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Test Coverage
"""All the heleper methods to interface Google Earthengine with sepal-ui."""

import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union

import ee
import ipyvuetify as v

from sepal_ui.message import ms
from sepal_ui.scripts import decorator as sd

def wait_for_completion(task_descripsion: str, widget_alert: v.Alert = None) -> str:
    """Wait until the selected process is finished. Display some output information.

        task_descripsion: name of the running task
        widget_alert: alert to display the output messages

        the final state of the task
    state = "UNSUBMITTED"
    while state != "COMPLETED":

        # print in a widget
        if widget_alert:

        # wait 5 seconds

        # search for the task in task_list
        current_task = is_task(task_descripsion)
        state = current_task.state

        if state == "FAILED":
            raise Exception(ms.status.format(state))

    # print in a widget
    if widget_alert:
        widget_alert.add_live_msg(ms.status.format(state), "success")

    return state

def is_task(task_descripsion: str) -> ee.batch.Task:
    """Search for the described task in the user Task list return None if nothing is found.

        task_descripsion: the task description

        return the found task else None
    current_task = None
    for task in ee.batch.Task.list():
        if task.config["description"] == task_descripsion:
            current_task = task

    return current_task

def is_running(task_descripsion: str) -> ee.batch.Task:
    """Search for the described task in the user Task list return None if nothing is currently running.

        task_descripsion: the task description

        return the found task else None
    current_task = is_task(task_descripsion)
    if current_task:
        if current_task.state not in ["RUNNING", "READY"]:
            current_task = None

    return current_task

def get_assets(folder: Union[str, Path] = "") -> List[dict]:
    """Get all the assets from the parameter folder. every nested asset will be displayed.

        folder: the initial GEE folder

        the asset list. each asset is a dict with 3 keys: 'type', 'name' and 'id'
    # set the folder and init the list
    asset_list = []
    folder = str(folder) or f"projects/{ee.data._cloud_api_user_project}/assets/"

    def _recursive_get(folder, asset_list):

        # loop in the assets
        for asset in ee.data.listAssets({"parent": folder})["assets"]:
            asset_list += [asset]
            if asset["type"] == "FOLDER":
                asset_list = _recursive_get(asset["name"], asset_list)

        return asset_list

    return _recursive_get(folder, asset_list)

def is_asset(asset_name: str, folder: Union[str, Path] = "") -> bool:
    """Check if the asset already exist in the user asset folder.

        asset_descripsion: the descripsion of the asset
        folder: the folder of the glad assets

        true if already in folder
    # get the folder
    folder = str(folder) or f"projects/{ee.data._cloud_api_user_project}/assets/"

    # get all the assets
    asset_list = get_assets(folder)

    # search for asset existence
    exist = False
    for asset in asset_list:
        if asset_name == asset["name"]:
            exist = True

    return exist

def delete_assets(asset_id: str, dry_run: bool = True) -> None:
    """Delete the selected asset and all its content.

    This method will delete all the files and folders existing in an asset folder. By default a dry run will be launched and if you are satisfyed with the displayed names, change the ``dry_run`` variable to ``False``. No other warnng will be displayed.

    .. warning::

        If this method is used on the root directory you will loose all your data, it's highly recommended to use a dry run first and carefully review the destroyed files.

        asset_id: the Id of the asset or a folder
        dry_run: whether or not a dry run should be launched. dry run will only display the files name without deleting them.
    # define the action to execute for each asset based on the dry run mode
    def delete(id: str) -> None:
        if dry_run is True:
            print(f"to be deleted: {id}")
            print(f"deleting: {id}")


    # identify the type of asset
    asset_info = ee.data.getAsset(asset_id)

    if asset_info["type"] == "FOLDER":

        # get all the assets
        asset_list = get_assets(folder=asset_id)

        # split the files by nesting levels
        # we will need to delete the more nested files first
        assets_ordered = {}
        for asset in asset_list:
            lvl = len(asset["id"].split("/"))
            assets_ordered.setdefault(lvl, [])

        # delete all items starting from the more nested one but not folders
        assets_ordered = dict(sorted(assets_ordered.items(), reverse=True))
        for lvl in assets_ordered:
            for i in assets_ordered[lvl]:

    # delete the initial folder/asset
