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Test Coverage
agency: Office of the Secretary of Defense
title: Military OneSource
subtitle: Supporting military personnel and their families
permalink: /what-we-deliver/military-onesource/
excerpt: A two-day agile acquisition workshop helped the Military Community and Family Policy group shape the strategy for hiring a private vendor to redesign Military OneSource.
image_icon: monitor.svg
project_weight: 2
tag: military
project_url: "[Beta Military OneSource website](http://beta.militaryonesource.mil)"
published: false
listed: false

The Military Community and Family Policy group, within the Office of the
Secretary of Defense, coordinates programs that support service members
and their families, such as child care, education, and volunteer
opportunities. Military OneSource is the central hub for all of these
services and information.

The Military Community and Family Policy group wanted to make sure
Military OneSource services were reaching their increasingly young and
mobile users. Updating Military OneSource meant undertaking a big
procurement, and the Military Community and Family Policy group wanted
to reduce costs and lower the risk of delays.

<div class="small-caps">Approach</div>
### Demonstrating that agile acquisition practices can reduce risk, save money, and deliver great outcomes

18F and the Military Community and Family Policy group held a two-day
agile acquisition workshop to shape the strategy for hiring a private
vendor to redesign Military OneSource. 18F helped create the acquisition
strategy, write the request for quotation, and advise the technical
evaluation panel that ultimately selected the vendor. Based on our work,
a private vendor has since delivered a completely redesigned [beta

Researching the needs of military families was written into the
contracting documents. As a result, the beta version focuses on three
topics: transition assistance for service members, resources to help
families during deployment, and confidential support services.

18F’s work on the procurement process helped reduce the risk of delays
and protest, resulted in a product that cost less than originally
estimated, and provided a highly enjoyable end-to-end experience that
meets the needs of its users.