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title: "UX lessons learned from a procurement project"
layout: post
image: /assets/blog/discovery-launch/discovery-dashboard.png
date: 2015-03-06
- procurement
- discovery.gsa.gov
- user research
- agency work
- lessons learned
- boone
- elaine
- melody
excerpt: "UX designer Nick Brethauer talks about how user research better informs the products 18F builds."
description: "UX designer Nick Brethauer talks about how user research better informs the products 18F builds."

UX designer Nick Brethauer has spent the past few months working on
[*Discovery*](https://discovery.gsa.gov/), a website that makes the procurement process a lot easier for GSA’s
contracting officers — the people who are responsible for buying
products and services for the federal government. Discovery lets these
contracting officers find and sort vendors based on their experience
levels and other attributes.

Nick recently answered a few questions about what he does at 18F and how
user research better informs the products 18F builds.

**Tell us a little about yourself and what you like about working at

My name is Nick and I’m a user researcher and UX designer. At 18F I’m
working primarily on [*procurement
One of the coolest things about 18F is that, from a user research
perspective, one of our fundamental challenges is getting agencies to
work in a user-centered way, which is a different way for government to
work. It’s very rewarding to essentially be a key change agent for how
the government provides services.

**I’m not sure everyone is familiar with the terms user researcher and
UX designer. How do you describe what you do to people?**

The longer I’m at 18F, the more broadly I describe my role. When I
started here I thought that as a user researcher I was going to be going
out and doing mostly researchy-type things for the projects I was on,
like user recruiting, interviews, contextual inquiries, these kinds of
data gathering type activities. However, because 18F is still relatively
small but yet doing so many things, research and UX are more typically a
combined/holistic role on the 18F team.

I would describe the research side of my role as being someone who is
responsible for going out and speaking with users or the customers of
our client and learning from them -- their problems, their frustrations,
their pain points. I also observe them and see what their days are like.
I look at their overall day-in and day-out experience and think about
the various touchpoints that we could be involved with or learn from
when we’re designing. So that is more of the research side.

In terms of the UX side, I’ve been leading the use of the “lean UX”
methodology on my team, so a lot of my role there is facilitating the
involvement of the whole team in the design process. That includes
research and discovery, persona building (fictional users designed to
mimic the types of users who would use the site), collectively mapping
out our assumptions about the problem/solution/users, figuring out which
of these to tackle to learn more, and breaking all of it down into
testable hypotheses. We also do lots of team design studios/sketching,
and then together test each iteration with our users.

**Are you asking people questions?**

Well, I ask questions, but I also observe people doing their work. That
happens in different ways depending on what stage of a project you’re
in. At the very outset of a project, I do more discovery and exploration
around general issues. As the project develops, I ask more detailed
questions about the specific problem we’re trying to solve.

**For the procurement project you just worked on, do you remember any of
the questions that you asked people?**

Well, at the very beginning we asked very general questions. We asked
the contracting officers to teach us about procurement.

**That’s a good starting point.**

It was, because it covered a lot of ground, and it allowed us to be
naive, because at first we were naive, we had to learn everything about
their jobs and the process they went through. So that was initially a
lot to learn. By asking them questions, we were then able to jump into a
more specific line of questions every time we heard something that would
make us think ‘Oh, we need to follow up on how they manage their
documents’ or something like that.

**So they would say something like "I have trouble managing my
documents" and then you would say…**

They wouldn’t always be that explicit about it. A lot of times, you have
to read into things and probe a little bit and ask specific questions
and ask users to show you, rather than tell you, because you can’t
always rely on what people are saying.

If they say "This is my problem,"" it may be the case that what they’re
saying isn’t their problem: it may be a combination of things, or
something else that they’re not consciously aware of. My job is a
combination of asking questions, of trying to learn the context of how
they work, of observing their use of specific tools, and then asking
more pointed questions once we start to develop the vision or know which
potential problems to focus on. That’s when you can start getting more
specific with the types of questions that you’re asking.

**So after you learned all about procurement, how would you describe
what contracting officer do to people who don’t work in government?**

The term procurement covers a whole lot. The simplest way to describe a
procurement officer’s job is to say that they buy things on behalf of
the government and, at the end of the day, they are responsible for
buying that thing at a fair and reasonable price.

**How does Discovery make a contracting officer’s life easier?**

Depending on what is being bought, the procurement process can be months
and maybe even years long. Contracting officers have to write the
contracts, do the market research, and go through a lot of internal
steps before they can deliver a service.

Discovery fits into a particular part of that process. When we talked
with contracting officers, we learned they now have to go to a number of
different sources and data sources to learn about potential vendors or
communities that deliver a particular kind of service. And so they had
to go out to all of these different systems and piece things together to
create their report. It was an extremely time consuming process because
there wasn’t one place to get that information.

That’s where Discovery fits in.

![Screen: Discovery Homepage]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/blog/discovery-launch/discovery-intro.gif)

**How did you determine that Discovery was the tool that you needed to

It’s funny, because Discovery wasn’t the tool the client initially
wanted us to build.

**Oh really?**

Our client was a program office at GSA. And they initially wanted a task
order authoring system or tool. Initially, we were sent in the direction
of exploring problems around task order authoring.

**What is task order authoring?**

It’s basically a simplified contract that contracting officers have to
create. So we started off by saying ‘Okay, we’re going to learn about
task orders. We’re going to learn about procurement.’

And we learned about the systems that contracting officers used, and
learned that everyone had their own way of completing [task ordering]
and it wasn’t actually a problem.

**So your client initially thought it was a problem but the people who
worked with your client said, "Nope, not a problem?"**

The contracting officers themselves had ways of making task orders.
Through those conversations, we started to gather evidence that an
actual problem for contracting officers was not having a user-friendly
way to conduct market research -- specifically, identifying potential
vendors and understanding their contract histories and things like that.

So we basically gathered up this evidence and then came back to our
client and said "This is what we discovered and learned and we would
recommend going in this other direction" and the client was actually,
really on board with that pivot and going away from his own idea.

**How did user research inform that process?**

The initial user research led us to work on a completely different
problem than the one we began with, which is important because if we
hadn’t done the user research and asked questions at the beginning, then
we probably would have started down the path of creating a task order
authoring tool for the client.

Maybe we would have changed direction eventually, but maybe not.
Probably not. Because once you’re invested in going in a certain
direction, you have the snowball effect of everyone’s time and resources
also being put into the problem. Even in the best of circumstances and
the best of lean/agile world, it’s hard to go back and say "No, this is
not the right thing to be solving."

Throughout building the tool, we also used lean UX methodologies. We
built a working prototype every two weeks and then tested it at the end
of each of those sprints with a few contracting officials, and then were
able to change the tool to make it better based on their input.

**What kind of feedback have you heard from contracting officials about

When we showed a prototype to the audience during the 18F Demo Day,
there was a group of contracting officers watching through a Hangout and
one said ‘This is the best tool ever. It’s going to save my officers so
much time.’

We also got very positive feedback while we were doing the testing. The
testing was a hybrid of usability testing — looking at the interface
itself and finding ways to improve it— and then validating the data and
different information people would get out of the tool.

But the true testing of this tool will come after we release this first
iteration of Discovery. If you think of the software lifecycle as being
always ongoing and never really done, then what we did was the first
version. We just released a first version and now we need to collect
analytics on that and do more observations about how contracting
officers are using it in the real world. Over the course of a
six-month-long procurement process, they might go back to it several
times. You can only learn so much when you’re developing a software
product and then you have to get it into people’s hands and go back and

**So where’s the project now and where’s it going to go?**

It was just released. And we’re collecting data, we’ve got analytics on
it, so we’re going to collect data and continue building up a user
community of people we can talk to or interact with about it.

**What would you consider to be a metric of success? What says to you
"Boom, we were successful in this project?"**

We define this in our project. We want to see reduced overall time spent
in doing the market research and creating the market research report. We
want to measure that it’s easier for contracting officers to use this
tool instead of what they previously used. The biggest metric of success
is time. Have we shortened the process down to some reasonable amount of
time? Discovery will also lead to people making better decisions, which
means cost savings and ultimately better services.

**What do you think the most exciting thing you’ve learned during this

I think my biggest takeaway is that if you can improve procurement, you
improve so many things. You improve, like, everything. The scale of
impact that you can have by working on procurement is great. And that’s
something that I didn’t understand or expect going into this project,
because procurement is not the most sexy thing. It does glaze people’s
eyes over. But the government spends billions and billions of dollars a
year on stuff and services, so if you can improve the way the government
buys things and improve the quality of things that we buy and affect the
outcomes of the reason they’re buying things to begin with, then you’re
in turn having all of these trickle down effects. I think that’s the
biggest thing.

**Thanks Nick. Anything else you’d like to add about procurement or

18F is getting people and agencies excited about digital services. I
think that’s really huge. 18F, by doing that, is supporting the voices
around government that have been advocating for better digital
practices. I think that’s really cool.

(Related — [Making Procurement Easier: Some Questions with
18F’s Kaitlin