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title: 'How to welcome new coders to a civic hackathon'
date: '2015-04-03'
layout: post
image: /assets/blog/govtechhack/IMG_3998.JPG

- events
- how we work
- hackathons
- tools you can use

- melody
- becky
- afeld
- julia
- will
excerpt: "The National Day of Civic Hacking is a great time to attend — or host your first hackathon. We’ve outlined some strategies for first-time hackathon hosts to ensure new participants feel welcome, and help them maximize their contributions."
description: "The National Day of Civic Hacking is a great time to attend — or host your first hackathon. We’ve outlined some strategies for first-time hackathon hosts to ensure new participants feel welcome, and help them maximize their contributions."

{% oembed https://twitter.com/phildini/status/580879418337316864 %}

At 18F, our projects are [open source from the
beginning](https://18f.gsa.gov/2014/07/29/18f-an-open-source-team/) and
nothing makes us happier than getting contributions from the
public.That’s why we published [a contributor’s guide to our

With the [National Day of Civic Hacking](http://hackforchange.org/)
fast approaching, we’ve been thinking about how to make our projects as
accessible as possible for anyone who would like to adapt them or help
us improve them.

We’re passing along the ideas we’ve batted around, with the hopes that
it will inspire you to help out with one of our projects for the
National Day of Civic Hacking on June 6. We’re also really interested in
throwing these ideas to the wider community for thoughts and feedback on
how to further improve them. **Please leave a comment on** [this
GitHub issue](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/issues/668) to share
any ideas you have.

The National Day of Civic Hacking is a great time to attend — or host
— your first hackathon. Below, we’ve outlined some strategies for
first-time hackathon hosts. These tips will help participants feel
welcome, and help them maximize their contributions.

## Explicitly welcome newcomers with a new contributor guide

Usability testers, accessibility experts, researchers, data cleaners,
writers, translators, subject-matter experts, and content designers are
all people who can (and want to) help projects, provided they know how
to navigate a hackathon and access projects ready for their input.
repository pages are very busy; it’s not enough to link to them in the
meeting materials and assume that everyone will be able to find the
Issues tab. Newcomers also may not understand how to make a branch or
file an accompanying pull request (or even what “[pull

You can help in a few different ways:

-   Create an online guide for newcomers that’s part of the hackathon’s organizing materials, and make sure it’s part of the official hackathon materials bundle.
-   Designate a physical location at the hackathon where people can gather for help (an Info Booth, of sorts), and make sure the location is clearly labeled
-   Elect a designated person (or a few people) to act as a welcoming committee for newcomers. It can be difficult for organizers to play this role with so much going on, so you definitely want to identify people who can help newcomers. Ideally, you will have some experienced hackers on-hand who are willing to take on this role. If not, review your RSVP list a week or two before the event and ask a few newcomers if they’d like to join the welcome committee. One week before the event, invite these participants to a prep night and have them test the install instructions and improve the welcome materials. Not only will you have a formalized welcome committee, but the new participants will feel welcomed.

Organizational efforts like these ensure that people spend time hacking
with their best skills. For example, Wikimedia hackathons have [an
explicit buddy-pairing

## Clearly define projects and enumerate ways newcomers can get involved with each

Last month, we co-hosted
[GovTechHack](https://18f.gsa.gov/2015/04/02/govtechhack-hacking-for-civic-improvement/), a San-Francisco-based hackathon where civic-minded coders, builders,
designers, and other creative folks came together to work on open source
and open data projects. Before the event began, we wrote out
documentation for each project, which included:

-   The project’s name
-   The project’s live URL, if it existed
-   The project’s source code repository
-   The project’s purpose and impact
-   Concrete, clearly defined ways contributors could contribute during the hackathon
-   The project ambassadors: people who could help answer questions during or after the hackathon

You can see an example of one of these projects
[here](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/wiki/GovCode). Though this
project documentation helped enormously, we’d make a few changes the
next time around. We wish we’d also:

-   Sent participants this information **before** the event, along with a detailed guide to software/libraries/gems to install for each project, so participants knew what to expect and how to prep their computers to participate. (Many hackathons end up with folks spending the first half of their day setting up local dev environment. The more you can do ahead of time to alleviate this, the more time people will have to hack!)
-   Included this information on the GitHub page directly, perhaps in the README.md file, which people see when they’re checking out any of our projects. (Example: [our site’s README.md](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/blob/staging/README.md))
-   Included a checklist for users (like [this one](https://github.com/girldevelopit/gdi-new-site/issues/245))
-   Added a section on how non-coders could have helped each project. It’s worth thinking about and then articulating — in writing — how people with other areas of expertise or knowledge can help during a hackday. If you don’t have time to write these issues out, you can open an issue that asks for someone to interview you about them. Voila! Problem solved.

## Make really good nametags for people

Sarah Allen, a developer at 18F, passes along nametags, pictured below,
which were used at the GovTechHack. The nametags used color-coded
stickers to delineate the skills people had at the Hackathon. Nametags
can also be used to list Twitter handles, preferred gender pronouns, and
skills or interests people have. Listing interests on a nametag also
helps facilitate conversations between people who may be meeting for the
first time.

![Image: nametag from recent hackathon showing color-coded stickers for devs, designers, and content strategists]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/blog/new-to-hackathon/nametag.jpg)

## Clearly label issues on GitHub with ways people can help

It is always a good idea to label GitHub issues that could use outside
hands — we use the “Help Wanted” label. Government open source projects
with this label are listed on [GovCode](https://www.govcode.org/), and
civic tech projects with the same label are listed on the [*Civic Tech
Issue Finder*](http://www.codeforamerica.org/geeks/civicissues), which
allow developers to jump in immediately.

Other tags make it particularly easy for new civic hackers to jump right
in and get started. Our colleague, Julia Elman, pointed us to [these
GitHub labels](https://github.com/girldevelopit/gdi-new-site/labels)
that categorize beginner-friendly issues. Using the Beginner Friendly
tag allows anyone who is new to the space immediately see where they can
help. Feel free to grab these labels or create labels for your own
projects. (18F’s Aidan Feldman has created [a list of
labels](https://github.com/osscommunity/starters/issues/5) you can use
for new projects.)

## Make your team available for people who hack remotely

Not everyone can get to a nearby city to hack on the National Civic Day
of Hacking, but this doesn’t mean they should be excluded from
participating. During our
members of the 18F team – maintainers of the projects, especially – were
available for questions and consultations, even if participants weren’t
physically in San Francisco. You can connect with people in many ways,
including chat rooms, video chats, social media such as Twitter or
Facebook groups, or listservs. (These also help establish a larger
community around the open source project. For example, the 18F project
[Midas](https://18f.gsa.gov/dashboard/project/midas/) has a [Google
group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/midascrowd) where
community members can talk with our developer team.)

Online chat spaces allow participants to interact with one another
beyond the physical space where the hackathon is taking place. Using a
chat program during an event helps remote participants feel more
connected to the in-person event, and also allows all members of the
team to more easily converse in real-time. This also gives participants
a space to connect with each other beyond the event, if they choose to
do so.

## Personally invite contributions

A personal invitation might be all it takes to turn a project user into
a project contributor. If someone opens an issue that’s easily solved,
think about offering to walk that person through the process of
submitting a pull request. If a hackathon team dreams up a great new
feature, work with them to implement it. Events like the National Day of
Civic Hacking are opportunities to show people that their contributions
are being received by real people who are delighted to have them

## Develop a toolkit for participants

Our colleagues at GSA have created [a
to help people get started on open data projects. You can fork the
toolkit or develop your own. GitHub also publishes [a
guide](https://help.github.com/categories/bootcamp/) that teaches
people how to do various tasks, such as [Fork a
Repo](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/) or [Add SSH
keys](https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/). And
lastly, feel free to share our detailed tutorial, [How to Use the
Terminal and
for anyone new to this space.

You may also want to look at our [checklist for open source
projects](https://github.com/18F/open-source-policy/issues/35), our
[maintainer guidelines for open source
and a [hackathon guide](https://18f.github.io/hackathontrainingday/)
18F’s Leah Bannon recently wrote.

If you have thoughts or feedback on how to improve this guide, please
leave a comment on [this GitHub
issue](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/issues/668) to share any
ideas you have or have seen from other hackathons. If you’d like to
contribute to an 18F project during National Day of Civic Hacking (or in
general), check out [our issues on