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title: "GSA invests in 18F's work with new service"
date: 2016-05-10
- aaron
- general services administration
- 18f
- technology transformation services
excerpt: "The GSA has created the Technology Transformation Service as a third pillar of services for federal agencies alongside the Public Buildings Service and Federal Acquisition Service."
description: "The GSA has created the Technology Transformation Service as a third pillar of services for federal agencies alongside the Public Buildings Service and Federal Acquisition Service."
image: /assets/blog/join-us/18F-IRL-2016.jpg

The General Services Administration (GSA), 18F’s parent office, has been
providing essential services to other federal agencies for more than 60
years. Last week, GSA Administrator Denise Turner Roth [announced the
creation of the Technology Transformation
— a third pillar of services for federal agencies alongside the Public
Buildings Service and Federal Acquisition Service.

18F, along with the Office of Citizen Services and Innovative
Technologies (OSCIT) and the Presidential Innovation Fellows, will now
be organized under this new service. We’re thrilled that the work 18F
and others have done in helping the government adopt and develop
innovative and modern technologies and practices is being
institutionalized into the core mission of GSA.

![A large group picture of the more than 170 18F team members]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/blog/join-us/18F-IRL-2016.jpg)
*The 18F staff at our May meeting.*

This new service is an investment by GSA in the long-term work of
transforming how the government builds, buys, and shares digital
services. It’s an acknowledgement that this is an urgent need across the
government, and that GSA is the natural place to support the skills and
programs needed to help government transform the way it delivers digital
services to the public.

It’s exciting to see the values we hold dear spreading throughout
government. In her announcement blog post, Administrator Roth said, “By
moving these programs into a new service, we are demonstrating a
commitment to make agile, user-centered delivery of technology the way
we do business moving forward.”

This wider adoption of agile, working in the open, and a relentless
focus on the end user is a validation of our work to promote culture
change and help government agencies embark on their transformation

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">18F is no longer an experiment. It’s growing up, effective immediately. <a href="https://t.co/wDVIAROBcE">https://t.co/wDVIAROBcE</a></p>&mdash; Waldo Jaquith (@waldojaquith) <a href="https://twitter.com/waldojaquith/status/727560853755703296">May 3, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

This important step for GSA will help 18F continue to deliver the
products and services our federal agency partners have come to expect
from us over the last two years. We’ll still be helping other federal
agencies build and buy digital services to better serve their users, and
we’ll still be using human-centered design, agile methodologies, and
open source software to get the job done.

We’ll be talking more about this new service in the coming weeks, but
for now you can get more details from GSA Administrator Denise Turner
Roth’s [post on the GSA