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Test Coverage
title: "Interesting things we learned from examining traffic patterns on
date: 2016-03-28
- melody
- analytics.usa.gov
excerpt: "Ten federal agencies now have public dashboards and datasets for their web traffic on analytics.usa.gov. The dashboards show insights into how the public interacts with specific agency websites."
description: "Ten federal agencies now have public dashboards and datasets for their web traffic on analytics.usa.gov. The dashboards show insights into how the public interacts with specific agency websites."
image: /assets/blog/dap/epa-analytics.jpg

[![A screenshot of the Environmental Protection Agency's dashboard on analytics.usa.gov]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/blog/dap/epa-analytics.jpg)](https://analytics.usa.gov/environmental-protection-agency/)

Ten federal agencies [now have public dashboards and datasets](https://18f.gsa.gov/2016/02/18/analytics.usa.gov-agency-specific-dashboards/) for their web traffic on analytics.usa.gov. The dashboards show insights into how the public interacts with specific agency websites.

Using the new dashboards, you can discover things like:

-   How many people are viewing the [Constitution or the Declaration of Independence](https://analytics.usa.gov/national-archives-records-administration/) every week. (Turns out, it’s a lot.)
-   [What browsers people use](https://analytics.usa.gov/veterans-affairs/) to access the Department of Veteran Affairs.
-   That NASA [routinely receives](https://analytics.usa.gov/national-aeronautics-space-administration/) over 30 percent of its traffic from international visitors.
-   Most people who visit the Department of Education’s site [head to a page on student aid](https://analytics.usa.gov/education/).
-   Over 500 people [downloaded a trip planner](http://www.nps.gov/yell/planyourvisit/upload/16Trip_planner_FINAL_web.pdf) to visit Yellowstone National Park.

The data provides a window into how people are interacting with the government and specific agency websites online. In addition to federal agencies, cities and states are [now adapting analytics.usa.gov for their own use](https://18f.gsa.gov/2016/01/06/tips-for-adapting-analytics-usa-gov/).

The data is also available if you’d like to see trends across operating systems or web browsers, or see what topics people find interesting.

The [Digital Analytics Program](http://www.digitalgov.gov/services/dap/) currently tracks analytics data on over 4,000 U.S. federal government websites across 45 agencies. To learn more or to find out how your agency or website can participate in the program, please email the [Digital Analytics Program](mailto:dap@support.digitalgov.gov). The work on [analytics.usa.gov](https://analytics.usa.gov/) is all open-source, and can be found in our [GitHub repo](https://github.com/18F/analytics.usa.gov).