.rubocop.yml: Layout/LineLength has the wrong namespace - should be Metrics
Warning: unrecognized cop Layout/ParameterAlignment found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Layout/FirstArrayElementIndentation found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/RaiseException found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/StructNewOverride found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/HashEachMethods found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/HashTransformKeys found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/HashTransformValues found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: AllCops does not support NewCops parameter.
Supported parameters are:
- RubyInterpreters
- Include
- Exclude
- DefaultFormatter
- DisplayCopNames
- DisplayStyleGuide
- StyleGuideBaseURL
- ExtraDetails
- StyleGuideCopsOnly
- EnabledByDefault
- DisabledByDefault
- UseCache
- MaxFilesInCache
- CacheRootDirectory
- AllowSymlinksInCacheRootDirectory
- TargetRubyVersion
- TargetRailsVersion