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Test Coverage
first_name: Betsy
last_name: Ross
full_name: Betsy Ross
name: betsy-ross
april-fools: 2016
redirect_to: "/april-fools/2016/"
joke: |
  Betsy joined 18F Design after much-heralded experience creating the flag of the United States of America. An anonymous source at the White House called Betsy's hiring "the most USA thing to ever happen." Her priority project at 18F will be the U.S. Web Design Standards.

  Due to other commitments, Betsy will be working for the team only on April 1st. If you'd like to join Betsy (and not just for April 1) you can <a href="https://pages.18f.gov/joining-18f/">see all of our openings and learn more about working at 18F</a>.)
layout: nothing
redirect_from: "/team/betsy-ross/"
published: false