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title: "What’s in the first U.S. Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative report"
- boone
- corey-mahoney
- useiti
- agency work
- open data

description: "This week, the U.S. Department of the Interior released the
first report from the United States Extractives Industry Transparency
Initiative (USEITI). A major step toward implementing the global
excerpt: "Just a few months ago we wrote about the next phase of the
United States Extractives Industry Transparency Initiative (USEITI), one
of our oldest projects with the lofty goal of educating and informing
public debate around natural resources produced on public land. This
week, the U.S. Department of the Interior released the first report from
the United States, a major step toward becoming fully compliant with the
global EITI standard."
github: https://github.com/18F/blog-drafts/issues/353
image: /assets/blog/eiti/useiti-homepage.png

Just a few months ago, we wrote about the next phase of the United
States Extractives Industry Transparency Initiative (USEITI), one of our
oldest projects with the lofty goal of educating and informing public
debate around natural resources produced on public land. This week, the
U.S. Department of the Interior released the first report from the
United States, a major step toward becoming [fully compliant with the global EITI standard](https://eiti.org/countries). You should
really stop reading this post and [check it out for yourself](https://useiti.doi.gov).

![A screen shot of the new USEITI homepage]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/blog/eiti/useiti-homepage.png)

This project is the culmination of hard work and years of effort across
many parts of the U.S. government and collaboration among the [39
members of the USEITI multi-stakeholder group](https://useiti.doi.gov/about/). Here at 18F, we were behind the scenes building and designing the online report — but major congratulations are due to all the parties involved in releasing this report.

## What’s in the report

We’ve mentioned our work on this project a few times in the last couple
months. We recapped [what we learned from usability
on the first iteration of the website and covered an interesting design
challenge presented by the wholly new [federal production
data](https://18f.gsa.gov/2015/11/30/complex-data-in-useiti/). As part
of this week’s launch, this data is now online in the form of maps and
tables that you can filter and sort to get a sense of how these
industries affect your state, county, or offshore area.

Visualizing data this diverse is not a simple task. Most of our datasets
could be represented on a map, but some sets are more granular than
others. You can see federal revenues across the country, or [zoom in on
a state](https://useiti.doi.gov/explore/federal-revenue-by-location/#region=CO)
or [offshore area](https://useiti.doi.gov/explore/federal-revenue-by-location/#region=gulf)
for a more detailed view of where money came from. From there you can
[filter by commodity](https://useiti.doi.gov/explore/federal-revenue-by-location/#region=MN&year=2013&group=minerals&commodity=Copper) or year. You can [learn a lot by exploring the data](https://useiti.doi.gov/explore/). In some places you can watch industries grow, like [oil and gas in North Dakota](https://useiti.doi.gov/explore/federal-revenue-by-location/#region=ND&group=oilgas&year=2013). You can spot major production centers like Campbell County, WY, which produced almost [35 percent of all coal in the U.S. in
2013](https://useiti.doi.gov/explore/all-lands-production/#year=2013&product=Coal+(short+tons)&region=WY). Nearly 88 percent of that coal was [produced on federal lands](https://useiti.doi.gov/explore/all-lands-production/#year=2013&product=Coal+(short+tons)&region=WY), accounting for 80 percent of federal revenue [from coal](https://federalist.18f.gov/preview/18F/doi-extractives-data/dev/explore/federal-revenue-by-location/#region=WY&year=2013&group=coal).

[![A snapshot of the total federal revenue visualization from the USEITI website]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/blog/eiti/fed-revenues.png)](https://useiti.doi.gov/explore/federal-revenue-by-location/)

*A map from the 2015 USEITI report showing federal revenue data for all locations in 2013. [Explore other years and specific commodities on the site.](https://useiti.doi.gov/explore/federal-revenue-by-location/)*

Other datasets in the report were not mappable: [Federal revenue is also broken down by company](https://useiti.doi.gov/explore/federal-revenue-by-company/),
for example, and is shown with [filterable bar charts](https://useiti.doi.gov/explore/federal-revenue-by-company/#commodity=Coal&type=Royalties). In order to show where those revenues go within the federal government, we used a bubble graph to show [the relative size of each disbursement](https://useiti.doi.gov/explore/disbursements/) with a table explaining the breakdown in more detail.

Another component of the USEITI initiative we haven’t covered before is
how it all works. The 2015 report contains a detailed account of how
companies secure rights to use federal land for natural resource
extraction. It generally follows five steps: plan, lease, explore,
develop, and decommission. For each type of industry, there’s a detailed
account of how government, industry, and other parties work together
through these five steps. For oil and gas, those steps are slightly
different depending on whether the work is happening
Check out the “[how it works](https://useiti.doi.gov/how-it-works/)” page for more information about other industries.

In addition to explaining the different steps in the process in plain
language, our team built a glossary that lets users look up terms like
“lease condensate” and “wet gas” to learn what they mean in this
context. This lets anybody, regardless of how well they already
understand the industry, leave the site more informed than when they

> We recognise that a public understanding of government revenues and  expenditure over time could help public debate and inform choice of appropriate and realistic options for sustainable development. – The EITI Principles

Informing public debate is a [key goal of the global Extractives
Industry Transparency Initiative](https://eiti.org/eiti). The bulk of
18F’s work in helping U.S. Interior publish the first USEITI report was
about making the data easier to navigate, explore, and understand. Doing
that makes information about these crucial resources and the industry
around them more accessible to the public. [Have a look around the
site](https://useiti.doi.gov) and [let us
know](https://twitter.com/18f) what you learn from it.