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fix_: mitigate permission stuck in pending state #22640
Godfrain Jacques authored 7d8f8197
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codeclimate validate-config
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codeclimate validate-config
No errors or warnings found in .codeclimate.yml.
codeclimate prepare
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codeclimate prepare
builder pull-engines
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determining required images
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Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:19.662696 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping contracts/ethscan/address.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:19.662734 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:21.971530 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping contracts/stickers/contracts.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:21.971568 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 413
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:24.312189 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping transactions/testhelpers.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:24.312229 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:27.407658 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping multiaccounts/accounts/test_helper.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:27.407695 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:33.811904 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/async/scheduler.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:33.811945 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:36.462266 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/testutils/helpers.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:36.462303 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:37.472007 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/thirdparty/collectible_types.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:37.472041 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:37.859831 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/activity/activity.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:37.859861 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:38.918551 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/collectibles/manager.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:38.918593 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:38.930950 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/common/ptrutils.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:38.930981 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:39.050709 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/walletevent/events.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:39.050744 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:39.439686 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/balance/ttl_cache.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:39.439719 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:39.446726 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/balance/nonce_range.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:39.446754 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:39.457925 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/balance/balance_cache.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:39.457956 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:39.458989 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/balance/simple_cache.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:39.459166 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:39.464256 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/saved_addresses_test.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:39.464307 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:52.599381 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping protocol/messenger_communities.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:52.599439 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:55.842116 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping protocol/common/message_test.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:55.842162 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:56.523719 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping protocol/messenger_sync_saved_addresses_test.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:56.523755 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:59.506374 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping wakuv2/waku.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:10:59.506416 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
View output
Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:07.350824 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./contracts/ethscan/address.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:07.350866 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:13.234245 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./contracts/stickers/contracts.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:13.234454 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 413
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:16.190728 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./transactions/testhelpers.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:16.190774 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:19.788895 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./multiaccounts/accounts/test_helper.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:19.788936 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:27.982739 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/async/scheduler.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:27.982793 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:31.568884 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/testutils/helpers.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:31.569583 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:32.685527 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/thirdparty/collectible_types.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:32.685593 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:33.143624 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/activity/activity.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:33.143657 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:34.517795 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/collectibles/manager.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:34.518134 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:34.530270 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/common/ptrutils.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:34.530316 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:34.682161 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/walletevent/events.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:34.682501 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:35.179547 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/balance/ttl_cache.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:35.179591 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:35.181212 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/balance/nonce_range.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:35.181250 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:35.206097 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/balance/balance_cache.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:35.206409 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:35.209699 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/balance/simple_cache.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:35.209919 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:35.213923 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/saved_addresses_test.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:35.213965 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:52.878550 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping protocol/messenger_communities.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:52.940970 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:56.490270 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./protocol/common/message_test.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:56.490328 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:57.333312 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping protocol/messenger_sync_saved_addresses_test.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:11:57.334175 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-09T22:12:00.776088 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./wakuv2/waku.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-09T22:12:00.776455 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422