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Test Coverage
"""All the helper function of sepal-ui."""

import configparser
import json
import math
import os
import random
import re
import string
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Sequence, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import ee
import ipyvuetify as v
import requests
import tomli
from anyascii import anyascii
from deprecated.sphinx import deprecated, versionadded
from matplotlib import colors as c

import sepal_ui
from sepal_ui.conf import config, config_file
from sepal_ui.message import ms
from sepal_ui.scripts import decorator as sd
from sepal_ui.scripts.warning import SepalWarning

# Types
Pathlike = Union[str, Path]

def hide_component(widget: v.VuetifyWidget) -> v.VuetifyWidget:
    """Hide a vuetify based component.

        widget: the widget to hide

        the widget
    if isinstance(widget, sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.sepalwidget.SepalWidget):

    elif "d-none" not in str(widget.class_):
        widget.class_ = str(widget.class_).strip() + " d-none"

    return widget

def show_component(widget: v.VuetifyWidget) -> v.VuetifyWidget:
    """Show a vuetify based component.

        widget: the widget to hide

        the widget
    if isinstance(widget, sepal_ui.sepalwidgets.sepalwidget.SepalWidget):

    elif "d-none" in str(widget.class_):
        widget.class_ = widget.class_.replace("d-none", "")

    return widget

def create_download_link(pathname: Pathlike) -> str:
    """Create a clickable link to download the pathname target.

        pathname: the pathname th download

        the download link
    # return the link if it's an absolute url
    if isinstance(pathname, str) and bool(urlparse(str(pathname)).netloc):
        return pathname

    # create a downloadable link from the jupyter node
    pathname = Path(pathname)
        download_path = pathname.relative_to(Path.home())
    except ValueError:
        download_path = pathname

    # I want to use the ipyurl lib to guess the url of the Jupyter server on the fly
    # but I don't really understand how it works
    # so here is an ugly fix only compatible with SEPAL
    link = f"https://sepal.io/api/sandbox/jupyter/files/{download_path}"

    return link

def random_string(string_length: int = 3) -> str:
    """Generates a random string of fixed length.

        string_length: Fixed length. Defaults to 3.

        A random string
    letters = string.ascii_lowercase

    return "".join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(string_length))

def get_file_size(filename: Pathlike) -> str:
    """Get the file size as string of 2 digit in the adapted scale (B, KB, MB....).

        filename: the path to the file to measure

        the file size in a readable humanly readable
    file_size = Path(filename).stat().st_size

    size_name = ("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB")
    i = int(math.floor(math.log(file_size, 1024))) if file_size > 0 else 0
    s = file_size / (1024**i)

    return "{:.1f} {}".format(s, size_name[i])

def init_ee() -> None:
    r"""Initialize earth engine according using a token.

    THe environment used to run the tests need to have a EARTHENGINE_TOKEN variable.
    The content of this variable must be the copy of a personal credential file that you can find on your local computer if you already run the earth engine command line tool. See the usage question for a github action example.

    - Windows: ``C:\Users\USERNAME\\.config\\earthengine\\credentials``
    - Linux: ``/home/USERNAME/.config/earthengine/credentials``
    - MacOS: ``/Users/USERNAME/.config/earthengine/credentials``

        As all init method of pytest-gee, this method will fallback to a regular ``ee.Initialize()`` if the environment variable is not found e.g. on your local computer.
    if not ee.data._credentials:
        credential_folder_path = Path.home() / ".config" / "earthengine"
        credential_file_path = credential_folder_path / "credentials"

        if "EARTHENGINE_TOKEN" in os.environ and not credential_file_path.exists():

            # write the token to the appropriate folder
            ee_token = os.environ["EARTHENGINE_TOKEN"]
            credential_folder_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        # Extract the project name from credentials
        _credentials = json.loads(credential_file_path.read_text())
        project_id = _credentials.get("project_id", _credentials.get("project", None))

        if not project_id:
            raise NameError(
                "The project name cannot be detected. "
                "Please set it using `earthengine set_project project_name`."

        # Check if we are using a google service account
        if _credentials.get("type") == "service_account":
            ee_user = _credentials.get("client_email")
            credentials = ee.ServiceAccountCredentials(ee_user, str(credential_file_path))
            ee.data._cloud_api_user_project = project_id

        # if the user is in local development the authentication should
        # already be available

def normalize_str(msg: str, folder: bool = True) -> str:
    """Normalize an str to make it compatible with file naming (no spaces, special chars ...etc).

        msg: the string to sanitise
        folder: if the name will be used for folder naming or for display. if display, <'> and < > characters will be kept

        the modified str
    regex = "[^a-zA-Z\d\-\_]" if folder else "[^a-zA-Z\d\-\_\ ']"

    return re.sub(regex, "_", anyascii(msg))

def to_colors(in_color: Union[str, Sequence], out_type: str = "hex") -> Union[str, tuple]:
    """Transform any color type into a color in the specified output format.

    Available format: [hex]

        in_color: It can be a string (e.g., 'red', '#ffff00', 'ffff00') or RGB tuple (e.g., (255, 127, 0)).
        out_type: the type of the output color from ['hex']. default to 'hex'

        The color in the specified format. default to black.
    # list of the color function used for the translation
    c_func = {"hex": c.to_hex}
    transform = c_func[out_type]

    out_color = "#000000"  # default black color

    if isinstance(in_color, tuple) and len(in_color) == 3:
        # rescale color if necessary
        if all(isinstance(item, int) for item in in_color):
            in_color = [c / 255.0 for c in in_color]

        return transform(in_color)

        # try to guess the color system
            return transform(in_color)
        except Exception:

        # try again by adding an extra # (GEE handle hex codes without #)
            return transform(f"#{in_color}")
        except Exception:

    return transform(out_color)

def next_string(string: str) -> str:
    """Create a string followed by an underscore and a consecutive number.

        string: the initial string

        the incremented string
    # if the string is already numbered the last digit is separated from the rest of the string by an "_"
    split = string.split("_")
    end = split[-1]

    if end.isdigit():
        string = "_".join(split[:-1]) + f"_{int(end)+1}"
        string += "_1"

    return string

def set_config(key: str, value: str, section: str = "sepal-ui") -> None:
    """Set a config variable.

    Set the provided value to the given key for the given section in the sepal-ui config

        key: key configuration name
        value: value to be referenced by the configuration key
        section: configuration section, defaults to sepal-ui.
    # set the section if needed
    if "sepal-ui" not in config.sections():

    # set the value
    config.set("sepal-ui", key, value)

    # save back the file


@deprecated(version="2.9.1", reason="This function will be removed in favor of set_config()")
def set_config_locale(locale: str) -> None:
    """Set the provided local in the sepal-ui config file.

        locale: a locale name in IETF BCP 47 (no verifications are performed)
    return set_config("locale", locale)

@deprecated(version="2.9.1", reason="This function will be removed in favor of set_config()")
def set_config_theme(theme: str) -> None:
    """Set the provided theme in the sepal-ui config file.

        theme: a theme name (currently supporting "dark" and "light")
    return set_config("theme", theme)

def set_type(color: str) -> str:
    r"""Return a pre-defined material colors based on the requested type\_ parameter.

    If the parameter is not a predefined color, fallback to "info" and will raise a warning. the colors can only be selected from ["primary", "secondary", "accent", "error", "info", "success", "warning", "anchor"].

        color: the requested color

        a pre-defined material color

    from sepal_ui.frontend.styles import TYPES

    if color not in TYPES:
            f'the selected color "{color}" is not a pre-defined material color. It should be one from [{", ".join(TYPES)}]',
        color = TYPES[0]

    return color

def geojson_to_ee(
    geo_json: dict, geodesic: bool = False, encoding: str = "utf-8"
) -> ee.FeatureCollection:
    """Transform a geojson object into a featureCollection or a Geometry.

    No sanity check is performed on the initial geo_json. It must respect the
    `__geo_interface__ <https://gist.github.com/sgillies/2217756>`__.

        geo_json: a geo_json dictionary
        geodesic: Whether line segments should be interpreted as spherical geodesics. If false, indicates that line segments should be interpreted as planar lines in the specified CRS. If absent, defaults to True if the CRS is geographic (including the default EPSG:4326), or to False if the CRS is projected. Defaults to False.
        encoding: The encoding of characters. Defaults to "utf-8".

        the created featurecollection
    # from a featureCollection
    if geo_json["type"] == "FeatureCollection":
        for feature in geo_json["features"]:
            if feature["geometry"]["type"] != "Point":
                feature["geometry"]["geodesic"] = geodesic
        features = ee.FeatureCollection(geo_json)
        return features

    # from a single feature
    elif geo_json["type"] == "Feature":
        geom = None
        # Checks whether it is a point
        if geo_json["geometry"]["type"] == "Point":
            coordinates = geo_json["geometry"]["coordinates"]
            longitude = coordinates[0]
            latitude = coordinates[1]
            geom = ee.Geometry.Point(longitude, latitude)
        # for every other geometry simply create a geometry
            geom = ee.Geometry(geo_json["geometry"], "", geodesic)

        return geom

    # some error handling because we are fancy
        raise ValueError("Could not convert the geojson to ee.Geometry()")


def check_input(input_: Any, msg: str = ms.utils.check_input.error) -> bool:
    r"""Check if the inpupt value is initialized.

    If not raise an error, else return True.

        input\_: the input to check
        msg: the message to display if the input is not set

        check if the value is initialized
    # by the default the variable is considered valid
    init = True

    # check the collection type that are the only one supporting the len method
        init = False if len(input_) == 0 else init
    except Exception:
        init = False if input_ is None else init

    if init is False:
        raise ValueError(msg)

    return init

def get_app_version(repo_folder: Pathlike = Path.cwd()) -> str:
    """Get the current version of the a github project using the pyproject.toml file in the root.

        the version of the repository
    # get the path to the pyproject.toml file
    pyproject_path = repo_folder / "pyproject.toml"

    # check if the file exist
    if pyproject_path.exists():
        # read the file using tomli
        pyproject = tomli.loads(pyproject_path.read_text())

        # get the version
        return pyproject.get("project", {}).get("version", None)

    return None

def get_repo_info(repo_folder: Pathlike = Path.cwd()) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    """Get the repository name and owner from the git config file."""
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
    git_config_path = Path(repo_folder) / ".git/config"

        remote_url = config.get('remote "origin"', "url")
    except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError):
        return "", ""

    # Check if URL is likely SSH
    if "git@" in remote_url:
        match = re.search(r":(.*?)/(.*?)(?:\.git)?$", remote_url)

    # Assume URL is HTTPS otherwise
        match = re.search(r"github\.com/(.*?)/(.*?)(?:\.git)?$", remote_url)

    if match:
        return match.groups()

        return "", ""

def get_changelog(repo_folder: Pathlike = Path.cwd()) -> str:
    """Check if the repository contains a changelog file and/or a remote release and return its content.

        str: the content of the release and/or changelog file
    changelog_text, release_text = "", ""
    repo_owner, repo_name = get_repo_info(repo_folder)

    release_url = f"https://api.github.com/repos/{repo_owner}/{repo_name}/releases/latest"

    response = requests.get(release_url)
    if all([repo_owner, repo_name]) and response.status_code == 200:
        response_json = response.json()
        name = response_json.get("name")

        if name == f"v_{get_app_version()}":
            release_text = response_json.get("body")

            url_pattern = r"https://github\.com/[^ ]+/pull/\d+"

            # Replace URLs with <a> tags
            def wrap_url_in_a_tag(match):
                url = match.group(0)
                return f'<a href="{url}">{url}</a>'

            release_text = re.sub(url_pattern, wrap_url_in_a_tag, release_text)

    # get the path to the pyproject.toml file
    changelog_path = Path(repo_folder) / "CHANGELOG.md"

    # check if the file exist
    if changelog_path.exists():
        changelog_text = changelog_path.read_text()

    return release_text, changelog_text

# the soon to be deprecated decorators

# fmt: off
catch_errors = deprecated(version='3.0', reason="use sepal_ui.scripts.decorator.catch_errors instead")(sd.catch_errors)
need_ee = deprecated(version='3.0', reason="use sepal_ui.scripts.decorator.need_ee instead")(sd.need_ee)
loading_button = deprecated(version='3.0', reason="use sepal_ui.scripts.decorator.need_ee instead")(sd.loading_button)
switch = deprecated(version='3.0', reason="use sepal_ui.scripts.decorator.switch instead")(sd.switch)
# fmt: on