
View on GitHub
Merge pull request #16 from sul-dlss/update-rake #204
Chris Beer authored c94a16c2
An engine encountered an error
E10 Error

We had trouble running the brakeman engine.

The engine's output shown below may indicate the cause of the error.

If not, please contact us so we can investigate further.

git clone
codeclimate validate-config
View output
codeclimate validate-config
WARNING: 'engines' has been deprecated, please use 'plugins' instead
WARNING: 'exclude_paths' has been deprecated, please use 'exclude_patterns' instead
WARNING: 'ratings' has been deprecated, and will not be used
codeclimate prepare
View output
codeclimate prepare
builder pull-engines
View output
determining required images
docker pull codeclimate/codeclimate-reek:b1077
b1077: Pulling from codeclimate/codeclimate-reek
169185f82c45: Pulling fs layer
222c39e7aa7a: Pulling fs layer
07546bd8601e: Pulling fs layer
7614965d2143: Pulling fs layer
7c1c951cf875: Pulling fs layer
5677c441f256: Pulling fs layer
efdfcd8fbec1: Pulling fs layer
c7595784a397: Pulling fs layer
f514b96dbbe5: Pulling fs layer
7631fbb23e31: Pulling fs layer
1c1134c7116e: Pulling fs layer
c35a874b378d: Pulling fs layer
efdfcd8fbec1: Waiting
c7595784a397: Waiting
f514b96dbbe5: Waiting
7614965d2143: Waiting
7631fbb23e31: Waiting
1c1134c7116e: Waiting
5677c441f256: Waiting
7c1c951cf875: Waiting
169185f82c45: Verifying Checksum
169185f82c45: Download complete
222c39e7aa7a: Verifying Checksum
222c39e7aa7a: Download complete
169185f82c45: Pull complete
7614965d2143: Verifying Checksum
7614965d2143: Download complete
222c39e7aa7a: Pull complete
5677c441f256: Verifying Checksum
5677c441f256: Download complete
efdfcd8fbec1: Verifying Checksum
efdfcd8fbec1: Download complete
07546bd8601e: Download complete
c7595784a397: Verifying Checksum
c7595784a397: Download complete
f514b96dbbe5: Verifying Checksum
f514b96dbbe5: Download complete
1c1134c7116e: Verifying Checksum
1c1134c7116e: Download complete
c35a874b378d: Verifying Checksum
c35a874b378d: Download complete
7c1c951cf875: Verifying Checksum
7c1c951cf875: Download complete
7631fbb23e31: Verifying Checksum
7631fbb23e31: Download complete
07546bd8601e: Pull complete
7614965d2143: Pull complete
7c1c951cf875: Pull complete
5677c441f256: Pull complete
efdfcd8fbec1: Pull complete
c7595784a397: Pull complete
f514b96dbbe5: Pull complete
7631fbb23e31: Pull complete
1c1134c7116e: Pull complete
c35a874b378d: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:5874e782ab8172808ddb4217d6a62d59f8ecbb0984a612f8d2c2a956dc8b2e7e
Status: Downloaded newer image for
View output
Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
View output
Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
brakeman engine documentation
View output
/usr/src/app/lib/brakeman/scanner.rb:26:in `initialize': Please supply the path to a Rails application (looking in /code). (Brakeman::NoApplication)
	from /usr/src/app/lib/brakeman.rb:348:in `new'
	from /usr/src/app/lib/brakeman.rb:348:in `scan'
	from /usr/src/app/lib/brakeman.rb:77:in `run'
	from /usr/src/app/bin/codeclimate-brakeman:14:in `<main>'