            baz: 2 };


Object properties must go on a new line if they aren't all on the same line.

    }, store: store({ db: leveldb }) }
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

enforce placing object properties on separate lines (object-property-newline)

While formatting preferences are very personal, a number of style guides require that object properties be placed on separate lines for better readability.

Another argument in favor of this style is that it improves the readability of diffs when a property is changed:

// More readable
 var obj = {
     foo: "foo",
-    bar: "bar",
+    bar: "bazz",
     baz: "baz"
// Less readable
-var obj = { foo: "foo", bar: "bar", baz: "baz" };
+var obj = { foo: "foo", bar: "bazz", baz: "baz" };

Rule Details

This rule aims to maintain consistency of newlines between object properties.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint object-property-newline: "error"*/

var obj = { foo: "foo", bar: "bar", baz: "baz" };

var obj2 = {
    foo: "foo", bar: "bar", baz: "baz"

var obj3 = {
    foo: "foo", bar: "bar",
    baz: "baz"

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint object-property-newline: "error"*/

var obj = {
    foo: "foo",
    bar: "bar",
    baz: "baz"


This rule has an object option:

  • "allowMultiplePropertiesPerLine": true allows all keys and values to be on the same line


Examples of additional correct code for this rule with the { "allowMultiplePropertiesPerLine": true } option:

/*eslint object-property-newline: ["error", { "allowMultiplePropertiesPerLine": true }]*/

var obj = { foo: "foo", bar: "bar", baz: "baz" };

var obj2 = {
    foo: "foo", bar: "bar", baz: "baz"

When Not To Use It

You can turn this rule off if you are not concerned with the consistency of newlines between object properties.


Related Rules

  • [brace-style](
  • [comma-dangle](
  • [key-spacing](
  • [object-curly-spacing]( Source:

Unexpected space before *.

co(function *() {
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

Enforce spacing around the * in generator functions (generator-star-spacing)

Generators are a new type of function in ECMAScript 6 that can return multiple values over time. These special functions are indicated by placing an * after the function keyword.

Here is an example of a generator function:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function* generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

This is also valid:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function *generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

This is valid as well:

/*eslint-env es6*/

function * generator() {
    yield "44";
    yield "55";

To keep a sense of consistency when using generators this rule enforces a single position for the *.

Rule Details

This rule aims to enforce spacing around the * of generator functions.


The rule takes one option, an object, which has two keys before and after having boolean values true or false.

  • before enforces spacing between the * and the function keyword. If it is true, a space is required, otherwise spaces are disallowed.

In object literal shorthand methods, spacing before the * is not checked, as they lack a function keyword.

  • after enforces spacing between the * and the function name (or the opening parenthesis for anonymous generator functions). If it is true, a space is required, otherwise spaces are disallowed.

The default is {"before": true, "after": false}.

An example configuration:

"generator-star-spacing": ["error", {"before": true, "after": false}]

And the option has shorthand as a string keyword:

  • {"before": true, "after": false}"before"
  • {"before": false, "after": true}"after"
  • {"before": true, "after": true}"both"
  • {"before": false, "after": false}"neither"

An example of shorthand configuration:

"generator-star-spacing": ["error", "after"]



Examples of correct code for this rule with the "before" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": true, "after": false}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function *generator() {}

var anonymous = function *() {};

var shorthand = { *generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "after" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": false, "after": true}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function* generator() {}

var anonymous = function* () {};

var shorthand = { * generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "both" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": true, "after": true}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function * generator() {}

var anonymous = function * () {};

var shorthand = { * generator() {} };


Examples of correct code for this rule with the "neither" option:

/*eslint generator-star-spacing: ["error", {"before": false, "after": false}]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

function*generator() {}

var anonymous = function*() {};

var shorthand = { *generator() {} };

When Not To Use It

If your project will not be using generators or you are not concerned with spacing consistency, you do not need this rule.

Further Reading

Expected indentation of 4 spaces but found 6.

      sameSite: 'lax'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

enforce consistent indentation (indent)

There are several common guidelines which require specific indentation of nested blocks and statements, like:

function hello(indentSize, type) {
    if (indentSize === 4 && type !== 'tab') {
        console.log('Each next indentation will increase on 4 spaces');

These are the most common scenarios recommended in different style guides:

  • Two spaces, not longer and no tabs: Google, npm, Node.js, Idiomatic, Felix
  • Tabs: jQuery
  • Four spaces: Crockford

Rule Details

This rule enforces a consistent indentation style. The default style is 4 spaces.


This rule has a mixed option:

For example, for 2-space indentation:

    "indent": ["error", 2]

Or for tabbed indentation:

    "indent": ["error", "tab"]

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
  function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
    function foo(d) {

This rule has an object option:

  • "SwitchCase" (default: 0) enforces indentation level for case clauses in switch statements
  • "VariableDeclarator" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for var declarators; can also take an object to define separate rules for var, let and const declarations.
  • "outerIIFEBody" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for file-level IIFEs.
  • "MemberExpression" (off by default) enforces indentation level for multi-line property chains (except in variable declarations and assignments)
  • "FunctionDeclaration" takes an object to define rules for function declarations.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function declaration. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the declaration must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function declaration.
  • "FunctionExpression" takes an object to define rules for function expressions.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the expression must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function expression.
  • "CallExpression" takes an object to define rules for function call expressions.
    • arguments (off by default) enforces indentation level for arguments in a call expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all arguments of the expression must be aligned with the first argument.
  • "ArrayExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for elements in arrays. It can also be set to the string "first", indicating that all the elements in the array should be aligned with the first element.
  • "ObjectExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for properties in objects. It can be set to the string "first", indicating that all properties in the object should be aligned with the first property.

Level of indentation denotes the multiple of the indent specified. Example:

  • Indent of 4 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 8 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to {"var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3} will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces for var and let, 6 spaces for const statements.
  • Indent of tab with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 2 tabs.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 0 will not indent case clauses with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 1 will indent case clauses with 2 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 4 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of tab with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 2 tabs with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 2 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 8 spaces.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
/*tab*/function foo(d) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

case "a":
case "b":

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

  case "a":
  case "b":


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
  b = 2,
  c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
      b = 2,
      c = 3;


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the options 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

  function foo(x) {
    return x + 1;


if(y) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the options 2, {"outerIIFEBody": 0}:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

function foo(x) {
  return x + 1;


if(y) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


// Any indentation is permitted in variable declarations and assignments.
var bip = aardvark.badger


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
             qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
                   qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
  baz, boop, beep);

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
    baz, boop, beep);


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
    bar: 1,
baz: 2,
      qux: 3

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
  bar: 1,
  baz: 2,
  qux: 3

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
  baz: 2 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
            baz: 2 };


Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4.

    }, store: store({ db: leveldb }) }
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

enforce consistent indentation (indent)

There are several common guidelines which require specific indentation of nested blocks and statements, like:

function hello(indentSize, type) {
    if (indentSize === 4 && type !== 'tab') {
        console.log('Each next indentation will increase on 4 spaces');

These are the most common scenarios recommended in different style guides:

  • Two spaces, not longer and no tabs: Google, npm, Node.js, Idiomatic, Felix
  • Tabs: jQuery
  • Four spaces: Crockford

Rule Details

This rule enforces a consistent indentation style. The default style is 4 spaces.


This rule has a mixed option:

For example, for 2-space indentation:

    "indent": ["error", 2]

Or for tabbed indentation:

    "indent": ["error", "tab"]

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
  function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the default options:

/*eslint indent: "error"*/

if (a) {
    function foo(d) {

This rule has an object option:

  • "SwitchCase" (default: 0) enforces indentation level for case clauses in switch statements
  • "VariableDeclarator" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for var declarators; can also take an object to define separate rules for var, let and const declarations.
  • "outerIIFEBody" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for file-level IIFEs.
  • "MemberExpression" (off by default) enforces indentation level for multi-line property chains (except in variable declarations and assignments)
  • "FunctionDeclaration" takes an object to define rules for function declarations.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function declaration. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the declaration must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function declaration.
  • "FunctionExpression" takes an object to define rules for function expressions.
    • parameters (off by default) enforces indentation level for parameters in a function expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all parameters of the expression must be aligned with the first parameter.
    • body (default: 1) enforces indentation level for the body of a function expression.
  • "CallExpression" takes an object to define rules for function call expressions.
    • arguments (off by default) enforces indentation level for arguments in a call expression. This can either be a number indicating indentation level, or the string "first" indicating that all arguments of the expression must be aligned with the first argument.
  • "ArrayExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for elements in arrays. It can also be set to the string "first", indicating that all the elements in the array should be aligned with the first element.
  • "ObjectExpression" (default: 1) enforces indentation level for properties in objects. It can be set to the string "first", indicating that all properties in the object should be aligned with the first property.

Level of indentation denotes the multiple of the indent specified. Example:

  • Indent of 4 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 8 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with VariableDeclarator set to {"var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3} will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 4 spaces for var and let, 6 spaces for const statements.
  • Indent of tab with VariableDeclarator set to 2 will indent the multi-line variable declarations with 2 tabs.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 0 will not indent case clauses with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 1 will indent case clauses with 2 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 4 spaces with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of tab with SwitchCase set to 2 will indent case clauses with 2 tabs with respect to switch statements.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 2 spaces.
  • Indent of 2 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 0 will indent the multi-line property chains with 0 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 1 will indent the multi-line property chains with 4 spaces.
  • Indent of 4 spaces with MemberExpression set to 2 will indent the multi-line property chains with 8 spaces.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
function foo(d) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "tab" option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", "tab"]*/

if (a) {
/*tab*/function foo(d) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

case "a":
case "b":

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "SwitchCase": 1 }]*/

  case "a":
  case "b":


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 1 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
  b = 2,
  c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": 2 }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
    b = 2,
    c = 3;

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "VariableDeclarator": { "var": 2, "let": 2, "const": 3 } }]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

var a,
let a,
const a = 1,
      b = 2,
      c = 3;


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the options 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

  function foo(x) {
    return x + 1;


if(y) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the options 2, {"outerIIFEBody": 0}:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "outerIIFEBody": 0 }]*/

(function() {

function foo(x) {
  return x + 1;


if(y) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } options:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "MemberExpression": 1 }]*/


// Any indentation is permitted in variable declarations and assignments.
var bip = aardvark.badger


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

function foo(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionDeclaration": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

function foo(bar, baz,
             qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
  qux) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"body": 1, "parameters": 2} }]*/

var foo = function(bar,
    qux) {

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
  qux, boop) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"FunctionExpression": {"parameters": "first"}}]*/

var foo = function(bar, baz,
                   qux, boop) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": 1} }]*/


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
  baz, boop, beep);

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"} } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"CallExpression": {"arguments": "first"}}]*/

foo(bar, baz,
    baz, boop, beep);


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ArrayExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = [

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ArrayExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ArrayExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = [bar,


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
    bar: 1,
baz: 2,
      qux: 3

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, { "ObjectExpression": 1 }]*/

var foo = {
  bar: 1,
  baz: 2,
  qux: 3

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
  baz: 2 };

Examples of correct code for this rule with the 2, { "ObjectExpression": "first" } option:

/*eslint indent: ["error", 2, {"ObjectExpression": "first"}]*/

var foo = { bar: 1,
            baz: 2 };


Absolute imports should come before relative imports.

import bodyParser from 'koa-bodyparser'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Absolute imports should come before relative imports.

import noCache from 'koa-no-cache'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Absolute imports should come before relative imports.

import adminServices from 'src/server/services/admin'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Absolute imports should come before relative imports.

import models from 'src/server/db/models'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Absolute imports should come before relative imports.

import services from 'src/server/services'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Calls to require() should use string literals

    const config = require('config/webpack/'+ env +'.config')
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Absolute imports should come before relative imports.

import path from 'path'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Absolute imports should come before relative imports.

import favicon from 'koa-favicon'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Absolute imports should come before relative imports.

import co from 'co'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Absolute imports should come before relative imports.

import locale from 'koa-locale'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Expected empty line after require statement not followed by another require.

const debug = require('debug')
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Expected empty line after require statement not followed by another require.

app.keys = require('config').app.SESSION_KEYS
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Expected empty line after import statement not followed by another import.

import adminView from './adminView'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Import in body of module; reorder to top.

import adminView from './adminView'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Expected empty line after import statement not followed by another import.

import appView from './appView'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

Import in body of module; reorder to top.

import appView from './appView'
Severity: Minor
Found in src/server/koa.js by eslint

For more information visit Source:

There are no issues that match your filters.
