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Add request_body to exception #147
Ivan Reshetnikov authored 981c3079
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codeclimate validate-config
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codeclimate validate-config
No errors or warnings found in .codeclimate.yml.
codeclimate prepare
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codeclimate prepare
builder pull-engines
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determining required images
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Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
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Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
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rubocop engine documentation
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.rubocop.yml: Layout/LineLength has the wrong namespace - should be Metrics
.rubocop.yml: Lint/SelfAssignment has the wrong namespace - should be Style
.rubocop.yml: Style/HashEachMethods has the wrong namespace - should be Performance
Warning: unrecognized cop Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Layout/EmptyLinesAroundAttributeAccessor found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Layout/SpaceAroundMethodCallOperator found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/BinaryOperatorWithIdenticalOperands found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/DeprecatedOpenSSLConstant found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/DuplicateElsifCondition found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/DuplicateRescueException found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/EmptyConditionalBody found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/FloatComparison found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/MissingSuper found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/MixedRegexpCaptureTypes found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/OutOfRangeRegexpRef found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/RaiseException found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/StructNewOverride found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/TopLevelReturnWithArgument found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Lint/UnreachableLoop found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/AccessorGrouping found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/ArrayCoercion found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/BisectedAttrAccessor found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/CaseLikeIf found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/ExplicitBlockArgument found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/ExponentialNotation found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/GlobalStdStream found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/HashAsLastArrayItem found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/HashLikeCase found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/HashTransformKeys found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/HashTransformValues found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/OptionalBooleanParameter found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/RedundantAssignment found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/RedundantFetchBlock found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/RedundantFileExtensionInRequire found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/RedundantRegexpCharacterClass found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/RedundantRegexpEscape found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/SingleArgumentDig found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/SlicingWithRange found in .rubocop.yml
Warning: unrecognized cop Style/StringConcatenation found in .rubocop.yml