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package amqprpc

import (
    amqp "github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go"

// Exchanges are enteties where messages are published. This defines the available
// entities based on https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/amqp-concepts.html.
const (
    ExchangeDirect  = "direct"
    ExchangeFanout  = "fanout"
    ExchangeTopic   = "topic"
    ExchangeHeaders = "headers"

// HandlerBinding holds information about how an exchange and a queue should be
// declared and bound. If the ExchangeName is not defined (an empty string), the
// queue will not be bound to the exchange but assumed to use the default match.
type HandlerBinding struct {
    QueueName    string
    ExchangeName string
    ExchangeType string
    RoutingKey   string
    BindHeaders  amqp.Table
    Handler      HandlerFunc

// DirectBinding returns a HandlerBinding to use for direct exchanges where each
// routing key will be mapped to one handler.
func DirectBinding(routingKey string, handler HandlerFunc) HandlerBinding {
    return HandlerBinding{
        QueueName:    routingKey,
        ExchangeName: "amq.direct",
        ExchangeType: ExchangeDirect,
        RoutingKey:   routingKey,
        BindHeaders:  amqp.Table{},
        Handler:      handler,

// FanoutBinding returns a HandlerBinding to use for fanout exchanges. These
// exchanges does not use the routing key. We do not use the default exchange
// (amq.fanout) since this would broadcast all messages everywhere.
func FanoutBinding(exchangeName string, handler HandlerFunc) HandlerBinding {
    return HandlerBinding{
        ExchangeName: exchangeName,
        ExchangeType: ExchangeFanout,
        RoutingKey:   "",
        BindHeaders:  amqp.Table{},
        Handler:      handler,

// TopicBinding returns a HandlerBinding to use for topic exchanges. The default
// exchange (amq.topic) will be used. The topic is matched on the routing key.
func TopicBinding(queueName, routingKey string, handler HandlerFunc) HandlerBinding {
    return HandlerBinding{
        QueueName:    queueName,
        ExchangeName: "amq.topic",
        ExchangeType: ExchangeTopic,
        RoutingKey:   routingKey,
        BindHeaders:  amqp.Table{},
        Handler:      handler,

// HeadersBinding returns a HandlerBinding to use for header exchanges that will
// match on specific headers. The heades are specified as an amqp.Table. The
// default exchange amq.match will be used.
func HeadersBinding(queueName string, headers amqp.Table, handler HandlerFunc) HandlerBinding {
    return HandlerBinding{
        QueueName:    queueName,
        ExchangeName: "amq.match",
        ExchangeType: ExchangeHeaders,
        RoutingKey:   "",
        BindHeaders:  headers,
        Handler:      handler,