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Test Coverage
title: "Taking the ATO process from 6 months to 30 days"
date: 2018-07-19
- afeld
- security
- lessons learned
- how we work
excerpt: "Security compliance is a major factor in launching a software system in the federal government. The Authority To Operate compliance
process for systems within our division of GSA was taking more than six months for every system. With the new process, we have cleared the backlog and reduced the turnaround time to under a month."

Security compliance is a major factor in launching a software system in
the federal government, in terms of technology choices, and even more
importantly, time and effort. The Authority To Operate compliance
process for systems within our division of the General Services
Administration (GSA) was taking more than six months for every system,
with a long and growing backlog. **With the new process, we have cleared
the backlog and reduced the turnaround time to under a month.** We think
that deserves a celebration and makes for a good opportunity to share
the lessons we’ve learned.

*If you're reading this and thinking "My work has nothing to do with
ATOs," don't despair! Even outside of security compliance, the Sprinting
Team model can work well when you have a handful of disparate people who
are otherwise asynchronously involved in a time-intensive, complex
process with a clear target. For example: a long list of job applicants
to review, procurements to complete, etc.*

## Background

Every federal information system must go through the Risk Management
Framework created by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
before it can be used to process federal information. This process
culminates in an agency issuing a signed Authority to Operate (ATO) for
that system. Basically, that ATO certifies that an authorized person has
said “yes, I trust that this system and team are doing their due
diligence security-wise, and I am ok with the inherent risk of launching
it.” Getting there is colloquially known as “the ATO process”.

One year ago, the Technology Transformation Services (TTS) had 25-30
systems (of varying sizes) that needed new ATOs: some were expired or
expiring, some had only completed part of the process, some hadn’t been
considered part of our system inventory, etc. ATOs across government
have traditionally taken 6-18 months, with a lot of slow back-and-forth
between system owners and the assessors. The ATO Sprinting Team brought
the assessors and the project teams "into a [virtual] room" for
focused sprints to get through one ATO at a time, with near-full-time

Under the ATO Sprinting Team, **our ATOs have gone down from more than
six months to under a month**.

## How did we get there?

18F launches new software all the time, and since ATOs are such a big
part of doing so, we’ve identified a number of ways to make ATOs faster:

-   **Reduce the complexity of the system.** The larger the system, the
    larger and more complex the ATO “packages” (documentation) will
    be. This makes them harder to create and harder for assessors to
    evaluate. The smaller the systems, timeframes, and packages, the
    easier for everyone.
-   **More focused process.** There is a [switching
    cost](https://www.apa.org/research/action/multitask.aspx) when
    people try to multitask; this applies to our project teams trying
    to do their ATO while doing feature development and assessors
    reviewing multiple systems at once. The more focused everyone
    involved is on the ATO, the fewer the human-hours to complete it.
-   **Use consistent tooling and processes.** Assessors are there to
    ensure the system meets the compliance requirements, and to do so,
    they need to understand what’s going on in the system. If every
    system they look at is using an entirely different framework,
    infrastructure, or monitoring, it’s harder for them to assess. By
    [documenting our standard security practices](https://before-you-ship.18f.gov/) and [ensuring
    teams follow them](https://before-you-ship.18f.gov/ato/checklist/) before they enter assessment, we:

    -   Avoid reinventing the wheel for every system
    -   Reduce the learning curve to understand each system for

-   **More inheritance.** As noted in the “smaller” and “more consistent” bullets above, the more custom parts of the system, the more complex the ATO process. The more we [reuse a proven technology stack](https://18f.gsa.gov/2018/03/27/four-benefits-to-using-the-full-TTS-tech-stack/) the fewer security requirements need to be addressed by the system under evaluation.
    - By standardizing [a few ways to do user authentication](https://before-you-ship.18f.gov/security/mfa/), each system doesn’t have to assess a new technology for the same functionality.
    - By leveraging [cloud.gov](https://cloud.gov) for (nearly) all of our backend code and databases, we cut out a _huge_ amount of operational and [compliance](https://cloud.gov/docs/compliance/ato-process/) burden.
    - Sites deployed on [Federalist](https://federalist.18f.gov) can be [folded in to the Federalist ATO](https://federalist-docs.18f.gov/pages/about-federalist/why-use-federalist/). **Sites on Federalist can be assessed and authorized in a matter of days.**
-   **More integration between security and project teams.** Similar to “more focused” above, having all ATO process interactions happen asynchronously over email means that open questions and blockers can’t be resolved right away, and details can be lost. Having the security team / assessors working alongside the project team in real time means that these issues can get resolved quickly, and the entire process is more collaborative.

To implement these, we needed a well-functioning team. Here’s how it was

## Roles

The Sprinting Team consisted of:

-   **Security.** This usually consisted of someone who focused on the
    documentation and assessment of the overall system, as well as a
    penetration tester.
-   **The System Owner.** This was generally a TTS developer on the
    project team who had a good understanding of the system going
    through the process, who can:

    -   Answer questions about the system
    -   Fix things as they come up, or at least take those issues to the
        appropriate person

-   **An Infrastructure Lead.** A TTS team member with ATO experience
    who can help with preparation for the assessment, and translate
    between Security and the System Owner.

We were able to get Security members involved across multiple sprints,
so they would learn with us, participate in retros, and be able to act
on those outcomes.

## Tracking

The Infrastructure Leads keep a [kanban](https://18f.gsa.gov/2016/08/31/kanban-for-government/) board
to track the status of ATOs:

  <a href="{{site.baseurl}}/assets/blog/ato/ato-kanban.png">
    <img src="{{site.baseurl}}/assets/blog/ato/ato-kanban.png" alt="Screenshot of the ATO Kanban board on GitHub."/>

Systems are prioritized based on their launch deadlines, whether they
have an existing ATO that’s expiring, and preparedness of the project
team. We limit ourselves to at most one ATO in active assessment at any
given time.

We also keep track of system launch dates, to make sure we’re getting
ahead on ATOs before it’s a time crunch. **The ATO Sprinting Team model
was focused as much on reducing the passive time an ATO _wasn’t_ getting
done as the active time working on it.**

## Artifacts

As systems move through the ATO process, we learn more and more about
what works well for systems compliance-wise.

Almost all of the systems run on top of
[cloud.gov](https://cloud.gov), a Platform-as-a-Service with a FedRAMP
authorization, which handles a lot of the compliance at the platform
level. For the parts that are the responsibility of the customer system,
we worked with GSA Security to develop a [System Security Plan
(SSP)](https://before-you-ship.18f.gov/ato/ssp/) template for systems
running on [cloud.gov](https://cloud.gov), which cut out the security
controls handled by the platform.

Working in the constraints of what Software-as-a-Service was approved or
could be [approved for use at GSA](https://github.com/GSA/data/tree/master/enterprise-architecture#readme),
we also standardized tools, procedures, and control language around:

-   [Hosting](https://before-you-ship.18f.gov/infrastructure/)
-   [Architecture   diagrams](https://before-you-ship.18f.gov/ato/ssp/#systemnetwork-diagrams)
- [CI/CD](https://before-you-ship.18f.gov/infrastructure/good-production-practices/#deployment)
-   [Vulnerability scanning](https://before-you-ship.18f.gov/security/static-analysis/)
-   [Framework configuration](https://before-you-ship.18f.gov/security/frameworks/)
-   [Logging](https://before-you-ship.18f.gov/infrastructure/logging/)

We have the advantage of building and launching systems constantly, so
we have lots of opportunity to learn and iterate on the ATO process.

## Challenges

There were a handful of issues we ran into:

-   **Experience.** Every System Owner going through our ATO process was
    doing so for the first time. This meant that they don’t know how
    to fill out System Security Plans, what a security control is,
    what happens during a penetration test, etc. On top of that,
    security compliance can be frustrating because of its complex
    requirements and jargon. This meant the
    Infrastructure Leads had to not only be knowledgeable about
    security compliance, but also be patient coaches.
-   **Measurement.** ATO processes are largely human, so gathering data
    about the start and stop of each stage for every system to date
    took hours of combing through dialogue in our chat and email
    conversations, kanban board, and PDFs of signed ATOs.
-   **Communication.** The ATO Sprinting Team would constantly improve
    the process and guidance as we went, but System Owners weren’t
    always aware of the changes, and would sometimes get frustrated at
    moving targets.

### Things to watch out for

If you are at another agency and are interested in applying the
principles of an ATO Sprinting Team, make sure to:

-   **Get buy-in from the Security team.** We were lucky to have willing
    and capable partners in GSA Security. A Sprinting Team only works
    if all the stakeholders are willing participants.
-   **Get people dedicated to working on this.** Our Infrastructure
    Leads have to understand the process, make judgement calls, and
    shepherd project teams through. You need people able and willing
    to commit the time.
-   **Think of ways to measure.** As mentioned earlier, we didn’t think
    about metrics early enough, so determining our success
    quantitatively was a backwards-looking, manual process. Determine
    your success metrics early, implement the collection early,
    establish a baseline, and review them regularly.

## The results

As mentioned above, we have been dramatically improving the time to ATO:

  <img src="{{site.baseurl}}/assets/blog/ato/ato-completion-date-graph.png" alt="Graph showing ATO completion timeline with starting date on the x- axis, and the dates to complete on the y-axis. There is a clear trend downward."/>

*“ATO effort started on” is measured from when we acknowledged “this
system needs an ATO” and created a card in our Backlog. “Days to
complete ATO” is measured from the card creation time to when the ATO
letter is signed.*

Congrats to the Sprinting Team for clearing the backlog, our GSA
Security counterparts for being so great to work with, and all the
systems that went through for achieving compliance!

## See also

-   [Before You Ship](https://before-you-ship.18f.gov/) - 18F’s guide
    to ATOs and Infrastructure
-   [“To get things done, you need great, secure
    tools”](https://18f.gsa.gov/2017/02/27/to-get-things-done-you-need-great-secure-tools/) blog post
-   [FedRAMP Accelerated](https://www.fedramp.gov/assets/resources/documents/FedRAMP_Accelerated_A_Case_Study_For_Change_Within_Government.pdf)
-   [Project Boise](https://boise.18f.gov/) - discovery on compliance
    processes across government
-   [How cloud.gov helps teams comply with requirements](https://cloud.gov/overview/security/conforming-federal-security-regulations/)