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6 hrs
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Function initialize has 80 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    function initialize(options) {
        // Check if moment.js is available
        var momentJsAvailable = (typeof moment !== 'undefined');

        // Set class based on sign parameter
Severity: Major
Found in wouso/resources/static/js/bootstrap-sortable.js - About 3 hrs to fix

    Function doSort has 66 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

        function doSort($this, $table) {
            var sortColumn = parseFloat($this.attr('data-sortcolumn')),
                context = lookupSortContext($table),
                bsSort = context.bsSort;
    Severity: Major
    Found in wouso/resources/static/js/bootstrap-sortable.js - About 2 hrs to fix

      Avoid deeply nested control flow statements.

      !function (a, b) { "use strict"; function c() { return b } "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define("tinysort", c) : a.tinysort = b }(this, function () { "use strict"; function a(a, f) { function j() { 0 === arguments.length ? s({}) : d(arguments, function (a) { s(c(a) ? { selector: a } : a) }), p = D.length } function s(a) { var b = !!a.selector, c = b && ":" === a.selector[0], d = e(a || {}, r); D.push(e({ hasSelector: b, hasAttr: !(d.attr === i || "" === d.attr), hasData: !== i, hasFilter: c, sortReturnNumber: "asc" === d.order ? 1 : -1 }, d)) } function t() { d(a, function (a, b) { y ? y !== a.parentNode && (E = !1) : y = a.parentNode; var c = D[0], d = c.hasFilter, e = c.selector, f = !e || d && a.matchesSelector(e) || e && a.querySelector(e), g = f ? B : C, h = { elm: a, pos: b, posn: g.length }; A.push(h), g.push(h) }), x = B.slice(0) } function u() { B.sort(v) } function v(a, e) { var f = 0; for (0 !== q && (q = 0) ; 0 === f && p > q;) { var i = D[q], j = i.ignoreDashes ? n : m; if (d(o, function (a) { var b = a.prepare; b && b(i) }), i.sortFunction) f = i.sortFunction(a, e); else if ("rand" == i.order) f = Math.random() < .5 ? 1 : -1; else { var k = h, r = b(a, i), s = b(e, i), t = "" === r || r === g, u = "" === s || s === g; if (r === s) f = 0; else if (i.emptyEnd && (t || u)) f = t && u ? 0 : t ? 1 : -1; else { if (!i.forceStrings) { var v = c(r) ? r && r.match(j) : h, w = c(s) ? s && s.match(j) : h; if (v && w) { var x = r.substr(0, r.length - v[0].length), y = s.substr(0, s.length - w[0].length); x == y && (k = !h, r = l(v[0]), s = l(w[0])) } } f = r === g || s === g ? 0 : s > r ? -1 : r > s ? 1 : 0 } } d(o, function (a) { var b = a.sort; b && (f = b(i, k, r, s, f)) }), f *= i.sortReturnNumber, 0 === f && q++ } return 0 === f && (f = a.pos > e.pos ? 1 : -1), f } function w() { var a = B.length === A.length; E && a ? F ? B.forEach(function (a, b) { = b }) : (B.forEach(function (a) { z.appendChild(a.elm) }), y.appendChild(z)) : (B.forEach(function (a) { var b = a.elm, c = k.createElement("div"); a.ghost = c, b.parentNode.insertBefore(c, b) }), B.forEach(function (a, b) { var c = x[b].ghost; c.parentNode.insertBefore(a.elm, c), c.parentNode.removeChild(c) })) } c(a) && (a = k.querySelectorAll(a)), 0 === a.length && console.warn("No elements to sort"); var x, y, z = k.createDocumentFragment(), A = [], B = [], C = [], D = [], E = !0, F = a.length && (f === g || f.useFlex !== !1) && -1 !== getComputedStyle(a[0].parentNode, null).display.indexOf("flex"); return j.apply(i,, 1)), t(), u(), w(), (a) { return a.elm }) } function b(a, b) { var d, e = a.elm; return b.selector && (b.hasFilter ? e.matchesSelector(b.selector) || (e = i) : e = e.querySelector(b.selector)), b.hasAttr ? d = e.getAttribute(b.attr) : b.useVal ? d = e.value || e.getAttribute("value") : b.hasData ? d = e.getAttribute("data-" + : e && (d = e.textContent), c(d) && (b.cases || (d = d.toLowerCase()), d = d.replace(/\s+/g, " ")), d } function c(a) { return "string" == typeof a } function d(a, b) { for (var c, d = a.length, e = d; e--;) c = d - e - 1, b(a[c], c) } function e(a, b, c) { for (var d in b) (c || a[d] === g) && (a[d] = b[d]); return a } function f(a, b, c) { o.push({ prepare: a, sort: b, sortBy: c }) } var g, h = !1, i = null, j = window, k = j.document, l = parseFloat, m = /(-?\d+\.?\d*)\s*$/g, n = /(\d+\.?\d*)\s*$/g, o = [], p = 0, q = 0, r = { selector: i, order: "asc", attr: i, data: i, useVal: h, place: "start", returns: h, cases: h, forceStrings: h, ignoreDashes: h, sortFunction: i, useFlex: h, emptyEnd: h }; return j.Element && function (a) { a.matchesSelector = a.matchesSelector || a.mozMatchesSelector || a.msMatchesSelector || a.oMatchesSelector || a.webkitMatchesSelector || function (a) { for (var b = this, c = (b.parentNode || b.document).querySelectorAll(a), d = -1; c[++d] && c[d] != b;); return !!c[d] } }(Element.prototype), e(f, { loop: d }), e(a, { plugin: f, defaults: r }) }());
      Severity: Major
      Found in wouso/resources/static/js/bootstrap-sortable.js - About 45 mins to fix

        There are no issues that match your filters.
