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patch data provider usage #491
Enno Woortmann authored 61dbcdeb
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codeclimate validate-config
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docker pull codeclimate/codeclimate-phpcodesniffer:b163
b163: Pulling from codeclimate/codeclimate-phpcodesniffer
a0710691c81a: Pulling fs layer
a3ed95caeb02: Pulling fs layer
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c3166a36a8d9: Pulling fs layer
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c3166a36a8d9: Waiting
83a051f0858f: Waiting
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a3ed95caeb02: Verifying Checksum
a3ed95caeb02: Download complete
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a0710691c81a: Download complete
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83a051f0858f: Download complete
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a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
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034c114563b8: Download complete
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c3166a36a8d9: Download complete
f3c17b6c6935: Pull complete
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f0e9f15ec462: Download complete
5edc25e33d4e: Verifying Checksum
5edc25e33d4e: Download complete
c3166a36a8d9: Pull complete
83a051f0858f: Pull complete
f0e9f15ec462: Pull complete
034c114563b8: Pull complete
5edc25e33d4e: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:cab8fcc753b6ae0e309b899665b22b1b62c26c56dab9b3c6a938fa72ca7c0640
Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.prod.codeclimate.net/codeclimate/codeclimate-phpcodesniffer:b163
docker pull codeclimate/codeclimate-phan:b885
b885: Pulling from codeclimate/codeclimate-phan
8e402f1a9c57: Pulling fs layer
abc2d0fc5668: Pulling fs layer
dc541c3b1e49: Pulling fs layer
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16fbe636fb42: Pulling fs layer
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d45ca5424117: Pulling fs layer
16fbe636fb42: Waiting
723d37ca9d09: Waiting
9eddffd41f08: Waiting
fb7a0bf324fd: Waiting
d45ca5424117: Waiting
9f6ca43a9b11: Waiting
c7737daaa88e: Waiting
dacca831c5b2: Waiting
dc541c3b1e49: Verifying Checksum
dc541c3b1e49: Download complete
abc2d0fc5668: Verifying Checksum
abc2d0fc5668: Download complete
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9f6ca43a9b11: Download complete
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abc2d0fc5668: Pull complete
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16fbe636fb42: Download complete
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723d37ca9d09: Download complete
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9eddffd41f08: Download complete
dc541c3b1e49: Pull complete
fb7a0bf324fd: Verifying Checksum
fb7a0bf324fd: Download complete
d45ca5424117: Verifying Checksum
d45ca5424117: Download complete
9f6ca43a9b11: Pull complete
c7737daaa88e: Pull complete
dacca831c5b2: Pull complete
16fbe636fb42: Pull complete
723d37ca9d09: Pull complete
9eddffd41f08: Pull complete
fb7a0bf324fd: Pull complete
d45ca5424117: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:80f9f90a9dc7ed88b958d04b86493d2a7bff8f1bdf1ba775c0c9ba6e254f6181
Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.prod.codeclimate.net/codeclimate/codeclimate-phan:b885
docker pull codeclimate/codeclimate-sonar-php:b23
b23: Pulling from codeclimate/codeclimate-sonar-php
97518928ae5f: Pulling fs layer
043df9f67e9a: Pulling fs layer
a42e650909d2: Pulling fs layer
0dff3d7a1a0e: Pulling fs layer
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1c654bf89a09: Waiting
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e109c25d106c: Waiting
b2fb00c172a9: Waiting
a42e650909d2: Verifying Checksum
a42e650909d2: Download complete
97518928ae5f: Verifying Checksum
97518928ae5f: Download complete
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e109c25d106c: Download complete
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b2fb00c172a9: Download complete
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0dff3d7a1a0e: Download complete
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cfbd8af1af7a: Download complete
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043df9f67e9a: Download complete
1519b1438731: Verifying Checksum
1519b1438731: Download complete
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1c654bf89a09: Download complete
ea3b98fb78f4: Verifying Checksum
ea3b98fb78f4: Download complete
043df9f67e9a: Pull complete
a42e650909d2: Pull complete
0dff3d7a1a0e: Pull complete
e109c25d106c: Pull complete
b2fb00c172a9: Pull complete
1519b1438731: Pull complete
cfbd8af1af7a: Pull complete
ea3b98fb78f4: Pull complete
1c654bf89a09: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:600639355d67f629857951762cd4d8d2bc9eb16a0496c67a3d6049830edcc87b
Status: Downloaded newer image for registry.prod.codeclimate.net/codeclimate/codeclimate-sonar-php:b23
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Parser process id: 12
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
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Parser process id: 11
codeclimate-parser socket not present
waiting 1s...
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INFO: Java 1.8.0_322 Amazon.com Inc. (64-bit)
INFO: Linux 4.4.0-1128-aws amd64
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/src/app/build/libs/sonarlint-core-!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/usr/src/app/build/libs/sonarlint-cli-!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [ch.qos.logback.classic.util.ContextSelectorStaticBinder]
INFO: Index files
INFO: Invalid character encountered in file '/code/docs/requirements.txt' at line 1 for encoding UTF-8. Please fix file content or configure the encoding to be used using property 'sonar.sourceEncoding'.
INFO: 207 files indexed
INFO: 130 source files to be analyzed
ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/ModelGenerator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 122 column 9:

112:         if ($this->generatorConfiguration->hasSerializationEnabled()) {
113:             $this->addPostProcessor(new SerializationPostProcessor());
114:         }
116:         $renderQueue = new RenderQueue();
117:         $schemaProcessor = new SchemaProcessor(
118:             $schemaProvider->getBaseDirectory(),
119:             $destination,
120:             $this->generatorConfiguration,
121:             $renderQueue,
122:         );
124:         foreach ($schemaProvider->getSchemas() as $jsonSchema) {
125:             $schemaProcessor->process($jsonSchema);
126:         }
128:         // render all collected classes
129:         $renderQueue->execute($this->generatorConfiguration, $this->postProcessors);
131:         return $schemaProcessor->getGeneratedFiles();
132:     }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/ComposedValueProcessorFactory.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 42 column 5:

32:     /**
33:      * @inheritdoc
34:      *
35:      * @throws SchemaException
36:      */
37:     public function getProcessor(
38:         $type,
39:         PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection,
40:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
41:         Schema $schema,
42:     ): PropertyProcessorInterface {
43:         $processor = '\\PHPModelGenerator\\PropertyProcessor\\ComposedValue\\' . ucfirst($type) . 'Processor';
45:         $params = [$propertyMetaDataCollection, $schemaProcessor, $schema];
47:         if (is_a($processor, AbstractComposedValueProcessor::class, true)) {
48:             $params[] = $this->rootLevelComposition;
49:         }
51:         return new $processor(...$params);
52:     }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Property/AbstractPropertyProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 52 column 5:

42:      * AbstractPropertyProcessor constructor.
43:      *
44:      * @param PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection
45:      * @param SchemaProcessor            $schemaProcessor
46:      * @param Schema                     $schema
47:      */
48:     public function __construct(
49:         PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection,
50:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
51:         Schema $schema,
52:     ) {
53:         $this->propertyMetaDataCollection = $propertyMetaDataCollection;
54:         $this->schemaProcessor = $schemaProcessor;
55:         $this->schema = $schema;
56:     }
58:     /**
59:      * Generates the validators for the property
60:      *
61:      * @param PropertyInterface $property
62:      * @param JsonSchema $propertySchema

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Property/AbstractTypedValueProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 35 column 5:

25:      * AbstractTypedValueProcessor constructor.
26:      *
27:      * @param PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection
28:      * @param SchemaProcessor            $schemaProcessor
29:      * @param Schema                     $schema
30:      */
31:     public function __construct(
32:         PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection,
33:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
34:         Schema $schema,
35:     ) {
36:         parent::__construct($propertyMetaDataCollection, $schemaProcessor, $schema, static::TYPE);
37:     }
39:     /**
40:      * @param string $propertyName
41:      * @param JsonSchema $propertySchema
42:      *
43:      * @return PropertyInterface
44:      *
45:      * @throws SchemaException

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Property/ConstProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 35 column 9:

25:      */
26:     public function process(string $propertyName, JsonSchema $propertySchema): PropertyInterface
27:     {
28:         $json = $propertySchema->getJson();
30:         $property = new Property(
31:             $propertyName,
32:             new PropertyType(TypeConverter::gettypeToInternal(gettype($json['const']))),
33:             $propertySchema,
34:             $json['description'] ?? '',
35:         );
37:         return $property
38:             ->setRequired(true)
39:             ->addValidator(new PropertyValidator(
40:                 $property,
41:                 '$value !== ' . var_export($json['const'], true),
42:                 InvalidConstException::class,
43:                 [$json['const']],
44:             ));
45:     }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Property/MultiTypeProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 52 column 5:

42:      * @param Schema                     $schema
43:      *
44:      * @throws SchemaException
45:      */
46:     public function __construct(
47:         PropertyProcessorFactory $propertyProcessorFactory,
48:         array $types,
49:         PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection,
50:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
51:         Schema $schema,
52:     ) {
53:         parent::__construct($propertyMetaDataCollection, $schemaProcessor, $schema);
55:         foreach ($types as $type) {
56:             $this->propertyProcessors[$type] = $propertyProcessorFactory->getProcessor(
57:                 $type,
58:                 $propertyMetaDataCollection,
59:                 $schemaProcessor,
60:                 $schema,
61:             );
62:         }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Property/BaseProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 109 column 13:

 99:     {
100:         if (!isset($propertySchema->getJson()['propertyNames'])) {
101:             return;
102:         }
104:         $this->schema->addBaseValidator(
105:             new PropertyNamesValidator(
106:                 $this->schemaProcessor,
107:                 $this->schema,
108:                 $propertySchema->withJson($propertySchema->getJson()['propertyNames']),
109:             )
110:         );
111:     }
113:     /**
114:      * Add an object validator to specify constraints for properties which are not defined in the schema
115:      *
116:      * @param JsonSchema $propertySchema
117:      *
118:      * @throws FileSystemException
119:      * @throws SchemaException

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Property/ReferenceProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 44 column 21:

34:             if ($definition) {
35:                 if ($this->schema->getClassPath() !== $definition->getSchema()->getClassPath() ||
36:                     $this->schema->getClassName() !== $definition->getSchema()->getClassName() ||
37:                     (
38:                         $this->schema->getClassName() === 'ExternalSchema' &&
39:                         $definition->getSchema()->getClassName() === 'ExternalSchema'
40:                     )
41:                 ) {
42:                     $this->schema->addNamespaceTransferDecorator(
43:                         new SchemaNamespaceTransferDecorator($definition->getSchema()),
44:                     );
45:                 }
47:                 return $definition->resolveReference($propertyName, $path, $this->propertyMetaDataCollection);
48:             }
49:         } catch (Exception $exception) {
50:             throw new SchemaException(
51:                 "Unresolved Reference $reference in file {$propertySchema->getFile()}",
52:                 0,
53:                 $exception,
54:             );

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Property/AbstractNumericProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 47 column 9:

38:         $this->addRangeValidator($property, $propertySchema, self::JSON_FIELD_MINIMUM, '<', MinimumException::class);
39:         $this->addRangeValidator($property, $propertySchema, self::JSON_FIELD_MAXIMUM, '>', MaximumException::class);
41:         $this->addRangeValidator(
42:             $property,
43:             $propertySchema,
44:             self::JSON_FIELD_MINIMUM_EXCLUSIVE,
45:             '<=',
46:             ExclusiveMinimumException::class,
47:         );
49:         $this->addRangeValidator(
50:             $property,
51:             $propertySchema,
52:             self::JSON_FIELD_MAXIMUM_EXCLUSIVE,
53:             '>=',
54:             ExclusiveMaximumException::class,
55:         );
57:         $this->addMultipleOfValidator($property, $propertySchema);

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Property/BasereferenceProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 38 column 17:

28:             ->setUpDefinitionDictionary($this->schemaProcessor, $this->schema);
30:         $property = parent::process($propertyName, $propertySchema);
32:         if (!$property->getNestedSchema()) {
33:             throw new SchemaException(
34:                 sprintf(
35:                     'A referenced schema on base level must provide an object definition for property %s in file %s',
36:                     $propertyName,
37:                     $propertySchema->getFile(),
38:                 )
39:             );
40:         }
42:         foreach ($property->getNestedSchema()->getProperties() as $propertiesOfReferencedObject) {
43:             $this->schema->addProperty($propertiesOfReferencedObject);
44:         }
46:         return $property;
47:     }
48: }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Property/ArrayProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 71 column 17:

62:         if (!$property->isRequired() &&
63:             $this->schemaProcessor->getGeneratorConfiguration()->isDefaultArraysToEmptyArrayEnabled()
64:         ) {
65:             $property->addDecorator(new DefaultArrayToEmptyArrayDecorator());
67:             if ($property->getType()) {
68:                 $property->setType(
69:                     $property->getType(),
70:                     new PropertyType($property->getType(true)->getName(), false),
71:                 );
72:             }
74:             if (!$property->getDefaultValue()) {
75:                 $property->setDefaultValue([]);
76:             }
77:         }
78:     }
80:     /**
81:      * Add the vaidation for the allowed amount of items in the array

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Property/StringProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 70 column 17:

61:         $escapedPattern = addcslashes($json[static::JSON_FIELD_PATTERN], '/');
63:         if (@preg_match("/$escapedPattern/", '') === false) {
64:             throw new SchemaException(
65:                 sprintf(
66:                     "Invalid pattern '%s' for property '%s' in file %s",
67:                     $json[static::JSON_FIELD_PATTERN],
68:                     $property->getName(),
69:                     $propertySchema->getFile(),
70:                 )
71:             );
72:         }
74:         $encodedPattern = base64_encode("/$escapedPattern/");
76:         $property->addValidator(
77:             new PropertyValidator(
78:                 $property,
79:                 $this->getTypeCheck() . "!preg_match(base64_decode('$encodedPattern'), \$value)",
80:                 PatternException::class,

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Property/ObjectProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 38 column 9:

28:      */
29:     public function process(string $propertyName, JsonSchema $propertySchema): PropertyInterface
30:     {
31:         $property = parent::process($propertyName, $propertySchema);
33:         $className = $this->schemaProcessor->getGeneratorConfiguration()->getClassNameGenerator()->getClassName(
34:             $propertyName,
35:             $propertySchema,
36:             false,
37:             $this->schemaProcessor->getCurrentClassName(),
38:         );
40:         $schema = $this->schemaProcessor->processSchema(
41:             $propertySchema,
42:             $this->schemaProcessor->getCurrentClassPath(),
43:             $className,
44:             $this->schema->getSchemaDictionary(),
45:         );
47:         // if the generated schema is located in a different namespace (the schema for the given structure in
48:         // $propertySchema is duplicated) add used classes to the current schema. By importing the class which is

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Property/AbstractValueProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 40 column 5:

30:      * @param PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection
31:      * @param SchemaProcessor            $schemaProcessor
32:      * @param Schema                     $schema
33:      * @param string                     $type
34:      */
35:     public function __construct(
36:         PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection,
37:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
38:         Schema $schema,
39:         string $type = '',
40:     ) {
41:         parent::__construct($propertyMetaDataCollection, $schemaProcessor, $schema);
42:         $this->type = $type;
43:     }
45:     /**
46:      * @inheritdoc
47:      *
48:      * @throws ReflectionException
49:      * @throws SchemaException
50:      */

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/PropertyProcessorFactory.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 33 column 5:

23:      * @param Schema                     $schema
24:      *
25:      * @return PropertyProcessorInterface
26:      * @throws SchemaException
27:      */
28:     public function getProcessor(
29:         $type,
30:         PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection,
31:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
32:         Schema $schema,
33:     ): PropertyProcessorInterface {
34:         if (is_string($type)) {
35:             return $this->getSingleTypePropertyProcessor(
36:                 $type,
37:                 $propertyMetaDataCollection,
38:                 $schemaProcessor,
39:                 $schema,
40:             );
41:         }
43:         if (is_array($type)) {

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Decorator/Property/ObjectInstantiationDecorator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 42 column 13:

32:      * @param GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration
33:      */
34:     public function __construct(string $className, GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration)
35:     {
36:         $this->className = $className;
37:         $this->generatorConfiguration = $generatorConfiguration;
39:         if (!static::$renderer) {
40:             static::$renderer = new Render(
41:                 join(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [__DIR__, '..', '..', '..', 'Templates']) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
42:             );
43:         }
44:     }
46:     /**
47:      * @inheritdoc
48:      */
49:     public function decorate(string $input, PropertyInterface $property, bool $nestedProperty): string
50:     {
51:         return static::$renderer->renderTemplate(
52:             DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Decorator' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ObjectInstantiationDecorator.phptpl',

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Decorator/TypeHint/ArrayTypeHintDecorator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 48 column 13:

38:             return $this->nestedProperty->getTypeHint($outputType, [self::class]);
39:         }
41:         $result = implode(
42:             '|',
43:             array_map(
44:                 static function (string $typeHint): string {
45:                     return "{$typeHint}[]";
46:                 },
47:                 explode('|', $this->nestedProperty->getTypeHint($outputType)),
48:             )
49:         );
51:         $this->recursiveArrayCheck--;
53:         return $result;
54:     }
55: }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/ComposedValue/IfProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 43 column 17:

33:     protected function generateValidators(PropertyInterface $property, JsonSchema $propertySchema): void
34:     {
35:         $json = $propertySchema->getJson()['propertySchema']->getJson();
37:         if (!isset($json['then']) && !isset($json['else'])) {
38:             throw new SchemaException(
39:                 sprintf(
40:                     'Incomplete conditional composition for property %s in file %s',
41:                     $property->getName(),
42:                     $property->getJsonSchema()->getFile(),
43:                 )
44:             );
45:         }
47:         $propertyFactory = new PropertyFactory(new PropertyProcessorFactory());
49:         $properties = [];
51:         foreach (['if', 'then', 'else'] as $compositionElement) {
52:             if (!isset($json[$compositionElement])) {
53:                 $properties[$compositionElement] = null;

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/ComposedValue/AbstractComposedValueProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 50 column 5:

40:      * @param PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection
41:      * @param SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor
42:      * @param Schema $schema
43:      * @param bool $rootLevelComposition
44:      */
45:     public function __construct(
46:         PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection,
47:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
48:         Schema $schema,
49:         bool $rootLevelComposition,
50:     ) {
51:         parent::__construct($propertyMetaDataCollection, $schemaProcessor, $schema);
53:         $this->rootLevelComposition = $rootLevelComposition;
54:     }
56:     /**
57:      * @inheritdoc
58:      */
59:     protected function generateValidators(PropertyInterface $property, JsonSchema $propertySchema): void
60:     {

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/ComposedValue/NotProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 35 column 17:

25:         $json['not'] = [$json['not']];
27:         // strict type checks for not constraint to avoid issues with null
28:         $property->setRequired(true);
29:         parent::generateValidators(
30:             $property,
31:             $propertySchema->withJson(
32:                 array_merge(
33:                     $propertySchema->getJson(),
34:                     ['propertySchema' => $propertySchema->getJson()['propertySchema']->withJson($json)],
35:                 )
36:             ),
37:         );
38:     }
40:     /**
41:      * @inheritdoc
42:      */
43:     protected function getComposedValueValidation(int $composedElements): string
44:     {
45:         return '$succeededCompositionElements === 0';

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/Filter/FilterProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 48 column 5:

38:      * @param Schema $schema
39:      *
40:      * @throws ReflectionException
41:      * @throws SchemaException
42:      */
43:     public function process(
44:         PropertyInterface $property,
45:         $filterList,
46:         GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration,
47:         Schema $schema,
48:     ): void {
49:         if (is_string($filterList) || (is_array($filterList) && isset($filterList['filter']))) {
50:             $filterList = [$filterList];
51:         }
53:         $transformingFilter = null;
54:         // apply a different priority to each filter to make sure the order is kept
55:         $filterPriority = 10 + count($property->getValidators());
57:         foreach ($filterList as $filterToken) {
58:             $filterOptions = [];

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/PropertyFactory.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 51 column 5:

41:      *
42:      * @return PropertyInterface
43:      * @throws SchemaException
44:      */
45:     public function create(
46:         PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection,
47:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
48:         Schema $schema,
49:         string $propertyName,
50:         JsonSchema $propertySchema,
51:     ): PropertyInterface {
52:         $json = $propertySchema->getJson();
54:         // redirect properties with a constant value to the ConstProcessor
55:         if (isset($json['const'])) {
56:             $json['type'] = 'const';
57:         }
58:         // redirect references to the ReferenceProcessor
59:         if (isset($json['$ref'])) {
60:             $json['type'] = isset($json['type']) && $json['type'] === 'base'
61:                 ? 'baseReference'

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/PropertyProcessor/ProcessorFactoryInterface.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 30 column 5:

20:      * @param SchemaProcessor            $schemaProcessor
21:      * @param Schema                     $schema
22:      *
23:      * @return PropertyProcessorInterface
24:      */
25:     public function getProcessor(
26:         $type,
27:         PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection,
28:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
29:         Schema $schema,
30:     ): PropertyProcessorInterface;
31: }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Utils/RenderHelper.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 106 column 9:

 96:      * @param PropertyValidatorInterface $validator
 97:      *
 98:      * @return string
 99:      */
100:     public function validationError(PropertyValidatorInterface $validator): string
101:     {
102:         $exceptionConstructor = sprintf(
103:             'new \%s($value ?? null, ...%s)',
104:             $validator->getExceptionClass(),
105:             preg_replace('/\'&(\$\w+)\'/i', '$1', var_export($validator->getExceptionParams(), true)),
106:         );
108:         if ($this->generatorConfiguration->collectErrors()) {
109:             return "\$this->_errorRegistry->addError($exceptionConstructor);";
110:         }
112:         return "throw $exceptionConstructor;";
113:     }
115:     /**
116:      * check if the property may contain/accept null

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Utils/NormalizedName.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 20 column 9:

10: class NormalizedName
11: {
12:     public static function from(string $name, JsonSchema $jsonSchema): string
13:     {
14:         $attributeName = preg_replace_callback(
15:             '/([a-z][a-z0-9]*)([A-Z])/',
16:             static function (array $matches): string {
17:                 return "{$matches[1]}-{$matches[2]}";
18:             },
19:             $name,
20:         );
22:         $elements = array_map(
23:             static function (string $element): string {
24:                 return ucfirst(strtolower($element));
25:             },
26:             preg_split('/[^a-z0-9]/i', $attributeName),
27:         );
29:         $attributeName = join('', $elements);

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Utils/ClassNameGeneratorInterface.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 32 column 5:

22:      * @param bool       $isMergeClass     Is it a merge class? example: allOf schema composition
23:      * @param string     $currentClassName The class name of the parent class if the class represents a nested object
24:      *
25:      * @return string
26:      */
27:     public function getClassName(
28:         string $propertyName,
29:         JsonSchema $schema,
30:         bool $isMergeClass,
31:         string $currentClassName = '',
32:     ): string;
33: }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Utils/ClassNameGenerator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 24 column 5:

14: class ClassNameGenerator implements ClassNameGeneratorInterface
15: {
16:     /**
17:      * @inheritDoc
18:      */
19:     public function getClassName(
20:         string $propertyName,
21:         JsonSchema $schema,
22:         bool $isMergeClass,
23:         string $currentClassName = '',
24:     ): string {
25:         $json = $isMergeClass && isset($schema->getJson()['propertySchema'])
26:             ? $schema->getJson()['propertySchema']->getJson()
27:             : $schema->getJson();
29:         $className = sprintf(
30:             $isMergeClass ? '%s_Merged_%s' : '%s_%s',
31:             $currentClassName,
32:             ucfirst(
33:                 isset($json['$id'])
34:                     ? str_replace('#', '', $json['$id'])

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/SchemaDefinition/JsonSchema.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 59 column 25:

49:         // wrap in an allOf to pass the processing to multiple handlers - ugly hack to be removed after rework
50:         if (isset($json['$ref']) && count(array_diff(array_intersect(array_keys($json), self::SCHEMA_SIGNATURE_RELEVANT_FIELDS), ['$ref', 'type']))) {
51:             $json = array_merge(
52:                 array_diff_key($json, array_fill_keys(self::SCHEMA_SIGNATURE_RELEVANT_FIELDS, null)),
53:                 [
54:                     'allOf' => [
55:                         ['$ref' => $json['$ref']],
56:                         array_intersect_key(
57:                             $json,
58:                             array_fill_keys(array_diff(self::SCHEMA_SIGNATURE_RELEVANT_FIELDS, ['$ref']), null),
59:                         ),
60:                     ],
61:                 ],
62:             );
63:         }
65:         $this->json = $json;
66:         $this->file = $file;
67:     }
69:     /**

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/SchemaDefinition/SchemaDefinitionDictionary.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 55 column 13:

46:         foreach ($schema->getJsonSchema()->getJson() as $key => $propertyEntry) {
47:             if (!is_array($propertyEntry)) {
48:                 continue;
49:             }
51:             // add the root nodes of the schema to resolve path references
52:             $this->addDefinition(
53:                 $key,
54:                 new SchemaDefinition($schema->getJsonSchema()->withJson($propertyEntry), $schemaProcessor, $schema),
55:             );
56:         }
58:         $this->fetchDefinitionsById($schema->getJsonSchema(), $schemaProcessor, $schema);
59:     }
61:     /**
62:      * Fetch all schema definitions with an ID for direct references
63:      *
64:      * @param JsonSchema      $jsonSchema
65:      * @param SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/SchemaDefinition/SchemaDefinition.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 77 column 5:

67:      *
68:      * @return PropertyInterface
69:      *
70:      * @throws PHPModelGeneratorException
71:      * @throws SchemaException
72:      */
73:     public function resolveReference(
74:         string $propertyName,
75:         array $path,
76:         PropertyMetaDataCollection $propertyMetaDataCollection,
77:     ): PropertyInterface {
78:         $jsonSchema = $this->source->getJson();
79:         $originalPath = $path;
81:         while ($segment = array_shift($path)) {
82:             if (!isset($jsonSchema[$segment])) {
83:                 throw new SchemaException("Unresolved path segment $segment in file {$this->source->getFile()}");
84:             }
86:             $jsonSchema = $jsonSchema[$segment];
87:         }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Property/PropertyInterface.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 54 column 5:

44:      * @param PropertyType|null $outputType By default the output type will be equal to the base type but due to applied
45:      *                                      filters the output type may change
46:      * @param bool $reset set to true for a full type reset (including type hint decorators like array, ...)
47:      *
48:      * @return PropertyInterface
49:      */
50:     public function setType(
51:         ?PropertyType $type = null,
52:         ?PropertyType $outputType = null,
53:         bool $reset = false,
54:     ): PropertyInterface;
56:     /**
57:      * @param bool $outputType If set to true the output type hint will be returned (may differ from the base type)
58:      * @param string[] $skipDecorators Provide a set of decorators (FQCN) which shouldn't be applied
59:      *                                 (might be necessary to avoid infinite loops for recursive calls)
60:      * @return string
61:      */
62:     public function getTypeHint(bool $outputType = false, array $skipDecorators = []): string;
64:     /**

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Property/PropertyProxy.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 44 column 5:

34:      * @param ResolvedDefinitionsCollection $definitionsCollection
35:      * @param string $key
36:      *
37:      * @throws SchemaException
38:      */
39:     public function __construct(
40:         string $name,
41:         JsonSchema $jsonSchema,
42:         ResolvedDefinitionsCollection $definitionsCollection,
43:         string $key,
44:     ) {
45:         parent::__construct($name, $jsonSchema);
47:         $this->key = $key;
48:         $this->definitionsCollection = $definitionsCollection;
49:     }
51:     /**
52:      * Get the property out of the resolved definitions collection to proxy function calls
53:      *
54:      * @return PropertyInterface

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Property/Property.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 96 column 5:

 86:         return $outputType && $this->outputType !== null ? $this->outputType : $this->type;
 87:     }
 89:     /**
 90:      * @inheritdoc
 91:      */
 92:     public function setType(
 93:         ?PropertyType $type = null,
 94:         ?PropertyType $outputType = null,
 95:         bool $reset = false,
 96:     ): PropertyInterface {
 97:         if ($reset) {
 98:             $this->typeHintDecorators = [];
 99:         }
101:         $this->type = $type;
102:         $this->outputType = $outputType;
104:         return $this;
105:     }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Property/CompositionPropertyDecorator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 44 column 9:

34:      *
35:      * @throws SchemaException
36:      */
37:     public function __construct(string $propertyName, JsonSchema $jsonSchema, PropertyInterface $property)
38:     {
39:         parent::__construct(
40:             $propertyName,
41:             $jsonSchema,
42:             new ResolvedDefinitionsCollection([self::PROPERTY_KEY => $property]),
43:             self::PROPERTY_KEY,
44:         );
46:         $property->onResolve(function (): void {
47:             $this->resolve();
48:         });
49:     }
51:     /**
52:      * Append an object property which is affected by the composition validator
53:      *
54:      * @param PropertyInterface $property

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/ComposedPropertyValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 29 column 5:

19: class ComposedPropertyValidator extends AbstractComposedPropertyValidator
20: {
21:     private $modifiedValuesMethod;
23:     public function __construct(
24:         GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration,
25:         PropertyInterface $property,
26:         array $composedProperties,
27:         string $compositionProcessor,
28:         array $validatorVariables,
29:     ) {
30:         $this->modifiedValuesMethod = '_getModifiedValues_' . substr(md5(spl_object_hash($this)), 0, 5);
31:         $this->isResolved = true;
33:         parent::__construct(
34:             $generatorConfiguration,
35:             $property,
36:             DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Validator' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ComposedItem.phptpl',
37:             array_merge($validatorVariables, ['modifiedValuesMethod' => $this->modifiedValuesMethod]),
38:             $this->getExceptionByProcessor($compositionProcessor),
39:             ['&$succeededCompositionElements', '&$compositionErrorCollection'],

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/ArrayItemValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 46 column 5:

36:      * @param JsonSchema        $itemStructure
37:      * @param PropertyInterface $property
38:      *
39:      * @throws SchemaException
40:      */
41:     public function __construct(
42:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
43:         Schema $schema,
44:         JsonSchema $itemStructure,
45:         PropertyInterface $property,
46:     ) {
47:         $nestedPropertyName = "item of array {$property->getName()}";
48:         $this->variableSuffix = '_' . md5($nestedPropertyName);
50:         // an item of the array behaves like a nested property to add item-level validation
51:         $this->nestedProperty = (new PropertyFactory(new PropertyProcessorFactory()))
52:             ->create(
53:                 new PropertyMetaDataCollection([$nestedPropertyName]),
54:                 $schemaProcessor,
55:                 $schema,
56:                 $nestedPropertyName,

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/InstanceOfValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 29 column 13:

19:      *
20:      * @param PropertyInterface $property
21:      */
22:     public function __construct(PropertyInterface $property)
23:     {
24:         parent::__construct(
25:             $property,
26:             sprintf(
27:                 'is_object($value) && !($value instanceof \Exception) && !($value instanceof %s)',
28:                 $property->getType()->getName(),
29:             ),
30:             InvalidInstanceOfException::class,
31:             [$property->getType()->getName()],
32:         );
33:     }
34: }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/ReflectionTypeCheckValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 26 column 5:

16: {
17:     /**
18:      * @param ReflectionType $reflectionType
19:      * @param PropertyInterface $property
20:      *
21:      * @return static
22:      */
23:     public static function fromReflectionType(
24:         ReflectionType $reflectionType,
25:         PropertyInterface $property,
26:     ): self {
27:         return new self(
28:             $reflectionType->isBuiltin(),
29:             $reflectionType->getName(),
30:             $property,
31:         );
32:     }
34:     /**
35:      * @param string $type
36:      * @param PropertyInterface $property

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/PassThroughTypeCheckValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 32 column 5:

22:      * PassThroughTypeCheckValidator constructor.
23:      *
24:      * @param ReflectionType $passThroughType
25:      * @param PropertyInterface $property
26:      * @param TypeCheckValidator $typeCheckValidator
27:      */
28:     public function __construct(
29:         ReflectionType $passThroughType,
30:         PropertyInterface $property,
31:         TypeCheckValidator $typeCheckValidator,
32:     ) {
33:         $this->types = array_merge($typeCheckValidator->getTypes(), [$passThroughType->getName()]);
35:         parent::__construct(
36:             $property,
37:             sprintf(
38:                 '%s && %s',
39:                 ReflectionTypeCheckValidator::fromReflectionType($passThroughType, $property)->getCheck(),
40:                 $typeCheckValidator->getCheck(),
41:             ),
42:             InvalidTypeException::class,

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/AdditionalPropertiesValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 53 column 5:

43:      * @param JsonSchema $propertiesStructure
44:      * @param string|null $propertyName
45:      *
46:      * @throws SchemaException
47:      */
48:     public function __construct(
49:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
50:         Schema $schema,
51:         JsonSchema $propertiesStructure,
52:         ?string $propertyName = null,
53:     ) {
54:         $propertyFactory = new PropertyFactory(new PropertyProcessorFactory());
56:         $this->validationProperty = $propertyFactory->create(
57:             new PropertyMetaDataCollection([static::PROPERTY_NAME]),
58:             $schemaProcessor,
59:             $schema,
60:             static::PROPERTY_NAME,
61:             $propertiesStructure->withJson($propertiesStructure->getJson()[static::ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES_KEY]),
62:         );

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/PropertyTemplateValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 45 column 5:

35:      * @param array $templateValues
36:      * @param string $exceptionClass
37:      * @param array $exceptionParams
38:      */
39:     public function __construct(
40:         PropertyInterface $property,
41:         string $template,
42:         array $templateValues,
43:         string $exceptionClass,
44:         array $exceptionParams = [],
45:     ) {
46:         $this->template = $template;
47:         $this->templateValues = $templateValues;
49:         parent::__construct($property, $exceptionClass, $exceptionParams);
50:     }
52:     public function setScope(Schema $schema): void
53:     {
54:         $this->scope = $schema;

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/MultiTypeCheckValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 45 column 17:

36:         parent::__construct(
37:             $property,
38:             join(
39:                 ' && ',
40:                 array_map(
41:                     static function (string $allowedType) use ($property) : string {
42:                         return ReflectionTypeCheckValidator::fromType($allowedType, $property)->getCheck();
43:                     },
44:                     $types,
45:                 )
46:             ) . ($allowImplicitNull ? ' && $value !== null' : ''),
47:             InvalidTypeException::class,
48:             [$types],
49:         );
50:     }
52:     /**
53:      * @inheritDoc
54:      */
55:     public function getTypes(): array

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/PatternPropertiesValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 48 column 5:

38:      * @param string $pattern
39:      * @param JsonSchema $propertyStructure
40:      *
41:      * @throws SchemaException
42:      */
43:     public function __construct(
44:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
45:         Schema $schema,
46:         string $pattern,
47:         JsonSchema $propertyStructure,
48:     ) {
49:         $this->pattern = $pattern;
50:         $this->key = md5($propertyStructure->getJson()['key'] ?? $this->pattern);
52:         $propertyFactory = new PropertyFactory(new PropertyProcessorFactory());
54:         $this->validationProperty = $propertyFactory->create(
55:             new PropertyMetaDataCollection(['pattern property']),
56:             $schemaProcessor,
57:             $schema,
58:             'pattern property',

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/ArrayTupleValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 44 column 5:

34:      * @param JsonSchema      $propertiesStructure
35:      * @param string          $propertyName
36:      *
37:      * @throws SchemaException
38:      */
39:     public function __construct(
40:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
41:         Schema $schema,
42:         JsonSchema $propertiesStructure,
43:         string $propertyName,
44:     ) {
45:         $propertyFactory = new PropertyFactory(new PropertyProcessorFactory());
47:         $this->tupleProperties = [];
49:         foreach ($propertiesStructure->getJson() as $tupleIndex => $tupleItem) {
50:             $tupleItemName = "tuple item #$tupleIndex of array $propertyName";
52:             // an item of the array behaves like a nested property to add item-level validation
53:             $tupleProperty = $propertyFactory->create(
54:                 new PropertyMetaDataCollection([$tupleItemName]),

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/NoAdditionalPropertiesValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 37 column 9:

28:         parent::__construct(
29:             $property,
30:             DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Validator' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'NoAdditionalProperties.phptpl',
31:             [
32:                 'properties' => RenderHelper::varExportArray(array_keys($json['properties'] ?? [])),
33:                 'pattern' => addcslashes(join('|', array_keys($json['patternProperties'] ?? [])), "'/"),
34:             ],
35:             AdditionalPropertiesException::class,
36:             ['&$additionalProperties'],
37:         );
38:     }
39: }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/PropertyValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 32 column 5:

22:      * @param PropertyInterface $property
23:      * @param string            $check
24:      * @param string            $exceptionClass
25:      * @param array             $exceptionParams
26:      */
27:     public function __construct(
28:         PropertyInterface $property,
29:         string $check,
30:         string $exceptionClass,
31:         array $exceptionParams = [],
32:     ) {
33:         $this->isResolved = true;
34:         $this->check = $check;
36:         parent::__construct($property, $exceptionClass, $exceptionParams);
37:     }
39:     /**
40:      * Get the source code for the check to perform
41:      *
42:      * @return string

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/ConditionalPropertyValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 24 column 5:

14:  *
15:  * @package PHPModelGenerator\Model\Validator
16:  */
17: class ConditionalPropertyValidator extends AbstractComposedPropertyValidator
18: {
19:     public function __construct(
20:         GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration,
21:         PropertyInterface $property,
22:         array $composedProperties,
23:         array $validatorVariables,
24:     ) {
25:         $this->isResolved = true;
27:         parent::__construct(
28:             $generatorConfiguration,
29:             $property,
30:             DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Validator' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'ConditionalComposedItem.phptpl',
31:             $validatorVariables,
32:             ConditionalException::class,
33:             ['&$ifException', '&$thenException', '&$elseException'],
34:         );

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/PropertyDependencyValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 36 column 9:

26:         $this->isResolved = true;
28:         parent::__construct(
29:             $property,
30:             DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Validator' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'PropertyDependency.phptpl',
31:             [
32:                 'dependencies' => RenderHelper::varExportArray(array_values($dependencies)),
33:             ],
34:             InvalidPropertyDependencyException::class,
35:             ['&$missingAttributes'],
36:         );
37:     }
39:     /**
40:      * Initialize all variables which are required to execute a property names validator
41:      *
42:      * @return string
43:      */
44:     public function getValidatorSetUp(): string
45:     {
46:         return '$missingAttributes = [];';

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/ExtractedMethodValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 30 column 5:

20:     /** @var GeneratorConfiguration */
21:     private $generatorConfiguration;
23:     public function __construct(
24:         GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration,
25:         PropertyInterface $property,
26:         string $template,
27:         array $templateValues,
28:         string $exceptionClass,
29:         array $exceptionParams = [],
30:     ) {
31:         $this->generatorConfiguration = $generatorConfiguration;
33:         $this->extractedMethodName = sprintf(
34:             'validate%s_%s_%s',
35:             str_replace(' ', '', ucfirst($property->getAttribute())),
36:             str_replace('Validator', '', substr(strrchr(static::class, '\\'), 1)),
37:             uniqid(),
38:         );
40:         parent::__construct($property, $template, $templateValues, $exceptionClass, $exceptionParams);

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/SchemaDependencyValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 48 column 21:

38:             DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Validator' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'SchemaDependency.phptpl',
39:             [
40:                 'viewHelper' => new RenderHelper($schemaProcessor->getGeneratorConfiguration()),
41:                 'generatorConfiguration' => $schemaProcessor->getGeneratorConfiguration(),
42:                 'transferProperties' => $schema->getProperties(),
43:                 // set up a helper property for handling of the nested object
44:                 'nestedProperty' => (new Property("{$property->getName()}Dependency", null, $schema->getJsonSchema()))
45:                     ->addDecorator(new ObjectInstantiationDecorator(
46:                         $schema->getClassName(),
47:                         $schemaProcessor->getGeneratorConfiguration(),
48:                     ))
49:             ],
50:             InvalidSchemaDependencyException::class,
51:             ['&$dependencyException'],
52:         );
53:     }
55:     /**
56:      * Initialize all variables which are required to execute a property names validator
57:      *
58:      * @return string

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/FilterValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 48 column 5:

38:      *
39:      * @throws SchemaException
40:      * @throws ReflectionException
41:      */
42:     public function __construct(
43:         GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration,
44:         FilterInterface $filter,
45:         PropertyInterface $property,
46:         array $filterOptions = [],
47:         ?TransformingFilterInterface $transformingFilter = null,
48:     ) {
49:         $this->isResolved = true;
51:         $this->filter = $filter;
52:         $this->filterOptions = $filterOptions;
54:         $transformingFilter === null
55:             ? $this->validateFilterCompatibilityWithBaseType($filter, $property)
56:             : $this->validateFilterCompatibilityWithTransformedType($filter, $transformingFilter, $property);
58:         parent::__construct(

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/TypeCheckValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 36 column 9:

26:      */
27:     public function __construct(string $type, PropertyInterface $property, bool $allowImplicitNull)
28:     {
29:         $this->type = strtolower($type);
31:         parent::__construct(
32:             $property,
33:             "!is_$type(\$value)" . ($allowImplicitNull ? ' && $value !== null' : ''),
34:             InvalidTypeException::class,
35:             [$type],
36:         );
37:     }
39:     /**
40:      * @inheritDoc
41:      */
42:     public function getTypes(): array
43:     {
44:         return [$this->type];
45:     }
46: }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/EnumValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 31 column 9:

21:      * @param PropertyInterface $property
22:      * @param array $allowedValues
23:      */
24:     public function __construct(PropertyInterface $property, array $allowedValues)
25:     {
26:         parent::__construct(
27:             $property,
28:             '!in_array($value, ' . RenderHelper::varExportArray($allowedValues) . ', true)',
29:             EnumException::class,
30:             [$allowedValues],
31:         );
32:     }
33: }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/PropertyNamesValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 38 column 5:

28:      * @param SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor
29:      * @param Schema $schema
30:      * @param JsonSchema $propertiesNames
31:      *
32:      * @throws SchemaException
33:      */
34:     public function __construct(
35:         SchemaProcessor $schemaProcessor,
36:         Schema $schema,
37:         JsonSchema $propertiesNames,
38:     ) {
39:         $this->isResolved = true;
41:         $nameValidationProperty = (new StringProcessor(new PropertyMetaDataCollection(), $schemaProcessor, $schema))
42:             ->process('property name', $propertiesNames)
43:             // the property name validator doesn't need type checks or required checks so simply filter them out
44:             ->filterValidators(static function (Validator $validator): bool {
45:                 return !is_a($validator->getValidator(), RequiredPropertyValidator::class) &&
46:                     !is_a($validator->getValidator(), TypeCheckValidator::class);
47:             });

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Validator/FormatValidator.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 33 column 5:

23:      * FormatValidator constructor.
24:      *
25:      * @param PropertyInterface $property
26:      * @param FormatValidatorInterface $validator
27:      * @param array $exceptionParams
28:      */
29:     public function __construct(
30:         PropertyInterface $property,
31:         FormatValidatorInterface $validator,
32:         array $exceptionParams = [],
33:     ) {
34:         $this->isResolved = true;
35:         $this->validator = $validator;
37:         parent::__construct($property, FormatException::class, $exceptionParams);
38:     }
40:     /**
41:      * Get the source code for the check to perform
42:      *
43:      * @return string

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/GeneratorConfiguration.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 81 column 13:

71:      *
72:      * @throws Exception
73:      * @throws InvalidFilterException
74:      */
75:     public function addFilter(FilterInterface ...$additionalFilter): self
76:     {
77:         foreach ($additionalFilter as $filter) {
78:             $this->validateFilterCallback(
79:                 $filter->getFilter(),
80:                 "Invalid filter callback for filter {$filter->getToken()}",
81:             );
83:             if ($filter instanceof TransformingFilterInterface) {
84:                 $this->validateFilterCallback(
85:                     $filter->getSerializer(),
86:                     "Invalid serializer callback for filter {$filter->getToken()}"
87:                 );
88:             }
90:             foreach ($filter->getAcceptedTypes() as $acceptedType) {
91:                 if (!in_array($acceptedType, ['integer', 'number', 'boolean', 'string', 'array', 'null']) &&

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/RenderJob.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 46 column 5:

36:      * @param string $fileName  The file name
37:      * @param string $classPath The relative path of the class for namespace generation
38:      * @param string $className The class name
39:      * @param Schema $schema    The Schema object which holds properties and validators
40:      */
41:     public function __construct(
42:         string $fileName,
43:         string $classPath,
44:         string $className,
45:         Schema $schema,
46:     ) {
47:         $this->fileName = $fileName;
48:         $this->classPath = $classPath;
49:         $this->className = $className;
50:         $this->schema = $schema;
51:     }
53:     /**
54:      * @param PostProcessor[] $postProcessors
55:      * @param GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration
56:      */

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/Model/Schema.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 79 column 5:

69:      * @param JsonSchema $schema
70:      * @param SchemaDefinitionDictionary|null $dictionary
71:      * @param bool $initialClass
72:      */
73:     public function __construct(
74:         string $classPath,
75:         string $className,
76:         JsonSchema $schema,
77:         ?SchemaDefinitionDictionary $dictionary = null,
78:         bool $initialClass = false,
79:     ) {
80:         $this->className = $className;
81:         $this->classPath = $classPath;
82:         $this->jsonSchema = $schema;
83:         $this->schemaDefinitionDictionary = $dictionary ?? new SchemaDefinitionDictionary('');
84:         $this->description = $schema->getJson()['description'] ?? '';
85:         $this->initialClass = $initialClass;
87:         $this->addInterface(JSONModelInterface::class);
88:     }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/SchemaProcessor/PostProcessor/Internal/ExtendObjectPropertiesMatchingPatternPropertiesPostProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 71 column 21:

61:                     }
63:                     // TODO: extract pattern property validation from the base validator into a separate method and
64:                     // TODO: call only the pattern property validation at this location to avoid executing unnecessary
65:                     // TODO: validators
66:                     return sprintf('
67:                             $modelData = array_merge($this->_rawModelDataInput, ["%s" => $value]);
68:                             $this->executeBaseValidators($modelData);
69:                         ',
70:                         $property->getName(),
71:                     );
72:                 }
73:             },
74:         );
75:     }
77:     /**
78:      * @param Schema $schema
79:      * @param GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration
80:      *
81:      * @throws SchemaException

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/SchemaProcessor/PostProcessor/Internal/SerializationPostProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 67 column 5:

57:     /**
58:      * Each transforming filter must provide a method to serialize the value. Add a method to the schema to call the
59:      * serialization for each property with a transforming filter
60:      *
61:      * @param Schema $schema
62:      * @param GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration
63:      */
64:     private function addSerializeFunctionsForTransformingFilters(
65:         Schema $schema,
66:         GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration,
67:     ): void {
68:         foreach ($schema->getProperties() as $property) {
69:             foreach ($property->getValidators() as $validator) {
70:                 $validator = $validator->getValidator();
72:                 if ($validator instanceof FilterValidator &&
73:                     $validator->getFilter() instanceof TransformingFilterInterface
74:                 ) {
75:                     [$serializerClass, $serializerMethod] = $validator->getFilter()->getSerializer();
77:                     $schema->addMethod(

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/SchemaProcessor/PostProcessor/Internal/PatternPropertiesPostProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 49 column 21:

39:         $patternHashes = [];
40:         $schemaProperties = array_keys($json['properties'] ?? []);
42:         foreach ($schema->getBaseValidators() as $validator) {
43:             if (is_a($validator, PatternPropertiesValidator::class)) {
44:                 if (array_key_exists($validator->getKey(), $patternHashes)) {
45:                     $key = $json['patternProperties'][$validator->getPattern()]['key'] ?? $validator->getPattern();
47:                     throw new SchemaException(
48:                         "Duplicate pattern property access key '$key' in file {$schema->getJsonSchema()->getFile()}",
49:                     );
50:                 }
52:                 $patternHashes[$validator->getKey()] = array_reduce(
53:                     $schema->getProperties(),
54:                     static function (
55:                         array $carry,
56:                         PropertyInterface $property,
57:                     ) use ($schemaProperties, $validator): array {
58:                         if (in_array($property->getName(), $schemaProperties) &&
59:                             preg_match('/' . addcslashes($validator->getPattern(), '/') . '/', $property->getName())

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/SchemaProcessor/PostProcessor/Internal/CompositionValidationPostProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 90 column 17:

 80:             }
 81:         }
 83:         if (!empty($validatorPropertyMap)) {
 84:             $schema->addProperty(
 85:                 (new Property(
 86:                     'propertyValidationState',
 87:                     new PropertyType('array'),
 88:                     new JsonSchema(__FILE__, []),
 89:                     'Track the internal validation state of composed validations',
 90:                 ))
 91:                     ->setInternal(true)
 92:                     ->setDefaultValue(
 93:                         array_fill_keys(
 94:                             array_unique(
 95:                                 array_merge(...array_values($validatorPropertyMap)),
 96:                             ),
 97:                             [],
 98:                         )
 99:                     ),
100:             );

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/SchemaProcessor/PostProcessor/Internal/AdditionalPropertiesPostProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 62 column 9:

52:                 $validator->setCollectAdditionalProperties(true);
53:                 $validationProperty = $validator->getValidationProperty();
54:             }
55:         }
57:         $additionalPropertiesCollectionProperty = (new Property(
58:             'additionalProperties',
59:             new PropertyType('array'),
60:             new JsonSchema(__FILE__, []),
61:             'Collect all additional properties provided to the schema',
62:         ))
63:             ->setDefaultValue([])
64:             ->setInternal(true);
66:         if ($validationProperty) {
67:             $additionalPropertiesCollectionProperty->addTypeHintDecorator(
68:                 new ArrayTypeHintDecorator($validationProperty),
69:             );
70:         }
72:         $schema->addProperty($additionalPropertiesCollectionProperty);

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/SchemaProcessor/PostProcessor/RenderedMethod.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 40 column 5:

30:     /** @var string */
31:     private $template;
32:     /** @var array */
33:     private $templateValues;
35:     public function __construct(
36:         Schema $schema,
37:         GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration,
38:         string $template,
39:         array $templateValues = [],
40:     ) {
41:         $this->schema = $schema;
42:         $this->generatorConfiguration = $generatorConfiguration;
43:         $this->template = $template;
44:         $this->templateValues = $templateValues;
45:     }
47:     /**
48:      * @inheritDoc
49:      *
50:      * @throws FileSystemException

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/SchemaProcessor/PostProcessor/EnumPostProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 54 column 5:

44:      * @param string $namespace        The namespace for the generated enums
45:      * @param bool $skipNonMappedEnums By default, enums which not contain only strings and don't provide a mapping for
46:      *                                 the enum will throw an exception. If set to true, those enums will be skipped
47:      *
48:      * @throws Exception
49:      */
50:     public function __construct(
51:         string $targetDirectory,
52:         string $namespace,
53:         bool $skipNonMappedEnums = false,
54:     ) {
55:         if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100) {
56:             // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
57:             throw new Exception('Enumerations are only allowed since PHP 8.1');
58:             // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
59:         }
61:         (new ModelGenerator())->generateModelDirectory($targetDirectory);
63:         $this->renderer = new Render(__DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Templates' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
64:         $this->namespace = trim($namespace, '\\');

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/SchemaProcessor/PostProcessor/PatternPropertiesAccessorPostProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 59 column 5:

49:      * Adds a method to get a list of pattern properties by property key or pattern
50:      *
51:      * @param Schema $schema
52:      * @param GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration
53:      * @param PropertyType[] $patternTypes
54:      */
55:     private function addGetPatternPropertiesMethod(
56:         Schema $schema,
57:         GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration,
58:         array $patternTypes,
59:     ): void {
60:         $schema
61:             ->addUsedClass(UnknownPatternPropertyException::class)
62:             ->addMethod(
63:                 'getPatternProperties',
64:                 new RenderedMethod(
65:                     $schema,
66:                     $generatorConfiguration,
67:                     'PatternProperties/GetPatternProperties.phptpl',
68:                     [
69:                         'returnTypeAnnotation' => $this->getReturnTypeAnnotationForGetPatternProperties($patternTypes),

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/SchemaProcessor/PostProcessor/AdditionalPropertiesAccessorPostProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 104 column 5:

 94:      * Adds a method to add or update an additional property
 95:      *
 96:      * @param Schema $schema
 97:      * @param GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration
 98:      * @param PropertyInterface|null $validationProperty
 99:      */
100:     private function addSetAdditionalPropertyMethod(
101:         Schema $schema,
102:         GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration,
103:         ?PropertyInterface $validationProperty,
104:     ): void {
105:         $objectProperties = RenderHelper::varExportArray(
106:             array_map(
107:                 static function (PropertyInterface $property): string {
108:                     return $property->getName();
109:                 },
110:                 array_filter(
111:                     $schema->getProperties(),
112:                     static function (PropertyInterface $property): bool {
113:                         return !$property->isInternal();
114:                     },

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/SchemaProcessor/PostProcessor/PopulatePostProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 30 column 13:

20:         $schema->addMethod(
21:             'populate',
22:             new RenderedMethod(
23:                 $schema,
24:                 $generatorConfiguration,
25:                 'Populate.phptpl',
26:                 [
27:                     'schemaHookResolver' => new SchemaHookResolver($schema),
28:                     'true' => true,
29:                 ],
30:             )
31:         );
32:     }
33: }

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/SchemaProcessor/SchemaProcessor.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 65 column 5:

55:      * @param string                 $baseSource
56:      * @param string                 $destination
57:      * @param GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration
58:      * @param RenderQueue            $renderQueue
59:      */
60:     public function __construct(
61:         string $baseSource,
62:         string $destination,
63:         GeneratorConfiguration $generatorConfiguration,
64:         RenderQueue $renderQueue,
65:     ) {
66:         $this->baseSource = $baseSource;
67:         $this->destination = $destination;
68:         $this->generatorConfiguration = $generatorConfiguration;
69:         $this->renderQueue = $renderQueue;
70:     }
72:     /**
73:      * Process a given json schema file
74:      *
75:      * @param JsonSchema $jsonSchema

ERROR: Unable to parse file: /code/src/SchemaProcessor/Hook/SchemaHookResolver.php
ERROR: Parse error at line 57 column 9:

47:         return $this->resolveHook(SerializationHookInterface::class);
48:     }
50:     private function getHooks(string $filterHook): array
51:     {
52:         return array_filter(
53:             $this->schema->getSchemaHooks(),
54:             static function (SchemaHookInterface $hook) use ($filterHook): bool {
55:                 return is_a($hook, $filterHook);
56:             },
57:         );
58:     }
60:     private function resolveHook(string $filterHook, ...$parameters): string
61:     {
62:         return join(
63:             "\n\n",
64:             array_map(static function ($hook) use ($parameters): string {
65:                 return $hook->getCode(...$parameters);
66:             }, $this->getHooks($filterHook)),
67:         );

INFO: 130/130 source files have been analyzed
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INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Total time: 0.936s
INFO: Final Memory: 9M/95M
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