fix typo #31
Rickard Sunden authored 24123890
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Your first build completed successfully!

See the Results

git clone
codeclimate validate-config
View output
codeclimate validate-config
WARNING: missing 'version' key. Please add `version: "2"`
codeclimate prepare
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codeclimate prepare
builder pull-engines
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determining required images
docker pull codeclimate/codeclimate-rubocop:b1032
b1032: Pulling from codeclimate/codeclimate-rubocop
0a6724ff3fcd: Already exists
dac597affe20: Already exists
9e2877e2a047: Already exists
3b12aba1d7fe: Already exists
199631f239de: Already exists
d35b3018ac58: Pulling fs layer
61fda0fa9cd0: Pulling fs layer
61a32f5e25f0: Pulling fs layer
644dbc84ea2f: Pulling fs layer
a0ace01eb006: Pulling fs layer
b15b31b29cdc: Pulling fs layer
716a06841527: Pulling fs layer
a0ace01eb006: Waiting
b15b31b29cdc: Waiting
716a06841527: Waiting
644dbc84ea2f: Waiting
d35b3018ac58: Verifying Checksum
d35b3018ac58: Download complete
61fda0fa9cd0: Verifying Checksum
61fda0fa9cd0: Download complete
61a32f5e25f0: Verifying Checksum
61a32f5e25f0: Download complete
d35b3018ac58: Pull complete
61fda0fa9cd0: Pull complete
a0ace01eb006: Download complete
61a32f5e25f0: Pull complete
b15b31b29cdc: Download complete
716a06841527: Verifying Checksum
716a06841527: Download complete
644dbc84ea2f: Download complete
644dbc84ea2f: Pull complete
a0ace01eb006: Pull complete
b15b31b29cdc: Pull complete
716a06841527: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:49e5a8a1229bc7e1c1f069863e9c82ad63d7094b5367410bd9d6ae11cc3165cd
Status: Downloaded newer image for
View output
Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
View output
Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
rubocop engine documentation
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The following cops were added to RuboCop, but are not configured. Please set Enabled to either `true` or `false` in your `.rubocop.yml` file.

Please also note that you can opt-in to new cops by default by adding this to your config:
    NewCops: enable
Gemspec/DeprecatedAttributeAssignment: # new in 1.30
  Enabled: true
Gemspec/DevelopmentDependencies: # new in 1.44
  Enabled: true
Gemspec/RequireMFA: # new in 1.23
  Enabled: true
Layout/LineContinuationLeadingSpace: # new in 1.31
  Enabled: true
Layout/LineContinuationSpacing: # new in 1.31
  Enabled: true
Layout/LineEndStringConcatenationIndentation: # new in 1.18
  Enabled: true
Layout/SpaceBeforeBrackets: # new in 1.7
  Enabled: true
Lint/AmbiguousAssignment: # new in 1.7
  Enabled: true
Lint/AmbiguousOperatorPrecedence: # new in 1.21
  Enabled: true
Lint/AmbiguousRange: # new in 1.19
  Enabled: true
Lint/ConstantOverwrittenInRescue: # new in 1.31
  Enabled: true
Lint/DeprecatedConstants: # new in 1.8
  Enabled: true
Lint/DuplicateBranch: # new in 1.3
  Enabled: true
Lint/DuplicateMagicComment: # new in 1.37
  Enabled: true
Lint/DuplicateRegexpCharacterClassElement: # new in 1.1
  Enabled: true
Lint/EmptyBlock: # new in 1.1
  Enabled: true
Lint/EmptyClass: # new in 1.3
  Enabled: true
Lint/EmptyInPattern: # new in 1.16
  Enabled: true
Lint/IncompatibleIoSelectWithFiberScheduler: # new in 1.21
  Enabled: true
Lint/LambdaWithoutLiteralBlock: # new in 1.8
  Enabled: true
Lint/NoReturnInBeginEndBlocks: # new in 1.2
  Enabled: true
Lint/NonAtomicFileOperation: # new in 1.31
  Enabled: true
Lint/NumberedParameterAssignment: # new in 1.9
  Enabled: true
Lint/OrAssignmentToConstant: # new in 1.9
  Enabled: true
Lint/RedundantDirGlobSort: # new in 1.8
  Enabled: true
Lint/RefinementImportMethods: # new in 1.27
  Enabled: true
Lint/RequireRangeParentheses: # new in 1.32
  Enabled: true
Lint/RequireRelativeSelfPath: # new in 1.22
  Enabled: true
Lint/SymbolConversion: # new in 1.9
  Enabled: true
Lint/ToEnumArguments: # new in 1.1
  Enabled: true
Lint/TripleQuotes: # new in 1.9
  Enabled: true
Lint/UnexpectedBlockArity: # new in 1.5
  Enabled: true
Lint/UnmodifiedReduceAccumulator: # new in 1.1
  Enabled: true
Lint/UselessRescue: # new in 1.43
  Enabled: true
Lint/UselessRuby2Keywords: # new in 1.23
  Enabled: true
Metrics/CollectionLiteralLength: # new in 1.47
  Enabled: true
Naming/BlockForwarding: # new in 1.24
  Enabled: true
Security/CompoundHash: # new in 1.28
  Enabled: true
Security/IoMethods: # new in 1.22
  Enabled: true
Style/ArgumentsForwarding: # new in 1.1
  Enabled: true
Style/ArrayIntersect: # new in 1.40
  Enabled: true
Style/CollectionCompact: # new in 1.2
  Enabled: true
Style/ComparableClamp: # new in 1.44
  Enabled: true
Style/ConcatArrayLiterals: # new in 1.41
  Enabled: true
Style/DirEmpty: # new in 1.48
  Enabled: true
Style/DocumentDynamicEvalDefinition: # new in 1.1
  Enabled: true
Style/EmptyHeredoc: # new in 1.32
  Enabled: true
Style/EndlessMethod: # new in 1.8
  Enabled: true
Style/EnvHome: # new in 1.29
  Enabled: true
Style/FetchEnvVar: # new in 1.28
  Enabled: true
Style/FileEmpty: # new in 1.48
  Enabled: true
Style/FileRead: # new in 1.24
  Enabled: true
Style/FileWrite: # new in 1.24
  Enabled: true
Style/HashConversion: # new in 1.10
  Enabled: true
Style/HashExcept: # new in 1.7
  Enabled: true
Style/IfWithBooleanLiteralBranches: # new in 1.9
  Enabled: true
Style/InPatternThen: # new in 1.16
  Enabled: true
Style/MagicCommentFormat: # new in 1.35
  Enabled: true
Style/MapCompactWithConditionalBlock: # new in 1.30
  Enabled: true
Style/MapToHash: # new in 1.24
  Enabled: true
Style/MapToSet: # new in 1.42
  Enabled: true
Style/MinMaxComparison: # new in 1.42
  Enabled: true
Style/MultilineInPatternThen: # new in 1.16
  Enabled: true
Style/NegatedIfElseCondition: # new in 1.2
  Enabled: true
Style/NestedFileDirname: # new in 1.26
  Enabled: true
Style/NilLambda: # new in 1.3
  Enabled: true
Style/NumberedParameters: # new in 1.22
  Enabled: true
Style/NumberedParametersLimit: # new in 1.22
  Enabled: true
Style/ObjectThen: # new in 1.28
  Enabled: true
Style/OpenStructUse: # new in 1.23
  Enabled: true
Style/OperatorMethodCall: # new in 1.37
  Enabled: true
Style/QuotedSymbols: # new in 1.16
  Enabled: true
Style/RedundantArgument: # new in 1.4
  Enabled: true
Style/RedundantConstantBase: # new in 1.40
  Enabled: true
Style/RedundantDoubleSplatHashBraces: # new in 1.41
  Enabled: true
Style/RedundantEach: # new in 1.38
  Enabled: true
Style/RedundantHeredocDelimiterQuotes: # new in 1.45
  Enabled: true
Style/RedundantInitialize: # new in 1.27
  Enabled: true
Style/RedundantSelfAssignmentBranch: # new in 1.19
  Enabled: true
Style/RedundantStringEscape: # new in 1.37
  Enabled: true
Style/SelectByRegexp: # new in 1.22
  Enabled: true
Style/StringChars: # new in 1.12
  Enabled: true
Style/SwapValues: # new in 1.1
  Enabled: true
Capybara/MatchStyle: # new in 2.17
  Enabled: true
Capybara/NegationMatcher: # new in 2.14
  Enabled: true
Capybara/SpecificActions: # new in 2.14
  Enabled: true
Capybara/SpecificFinders: # new in 2.13
  Enabled: true
Capybara/SpecificMatcher: # new in 2.12
  Enabled: true
RSpec/BeEq: # new in 2.9.0
  Enabled: true
RSpec/BeNil: # new in 2.9.0
  Enabled: true
RSpec/ChangeByZero: # new in 2.11
  Enabled: true
RSpec/DuplicatedMetadata: # new in 2.16
  Enabled: true
RSpec/ExcessiveDocstringSpacing: # new in 2.5
  Enabled: true
RSpec/IdenticalEqualityAssertion: # new in 2.4
  Enabled: true
RSpec/NoExpectationExample: # new in 2.13
  Enabled: true
RSpec/PendingWithoutReason: # new in 2.16
  Enabled: true
RSpec/SortMetadata: # new in 2.14
  Enabled: true
RSpec/SubjectDeclaration: # new in 2.5
  Enabled: true
RSpec/VerifiedDoubleReference: # new in 2.10.0
  Enabled: true
RSpec/FactoryBot/ConsistentParenthesesStyle: # new in 2.14
  Enabled: true
RSpec/FactoryBot/FactoryNameStyle: # new in 2.16
  Enabled: true
RSpec/FactoryBot/SyntaxMethods: # new in 2.7
  Enabled: true
RSpec/Rails/AvoidSetupHook: # new in 2.4
  Enabled: true
RSpec/Rails/HaveHttpStatus: # new in 2.12
  Enabled: true
RSpec/Rails/InferredSpecType: # new in 2.14
  Enabled: true
RSpec/Rails/MinitestAssertions: # new in 2.17
  Enabled: true
For more information: