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codeclimate validate-config
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codeclimate validate-config
No errors or warnings found in .codeclimate.yml.
codeclimate prepare
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builder pull-engines
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determining required images
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Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:17.965406 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping contracts/ethscan/address.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:17.965451 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:20.998073 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping contracts/stickers/contracts.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:20.998115 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 413
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:24.559921 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping transactions/testhelpers.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:24.559978 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:29.256502 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping multiaccounts/accounts/test_helper.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:29.256560 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:38.783601 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/async/scheduler.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:38.783658 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:42.569660 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/testutils/helpers.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:42.569719 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:43.986183 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/thirdparty/collectible_types.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:43.986236 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:44.573501 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/activity/activity.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:44.573623 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.088538 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/collectibles/manager.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.088665 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.110188 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/common/ptrutils.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.110486 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.337585 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/walletevent/events.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.337691 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.915731 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/balance/ttl_cache.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.915787 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.929623 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/balance/nonce_range.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.929738 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.949080 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/balance/balance_cache.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.949188 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.950856 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/balance/simple_cache.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.950949 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.957160 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping services/wallet/saved_addresses_test.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:43:46.957249 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:04.617028 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping protocol/messenger_communities.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:04.617078 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:08.504142 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping protocol/common/message_test.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:08.504190 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:09.358916 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping protocol/messenger_sync_saved_addresses_test.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:09.358959 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:12.829807 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping wakuv2/waku.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:12.829853 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
View output
Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:20.260889 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./contracts/ethscan/address.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:20.260942 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:26.003877 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./contracts/stickers/contracts.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:26.004164 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 413
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:29.673241 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./transactions/testhelpers.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:29.673284 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:33.766771 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./multiaccounts/accounts/test_helper.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:33.766816 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:43.972571 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/async/scheduler.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:43.972611 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:47.356025 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/testutils/helpers.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:47.388711 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:48.579622 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/thirdparty/collectible_types.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:48.580004 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:49.045709 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/activity/activity.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:49.045919 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:50.563263 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/collectibles/manager.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:50.563742 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:50.581479 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/common/ptrutils.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:50.581525 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:50.745676 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/walletevent/events.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:50.745777 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:51.306886 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/balance/ttl_cache.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:51.307256 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:51.309337 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/balance/nonce_range.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:51.309375 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:51.331991 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/balance/balance_cache.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:51.332329 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:51.333807 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/balance/simple_cache.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:51.334526 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:51.337106 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./services/wallet/saved_addresses_test.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:44:51.337135 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:45:11.126486 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping protocol/messenger_communities.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:45:11.191651 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:45:15.195000 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./protocol/common/message_test.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:45:15.195055 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:45:16.314608 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping protocol/messenger_sync_saved_addresses_test.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:45:16.314653 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422
W, [2024-05-13T15:45:20.749260 #1]  WARN -- : Skipping ./wakuv2/waku.go due to CC::Parser::Client::HTTPError
W, [2024-05-13T15:45:20.750171 #1]  WARN -- : Response status: 422