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"""A specific statebar dedicated to the the counting of loading tiles in the map."""

from typing import Optional

import traitlets as t
from ipyleaflet import Map, WidgetControl
from traitlets import observe

from sepal_ui import sepalwidgets as sw
from sepal_ui.message import ms

class LayerStateControl(WidgetControl):

    m: Optional[Map] = None
    "the map connected to the control"

    w_state: Optional[sw.StateBar] = None
    "sw.StateBar: the stateBar displaying the number of layer loading on the map"

    nb_layer: t.Int = t.Int(0).tag(sync=True)
    "the number of layers in the map"

    nb_loading_layer: t.Int = t.Int(0).tag(sync=True)
    "the number of loading layer in the map"

    def __init__(self, m: Map, **kwargs) -> None:
        """A specific statebar dedicated to the the counting of loading tiles in the map.

        every time a map is added to the map the counter will be raised by one. same behaviour with removed.

            m: The map the component is listening to
        # save the map as a member of the widget
        self.m = m

        # create a statebar
        msg = ms.layer_state.complete.format(self.nb_layer)
        self.w_state = sw.StateBar(loading=False, msg=msg)

        # overwrite the widget set in the kwargs (if any)
        kwargs["widget"] = self.w_state
        kwargs.setdefault("position", "topleft")
        kwargs["transparent_bg"] = True

        # create the widget

        # add js behaviour
        self.m.observe(self.update_nb_layer, "layers")

    def update_nb_layer(self, change: dict) -> None:
        """Update the number of layer monitored by the statebar."""
        # exit if nothing changed
        # for example we change a layer parameters and it trigger this one
        if len(change["new"]) == len(change["old"]):

        self.nb_layer = len([lyr for lyr in change["new"] if not lyr.base])

        # identify the modified layer
        modified_layer = list(set(change["new"]) ^ set(change["old"]))[0]
        if modified_layer.base is True:

        # add a layer
        if len(change["new"]) > len(change["old"]):
            modified_layer.observe(self.update_loading, "loading")

        # remove a layer
        elif len(change["new"]) < len(change["old"]):
            # the test is split as not all the layers have a loading trait
            if hasattr(modified_layer, "loading") is True:
                if modified_layer.loading is True:
                    self.nb_loading_layer += -1


    def update_loading(self, change: dict) -> None:
        """Update the nb_loading_layer value according to the number of tile loading on the map."""
        increment = [-1, 1]
        self.nb_loading_layer += increment[change["new"]]


    @observe("nb_loading_layer", "nb_layer")
    def _update_state(self, *args) -> None:

        # check if anything is loading
        self.loading = bool(self.nb_loading_layer)

        # update the message
        if self.loading is True:
            msg = ms.layer_state.loading.format(self.nb_loading_layer, self.nb_layer)
            msg = ms.layer_state.complete.format(self.nb_layer)

        self.w_state.msg = msg
