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Test Coverage
first_name: Ada
last_name: Lovelace
full_name: Ada Lovelace
name: ada-lovelace
april-fools: 2016
tags: april fools 2016
redirect_to: "/april-fools/2016/"
joke: |
  The first countess at 18F (though not the first staff member to hail from England), Ada developed the first algorithm carried out by a machine. She looks forward to bringing insight to our government; among other projects, she'll be working to digitize paper processes.

  In addition to her duties on the Engineering Team, the mathematician and writer will also play a leadership role on the Infrastructure Team. She'll be working out of the office of our friends in the UK at GDS.

  Due to other commitments, Ada will be working for the team only on April 1st. If you'd like to join Ada (and not just for April 1) you can <a href="https://pages.18f.gov/joining-18f/">see all of our openings and learn more about working at 18F</a>.)
layout: nothing
redirect_from: "/team/ada-lovelace/"
published: false