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package amqprpc

import (

    amqp "github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go"

// ErrUnexpectedConnClosed is returned by ListenAndServe() if the server
// shuts down without calling Stop() and if AMQP does not give an error
// when said shutdown happens.
var ErrUnexpectedConnClosed = errors.New("unexpected connection close without specific error")

// OnStartedFunc can be registered at Server.OnStarted(f) and
// Client.OnStarted(f). This is used when you want to do more setup on the
// connections and/or channels from amqp, for example setting Qos,
// NotifyPublish etc.
type OnStartedFunc func(inputConn, outputConn *amqp.Connection, inputChannel, outputChannel *amqp.Channel)

// ExchangeDeclareSettings is the settings that will be used when a handler
// is mapped to a fanout exchange and an exchange is declared.
type ExchangeDeclareSettings struct {
    // Durable sets the durable flag. Durable exchanges survives server restart.
    Durable bool

    // AutoDelete sets the auto-delete flag, this ensures the exchange is
    // deleted when it isn't bound to any more.
    AutoDelete bool

    // Args sets the arguments table used.
    Args amqp.Table

// QueueDeclareSettings is the settings that will be used when the response
// any kind of queue is declared. Se documentation for amqp.QueueDeclare
// for more information about these settings.
type QueueDeclareSettings struct {
    // DeleteWhenUnused sets the auto-delete flag. It's recommended to have this
    // set to false so that amqp-rpc can reconnect and use the same queue while
    // keeping any messages in the queue.
    DeleteWhenUnused bool

    // Durable sets the durable flag. It's recommended to have this set to false
    // and instead use ha-mode for queues and messages.
    Durable bool

    // Exclusive sets the exclusive flag when declaring queues. This flag has
    // no effect on Clients reply-to queues which are never exclusive so it
    // can support reconnects properly.
    Exclusive bool

    // Args sets the arguments table used.
    Args amqp.Table

// ConsumeSettings is the settings that will be used when the consumption
// on a specified queue is started.
type ConsumeSettings struct {
    // Consumer sets the consumer tag used when consuming.
    Consumer string

    // AutoAck sets the auto-ack flag. When this is set to false, you must
    // manually ack any deliveries. This is always true for the Client when
    // consuming replies.
    AutoAck bool

    // Exclusive sets the exclusive flag. When this is set to true, no other
    // instances can consume from a given queue. This has no affect on the
    // Client when consuming replies where it's always set to true so that no
    // two clients can consume from the same reply-to queue.
    Exclusive bool

    // QoSPrefetchCount sets the prefetch-count. Set this to a value to ensure
    // that amqp-rpc won't prefetch all messages in the queue. This has no
    // effect on the Client which will always try to fetch everything.
    QoSPrefetchCount int

    // QoSPrefetchSize sets the prefetch-size. Set this to a value to ensure
    // that amqp-rpc won't prefetch all messages in the queue.
    QoSPrefetchSize int

    // Args sets the arguments table used.
    Args amqp.Table

// PublishSettings is the settings that will be used when a message is about
// to be published to the message bus. These settings are only used by the
// Client and never by the Server. For the server, Mandatory or Immediate
// can be set on the ResponseWriter instead.
type PublishSettings struct {
    // Mandatory sets the mandatory flag. When this is true a Publish call will
    // be returned if it's not routable by the exchange.
    Mandatory bool

    // Immediate sets the immediate flag. When this is true a Publish call will
    // be returned if a consumer isn't directly available.
    Immediate bool

    // ConfirmMode puts the channel that messages are published over in
    // confirm mode. This makes sending requests more reliable at the cost
    // of some performance. Each publishing must be confirmed by the server.
    // See https://www.rabbitmq.com/confirms.html#publisher-confirms
    ConfirmMode bool

func monitorAndWait(restartChan, stopChan chan struct{}, amqpErrs ...chan *amqp.Error) (bool, error) {
    result := make(chan error, len(amqpErrs))

    // Setup monitoring for connections and channels, can be several connections and several channels.
    // The first one closed will yield the error.
    for _, errCh := range amqpErrs {
        go func(c chan *amqp.Error) {
            err, ok := <-c
            if !ok {
                result <- ErrUnexpectedConnClosed
            result <- err

    select {
    case err := <-result:
        return true, err
    case <-restartChan:
        return true, nil
    case <-stopChan:
        return false, nil

func createConnections(url string, config amqp.Config) (conn1, conn2 *amqp.Connection, err error) {
    conn1, err = amqp.DialConfig(url, config)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    conn2, err = amqp.DialConfig(url, config)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return conn1, conn2, nil

func createChannels(inputConn, outputConn *amqp.Connection) (inputCh, outputCh *amqp.Channel, err error) {
    inputCh, err = inputConn.Channel()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    outputCh, err = outputConn.Channel()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    return inputCh, outputCh, nil