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title: Join us
date: '2015-01-21'
layout: post
image: /assets/blog/join-us/usds.png
- join us
- u.s. digital service
- 18F
description: We've grown quickly since early 2014. Ideas like open source, user-centered design, and "lean government" were completely new to some of our partner agencies and proud as we are of what we've accomplished, what keeps us moving are the possibilities that lie before us. If you're ready to serve your country, join us.

excerpt: The U.S. Digital Service is a collection of teams across the federal government, working to bring skilled technologists into public service. We are thrilled to be part of this effort, and will continue to lead the charge for making easy things easy and hard things possible.
**Update:** Read more about our hiring process [here](https://pages.18f.gov/joining-18f/).

Earlier today, our friend Mikey Dickerson from over at the U.S. Digital Service headquarters [posted on Medium](https://medium.com/@USDigitalService/an-improbable-public-interest-start-up-6f9a54712411) about the "Improbable Public Interest Start Up" he helped create inside the White House. The [U.S. Digital Service](https://wh.gov/usds) is a collection of teams across the federal government, working to bring skilled technologists into public service. We are thrilled to be part of this effort, and will continue to lead the charge for making easy things easy and hard things possible.

Here at 18F, we've been growing quickly since we first got to work in early 2014. Ideas like open source, user-centered design, and "lean government" were completely new to some of our partner agencies and we were excited to be on the ground helping change the way they approached technical work. We have hired over one hundred public servants to work on projects like [streamlining Freedom of Information Act requests](https://github.com/18F/foia-hub), [opening up election finance data](https://18f.gsa.gov/2014/08/21/creating-an-open-fec/), and helping millions of Americans learn about a [new retirement option](https://myra.treasury.gov/).

What keeps us moving are the possibilities that lie before us. We have a tremendous challenge to fundamentally change the way the government delivers services to its people. It's a challenge that brought some of us out of the comforts of private sector jobs at some of the biggest technology companies in the world. It's one we readily accept with a reverence for a government we can all be proud of. As President Obama said in last night's State of the Union Address: "together, we can do great things, even when the odds are long."

Whether you're here in Washington, in San Francisco, or somewhere else entirely: if you're ready to serve your country, [we'd love to hear from you](mailto:join18f@gsa.gov). As Mikey wrote, "We have found the problems. We need the human beings. We are calling on America's talented technologists to be part of the solution."

<a title="USDS Video on YouTube." href="https://youtu.be/GMt0wH-twkE" ><img alt="The US Digital Service hard at work" src="/assets/blog/join-us/usds.png" /></a>