codeclimate validate-config
WARNING: 'engines' has been deprecated, please use 'plugins' instead
WARNING: 'exclude_paths' has been deprecated, please use 'exclude_patterns' instead
WARNING: 'ratings' has been deprecated, and will not be used
The `Style/TrailingComma` cop no longer exists. Please use `Style/TrailingCommaInLiteral` and/or `Style/TrailingCommaInArguments` instead.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
The `Lint/InvalidCharacterLiteral` cop has been removed since it was never being actually triggered.
(obsolete configuration found in .rubocop.yml, please update it)
Warning: unrecognized cop Layout/SpaceInsideBrackets found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/TrailingComma found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/InvalidCharacterLiteral found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized parameter Style/ParallelAssignment:Reference found in .rubocop.yml