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Test Coverage
agency: Department of the Treasury
title: The New Ten
subtitle: Shaping the story of the New Ten
permalink: /what-we-deliver/new-ten/
excerpt: The Department of the Treasury and 18F worked together to shape the story around the new ten dollar bill.
image: /assets/img/projects/money-10.png
image_accessibility: "A graphic of the US ten dollar bill on a blue background"
image_icon: gavel.svg
project_weight: 2
tag: new ten
project_url: "[The New Ten website](https://thenew10.treasury.gov/)"
published: false
listed: false

Occasionally, our country’s currency needs technical and aesthetic
updates. The Department of Treasury recently undertook a project to
redesign the $10 bill to upgrade security and feature a historic
American woman.

Although Treasury had determined most of the project’s logistics, they
needed help creating a digital strategy to ensure a successful rollout
of the new currency. Treasury worked with 18F to ensure that the
introduction of the New Ten would have the desired impact — namely, that
[#TheNewTen website](https://thenew10.treasury.gov/) would help users
find the information they needed and include a clear call to action to
encourage people to share their thoughts on the New Ten.

<div class="small-caps">Approach</div>
### Crafting a comprehensive digital strategy

Our team started by learning more about the project’s context and users.
Using this knowledge, they crafted a digital strategy to maximize the
impact of the New Ten.

The 18F project team worked closely with the design team at Treasury to
create friendly, accessible visual designs and content that helped site
visitors quickly get the information they needed. The site invited
visitors to share their thoughts on the New Ten, helping Treasury gather
the public feedback they sought to inform their design decisions. The
18F team also consulted on information architecture work, search engine
optimization, and a larger rollout strategy, including a comprehensive
social media plan to build awareness of the proposed changes.

Treasury was able to meet users where they were, allowing people to
quickly learn about the New Ten and share their thoughts about the
project. The public and stakeholders alike have been pleased with the
project’s outcomes; one stakeholder told the team, “thank you for all
your support with this effort and the terrific results! … I knew the
team was in good hands with your guidance and expertise.”