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agency: eRegulations
title: Easy-to-read regulations
subtitle: A shared service for user-friendly regulations
permalink: /what-we-deliver/eregulations/
redirect_from: /project/eregulations/
excerpt: An open-source tool that makes government regulations easier to find, read, and understand.
image: /assets/blog/eregs/regulations-atf-gov.png
tag: eregulations
    - "[eRegulations platform repositories](https://github.com/eregs)"
    - "[Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives eRegulations code](https://github.com/18F/atf-eregs)"
    - "[Office of Management and Budget eRegulations code](https://github.com/18F/omb-eregs)"
    - "[Federal Election Commission eRegulations code](https://github.com/fecgov/fec-eregs)"
project_url: "[eRegulations website](https://eregs.github.io/)"
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Federal Election Commission

Federal regulations are often dense and filled with terminology that can make them difficult to read and interpret. Even seasoned government employees can have trouble deciphering these regulations, and gathering public comments on changes is often difficult and time-consuming.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) developed a tool called eRegulations to organize federal regulations and display them in a user-friendly format. This open-source tool helped make CFPB’s regulations more accessible, but not all agencies have the technical staff to modify or deploy the tool.

<div class="small-caps">Approach</div>
### Using open-source collaboration to expand eRegulations’ reach

18F has helped several agencies adapt eRegulations to suit their needs. We started by working with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF); because we built on existing code, it took just two months to build, compared to the 14 months it took to build the initial version from scratch.

We’ve since helped several other agencies use the eRegulations platform:

- The Federal Elections Commission has included eRegulations as part of their website overhaul, which [makes campaign finance more accessible]({{ sire.baseurl }}/what-we-deliver/fec-gov/).
- We helped the Environmental Protection Agency modify their regulations platform, allowing the public to comment down to the paragraph level throughout proposed regulations and share their thoughts contextually.
- We’re helping the Office of Management and Budget make more than 8,000 policy documents more usable by organizing, sort, and displaying them so that agencies have a clearer picture of policy mandates and their effects.

Through all of these projects, the 18F team has expanded the platform so it supports more than just traditional regulations; agencies can now include supplementary materials, such as interpretations of regulations, Q&As, and more.

By expanding on the base platform that CFPB built, 18F has saved time and taxpayer money. And because the project is open source, the work we do is accessible to all agencies using the platform, which makes it easier for them to adopt changes and feature upgrades.