
View on GitHub
Update #198
Ross authored 5b4e0567
An engine encountered an error
E10 Error

We had trouble running the eslint engine.

The engine's output shown below may indicate the cause of the error.

If not, please contact us so we can investigate further.

git clone
codeclimate validate-config
View output
codeclimate validate-config
WARNING: 'engines' has been deprecated, please use 'plugins' instead
WARNING: 'exclude_paths' has been deprecated, please use 'exclude_patterns' instead
WARNING: 'ratings' has been deprecated, and will not be used
codeclimate prepare
View output
codeclimate prepare
builder pull-engines
View output
determining required images
docker pull codeclimate/codeclimate-eslint:b1476
b1476: Pulling from codeclimate/codeclimate-eslint
a2abf6c4d29d: Already exists
716b0e096692: Already exists
d65f0cc0c2e2: Pulling fs layer
c7fbf3401fad: Pulling fs layer
811ff2aaa8ce: Pulling fs layer
6961ed5764f3: Pulling fs layer
77321725071c: Pulling fs layer
e5ddd6d9acb6: Pulling fs layer
176840c42401: Pulling fs layer
414f407f492d: Pulling fs layer
7023f3ea382b: Pulling fs layer
af2390cc3e5d: Pulling fs layer
8bc34c14ff5d: Pulling fs layer
50a05621282c: Pulling fs layer
543da683a9cb: Pulling fs layer
77321725071c: Waiting
e5ddd6d9acb6: Waiting
176840c42401: Waiting
414f407f492d: Waiting
7023f3ea382b: Waiting
af2390cc3e5d: Waiting
8bc34c14ff5d: Waiting
543da683a9cb: Waiting
50a05621282c: Waiting
6961ed5764f3: Waiting
811ff2aaa8ce: Verifying Checksum
811ff2aaa8ce: Download complete
c7fbf3401fad: Verifying Checksum
c7fbf3401fad: Download complete
6961ed5764f3: Verifying Checksum
6961ed5764f3: Download complete
77321725071c: Verifying Checksum
77321725071c: Download complete
e5ddd6d9acb6: Verifying Checksum
e5ddd6d9acb6: Download complete
176840c42401: Verifying Checksum
176840c42401: Download complete
d65f0cc0c2e2: Verifying Checksum
d65f0cc0c2e2: Download complete
414f407f492d: Verifying Checksum
414f407f492d: Download complete
7023f3ea382b: Verifying Checksum
7023f3ea382b: Download complete
8bc34c14ff5d: Verifying Checksum
8bc34c14ff5d: Download complete
50a05621282c: Verifying Checksum
50a05621282c: Download complete
543da683a9cb: Verifying Checksum
543da683a9cb: Download complete
af2390cc3e5d: Verifying Checksum
af2390cc3e5d: Download complete
d65f0cc0c2e2: Pull complete
c7fbf3401fad: Pull complete
811ff2aaa8ce: Pull complete
6961ed5764f3: Pull complete
77321725071c: Pull complete
e5ddd6d9acb6: Pull complete
176840c42401: Pull complete
414f407f492d: Pull complete
7023f3ea382b: Pull complete
af2390cc3e5d: Pull complete
8bc34c14ff5d: Pull complete
50a05621282c: Pull complete
543da683a9cb: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:1927fd540edeebf51540dffc05058271fdf3caec4291ef07f3c1dd0947431add
Status: Downloaded newer image for
View output
Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
View output
Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
eslint engine documentation
View output
        throw e;
YAMLException: Cannot read config file: /code/.eslintrc
Error: duplicated mapping key at line 125, column 19:
    		"quote-props": 0,
    at generateError (/usr/local/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/loader.js:162:10)
    at throwError (/usr/local/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/loader.js:168:9)
    at storeMappingPair (/usr/local/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/loader.js:305:7)
    at readFlowCollection (/usr/local/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/loader.js:721:7)
    at composeNode (/usr/local/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/loader.js:1328:11)
    at readFlowCollection (/usr/local/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/loader.js:716:7)
    at composeNode (/usr/local/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/loader.js:1328:11)
    at readBlockMapping (/usr/local/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/loader.js:1004:16)
    at composeNode (/usr/local/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/loader.js:1327:12)
    at readDocument (/usr/local/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/loader.js:1489:3) {
  reason: 'duplicated mapping key',
  mark: Mark {
    name: null,
    buffer: '{\n' +
      '\t"ecmaFeatures": {\n' +
      '\t\t"arrowFunctions": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"binaryLiterals": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"blockBindings": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"classes": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"defaultParams": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"destructuring": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"forOf": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"generators": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"modules": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"objectLiteralComputedProperties": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"objectLiteralDuplicateProperties": true,\n' +
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      '\t\t"objectLiteralShorthandProperties": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"octalLiterals": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"regexYFlag": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"restParams": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"spread": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"templateStrings": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"jsx": true\n' +
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      '\t"env": {\n' +
      '\t\t"browser": true,\n' +
      '\t\t"node": true\n' +
      '\t},\n' +
      '\t"rules": {\n' +
      '\t\t"brace-style": [2,\n' +
      '\t\t\t"stroustrup", {\n' +
      '\t\t\t\t"allowSingleLine": true\n' +
      '\t\t\t}\n' +
      '\t\t],\n' +
      '\t\t"camelcase": 1,\n' +
      '\t\t"comma-dangle": 1,\n' +
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      '\t\t\t"before": false,\n' +
      '\t\t\t"after": true\n' +
      '\t\t}],\n' +
      '\t\t"comma-style": [2, "last"],\n' +
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      '\t\t"space-in-parens": [2, "always"],\n' +
      '\t\t"space-infix-ops": 1,\n' +
      '\t\t"space-return-throw-case": 1,\n' +
      '\t\t"space-unary-ops": 1,\n' +
      '\t\t"use-isnan": 1,\n' +
      '\t\t"valid-jsdoc": 2,\n' +
      '\t\t"valid-typeof": 2,\n' +
      '\t\t"vars-on-top": 2,\n' +
      '\t\t"wrap-iife": [2, "inside"],\n' +
      '\t\t"yoda": [2, "never"]\n' +
      '\t},\n' +
      '\t"parser": "babel-eslint"\n' +
      '}\n' +
    position: 2768,
    line: 124,
    column: 18

Node.js v17.3.0