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3 hrs
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Function 0 has 45 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

/***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {

    ;__weex_define__("@weex-component/04ff08101087ed57bb9c0e3a77fc1809", [], function(__weex_require__, __weex_exports__, __weex_module__){

Severity: Minor
Found in playground/app/src/main/assets/component/slider/slider-page.js - About 1 hr to fix

    Function 14 has 32 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    /***/ function(module, exports) {
        ;__weex_define__("@weex-component/slider-item", [], function(__weex_require__, __weex_exports__, __weex_module__){
    Severity: Minor
    Found in playground/app/src/main/assets/component/slider/slider-page.js - About 1 hr to fix

      Move the invocation into the parens that contain the function.

      /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap

      Require IIFEs to be Wrapped (wrap-iife)

      You can immediately invoke function expressions, but not function declarations. A common technique to create an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) is to wrap a function declaration in parentheses. The opening parentheses causes the contained function to be parsed as an expression, rather than a declaration.

      // function expression could be unwrapped
      var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}();
      // function declaration must be wrapped
      function () { /* side effects */ }(); // SyntaxError

      Rule Details

      This rule requires all immediately-invoked function expressions to be wrapped in parentheses.


      This rule has two options, a string option and an object option.

      String option:

      • "outside" enforces always wrapping the call expression. The default is "outside".
      • "inside" enforces always wrapping the function expression.
      • "any" enforces always wrapping, but allows either style.

      Object option:

      • "functionPrototypeMethods": true additionally enforces wrapping function expressions invoked using .call and .apply. The default is false.


      Examples of incorrect code for the default "outside" option:

      /*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "outside"]*/
      var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}(); // unwrapped
      var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})(); // wrapped function expression

      Examples of correct code for the default "outside" option:

      /*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "outside"]*/
      var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };}()); // wrapped call expression


      Examples of incorrect code for the "inside" option:

      /*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "inside"]*/
      var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}(); // unwrapped
      var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };}()); // wrapped call expression

      Examples of correct code for the "inside" option:

      /*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "inside"]*/
      var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})(); // wrapped function expression


      Examples of incorrect code for the "any" option:

      /*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "any"]*/
      var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}(); // unwrapped

      Examples of correct code for the "any" option:

      /*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "any"]*/
      var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };}()); // wrapped call expression
      var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})(); // wrapped function expression


      Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "inside", { "functionPrototypeMethods": true } options:

      /* eslint wrap-iife: [2, "inside", { functionPrototypeMethods: true }] */
      var x = function(){ foo(); }()
      var x = (function(){ foo(); }())
      var x = function(){ foo(); }.call(bar)
      var x = (function(){ foo(); }.call(bar))

      Examples of correct code for this rule with the "inside", { "functionPrototypeMethods": true } options:

      /* eslint wrap-iife: [2, "inside", { functionPrototypeMethods: true }] */
      var x = (function(){ foo(); })()
      var x = (function(){ foo(); }).call(bar)

      Source: http://eslint.org/docs/rules/

      Unexpected newline between function and ( of function call.

      /******/ ({

      disallow confusing multiline expressions (no-unexpected-multiline)

      Semicolons are usually optional in JavaScript, because of automatic semicolon insertion (ASI). You can require or disallow semicolons with the [semi](./semi.md) rule.

      The rules for ASI are relatively straightforward: As once described by Isaac Schlueter, a newline character always ends a statement, just like a semicolon, except where one of the following is true:

      • The statement has an unclosed paren, array literal, or object literal or ends in some other way that is not a valid way to end a statement. (For instance, ending with . or ,.)
      • The line is -- or ++ (in which case it will decrement/increment the next token.)
      • It is a for(), while(), do, if(), or else, and there is no {
      • The next line starts with [, (, +, *, /, -, ,, ., or some other binary operator that can only be found between two tokens in a single expression.

      In the exceptions where a newline does not end a statement, a typing mistake to omit a semicolon causes two unrelated consecutive lines to be interpreted as one expression. Especially for a coding style without semicolons, readers might overlook the mistake. Although syntactically correct, the code might throw exceptions when it is executed.

      Rule Details

      This rule disallows confusing multiline expressions where a newline looks like it is ending a statement, but is not.

      Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-unexpected-multiline: "error"*/
      var foo = bar
      (1 || 2).baz();
      var hello = 'world'
      [1, 2, 3].forEach(addNumber);
      let x = function() {}
      let x = function() {}

      Examples of correct code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-unexpected-multiline: "error"*/
      var foo = bar;
      (1 || 2).baz();
      var foo = bar
      ;(1 || 2).baz()
      var hello = 'world';
      [1, 2, 3].forEach(addNumber);
      var hello = 'world'
      void [1, 2, 3].forEach(addNumber);
      let x = function() {};
      let tag = function() {}
      tag `hello`

      When Not To Use It

      You can turn this rule off if you are confident that you will not accidentally introduce code like this.

      Note that the patterns considered problems are not flagged by the [semi](semi.md) rule.

      Related Rules

      Unnecessary semicolon.


      disallow unnecessary semicolons (no-extra-semi)

      Typing mistakes and misunderstandings about where semicolons are required can lead to semicolons that are unnecessary. While not technically an error, extra semicolons can cause confusion when reading code.

      Rule Details

      This rule disallows unnecessary semicolons.

      Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/
      var x = 5;;
      function foo() {
          // code

      Examples of correct code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/
      var x = 5;
      var foo = function() {
          // code

      When Not To Use It

      If you intentionally use extra semicolons then you can disable this rule.

      Related Rules

      Unnecessary semicolon.

          ;__weex_module__.exports.template = __weex_module__.exports.template || {}

      disallow unnecessary semicolons (no-extra-semi)

      Typing mistakes and misunderstandings about where semicolons are required can lead to semicolons that are unnecessary. While not technically an error, extra semicolons can cause confusion when reading code.

      Rule Details

      This rule disallows unnecessary semicolons.

      Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/
      var x = 5;;
      function foo() {
          // code

      Examples of correct code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/
      var x = 5;
      var foo = function() {
          // code

      When Not To Use It

      If you intentionally use extra semicolons then you can disable this rule.

      Related Rules

      Unnecessary semicolon.

          ;__weex_module__.exports.template = __weex_module__.exports.template || {}

      disallow unnecessary semicolons (no-extra-semi)

      Typing mistakes and misunderstandings about where semicolons are required can lead to semicolons that are unnecessary. While not technically an error, extra semicolons can cause confusion when reading code.

      Rule Details

      This rule disallows unnecessary semicolons.

      Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/
      var x = 5;;
      function foo() {
          // code

      Examples of correct code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/
      var x = 5;
      var foo = function() {
          // code

      When Not To Use It

      If you intentionally use extra semicolons then you can disable this rule.

      Related Rules

      The function binding is unnecessary.


      Disallow unnecessary function binding (no-extra-bind)

      The bind() method is used to create functions with specific this values and, optionally, binds arguments to specific values. When used to specify the value of this, it's important that the function actually use this in its function body. For example:

      var boundGetName = (function getName() {
          return this.name;
      }).bind({ name: "ESLint" });
      console.log(boundGetName());      // "ESLint"

      This code is an example of a good use of bind() for setting the value of this.

      Sometimes during the course of code maintenance, the this value is removed from the function body. In that case, you can end up with a call to bind() that doesn't accomplish anything:

      // useless bind
      var boundGetName = (function getName() {
          return "ESLint";
      }).bind({ name: "ESLint" });
      console.log(boundGetName());      // "ESLint"

      In this code, the reference to this has been removed but bind() is still used. In this case, the bind() is unnecessary overhead (and a performance hit) and can be safely removed.

      Rule Details

      This rule is aimed at avoiding the unnecessary use of bind() and as such will warn whenever an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) is using bind() and doesn't have an appropriate this value. This rule won't flag usage of bind() that includes function argument binding.

      Note: Arrow functions can never have their this value set using bind(). This rule flags all uses of bind() with arrow functions as a problem

      Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-bind: "error"*/
      /*eslint-env es6*/
      var x = function () {
      var x = (() => {
      var x = (() => {
      var x = function () {
          (function () {
      var x = function () {
          function foo() {

      Examples of correct code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-bind: "error"*/
      var x = function () {
      var x = function (a) {
          return a + 1;
      }.bind(foo, bar);

      When Not To Use It

      If you are not concerned about unnecessary calls to bind(), you can safely disable this rule.

      Further Reading

      Unnecessary semicolon.

          ;__weex_define__("@weex-component/slider-item", [], function(__weex_require__, __weex_exports__, __weex_module__){

      disallow unnecessary semicolons (no-extra-semi)

      Typing mistakes and misunderstandings about where semicolons are required can lead to semicolons that are unnecessary. While not technically an error, extra semicolons can cause confusion when reading code.

      Rule Details

      This rule disallows unnecessary semicolons.

      Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/
      var x = 5;;
      function foo() {
          // code

      Examples of correct code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/
      var x = 5;
      var foo = function() {
          // code

      When Not To Use It

      If you intentionally use extra semicolons then you can disable this rule.

      Related Rules

      Unnecessary semicolon.

          ;__weex_define__("@weex-component/04ff08101087ed57bb9c0e3a77fc1809", [], function(__weex_require__, __weex_exports__, __weex_module__){

      disallow unnecessary semicolons (no-extra-semi)

      Typing mistakes and misunderstandings about where semicolons are required can lead to semicolons that are unnecessary. While not technically an error, extra semicolons can cause confusion when reading code.

      Rule Details

      This rule disallows unnecessary semicolons.

      Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/
      var x = 5;;
      function foo() {
          // code

      Examples of correct code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/
      var x = 5;
      var foo = function() {
          // code

      When Not To Use It

      If you intentionally use extra semicolons then you can disable this rule.

      Related Rules

      Unnecessary semicolon.


      disallow unnecessary semicolons (no-extra-semi)

      Typing mistakes and misunderstandings about where semicolons are required can lead to semicolons that are unnecessary. While not technically an error, extra semicolons can cause confusion when reading code.

      Rule Details

      This rule disallows unnecessary semicolons.

      Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/
      var x = 5;;
      function foo() {
          // code

      Examples of correct code for this rule:

      /*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/
      var x = 5;
      var foo = function() {
          // code

      When Not To Use It

      If you intentionally use extra semicolons then you can disable this rule.

      Related Rules

      There are no issues that match your filters.
