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Function performObjectSearch has 52 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

  performObjectSearch : function(object, otherterms) {
    var filenames = this._index.filenames;
    var docnames = this._index.docnames;
    var objects = this._index.objects;
    var objnames = this._index.objnames;
Severity: Major
Found in docs/_build/html/_static/searchtools.js - About 2 hrs to fix

    Function remove has 52 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

        remove: function( elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes ) {
            var j, origCount, tmp,
                events, t, handleObj,
                special, handlers, type, namespaces, origType,
    Severity: Major
    Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 2 hrs to fix

      Function buildFragment has 51 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

      function buildFragment( elems, context, scripts, selection, ignored ) {
          var elem, tmp, tag, wrap, attached, j,
              fragment = context.createDocumentFragment(),
              nodes = [],
              i = 0,
      Severity: Major
      Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 2 hrs to fix

        Consider simplifying this complex logical expression.

                        if ( ( mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType ) &&
                            ( !handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) &&
                            ( !tmp || tmp.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) &&
                            ( !selector || selector === handleObj.selector ||
                                selector === "**" && handleObj.selector ) ) {
        Severity: Critical
        Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 2 hrs to fix

          Function select has 48 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

          select = = function( selector, context, results, seed ) {
              var i, tokens, token, type, find,
                  compiled = typeof selector === "function" && selector,
                  match = !seed && tokenize( ( selector = compiled.selector || selector ) );
          Severity: Minor
          Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

            Function matcherFromTokens has 48 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

            function matcherFromTokens( tokens ) {
                var checkContext, matcher, j,
                    len = tokens.length,
                    leadingRelative = Expr.relative[ tokens[ 0 ].type ],
                    implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[ " " ],
            Severity: Minor
            Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

              Function highlightText has 48 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

              jQuery.fn.highlightText = function(text, className) {
                function highlight(node, addItems) {
                  if (node.nodeType === 3) {
                    var val = node.nodeValue;
                    var pos = val.toLowerCase().indexOf(text);
              Severity: Minor
              Found in docs/_build/html/_static/doctools.js - About 1 hr to fix

                Function addCombinator has 47 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                function addCombinator( matcher, combinator, base ) {
                    var dir = combinator.dir,
                        skip =,
                        key = skip || dir,
                        checkNonElements = base && key === "parentNode",
                Severity: Minor
                Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

                  Function tokenize has 46 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                  tokenize = Sizzle.tokenize = function( selector, parseOnly ) {
                      var matched, match, tokens, type,
                          soFar, groups, preFilters,
                          cached = tokenCache[ selector + " " ];
                  Severity: Minor
                  Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

                    Function val has 45 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                        val: function( value ) {
                            var hooks, ret, valueIsFunction,
                                elem = this[ 0 ];
                            if ( !arguments.length ) {
                    Severity: Minor
                    Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

                      Function data has 44 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                          data: function( key, value ) {
                              var i, name, data,
                                  elem = this[ 0 ],
                                  attrs = elem && elem.attributes;
                      Severity: Minor
                      Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

                        Function leverageNative has 44 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                        function leverageNative( el, type, expectSync ) {
                            // Missing expectSync indicates a trigger call, which must force setup through jQuery.event.add
                            if ( !expectSync ) {
                                if ( dataPriv.get( el, type ) === undefined ) {
                        Severity: Minor
                        Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

                          Function extend has 43 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                          jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
                              var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
                                  target = arguments[ 0 ] || {},
                                  i = 1,
                                  length = arguments.length,
                          Severity: Minor
                          Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

                            Consider simplifying this complex logical expression.

                            if (!jQuery.browser) {
                              jQuery.uaMatch = function(ua) {
                                ua = ua.toLowerCase();
                                var match = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(ua) ||
                            Severity: Critical
                            Found in docs/_build/html/_static/doctools.js - About 1 hr to fix

                              Function style has 41 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                                  style: function( elem, name, value, extra ) {
                                      // Don't set styles on text and comment nodes
                                      if ( !elem || elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || ! ) {
                              Severity: Minor
                              Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

                                Function dispatch has 41 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                                    dispatch: function( nativeEvent ) {
                                        var i, j, ret, matched, handleObj, handlerQueue,
                                            args = new Array( arguments.length ),
                                Severity: Minor
                                Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

                                  Function access has 41 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                                  var access = function( elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, raw ) {
                                      var i = 0,
                                          len = elems.length,
                                          bulk = key == null;
                                  Severity: Minor
                                  Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

                                    Function adjustCSS has 41 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                                    function adjustCSS( elem, prop, valueParts, tween ) {
                                        var adjusted, scale,
                                            maxIterations = 20,
                                            currentValue = tween ?
                                                function() {
                                    Severity: Minor
                                    Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

                                      Function stop has 41 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                                          stop: function( type, clearQueue, gotoEnd ) {
                                              var stopQueue = function( hooks ) {
                                                  var stop = hooks.stop;
                                                  delete hooks.stop;
                                                  stop( gotoEnd );
                                      Severity: Minor
                                      Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix

                                        Function on has 40 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

                                        function on( elem, types, selector, data, fn, one ) {
                                            var origFn, type;
                                            // Types can be a map of types/handlers
                                            if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
                                        Severity: Minor
                                        Found in docs/_build/html/_static/jquery-3.5.1.js - About 1 hr to fix