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title: 18F UI style guide
subpage: Layouts
permalink: /styleguide/layouts/

### Templates

These are the main page templates that exist on [18f.gsa.gov](https://18f.gsa.gov):
* **Primary template**

  The most common template on the site. Commonly used for content or guides. [Learn more](#primary-template) or [View live example]({{ site.baseurl }}/join/).
* **Project page template**

  The template for a specific project's page. [Learn more](#project-page-template) or [View live example]({{ site.baseurl }}/what-we-deliver/fec-gov/).
* **Blog post template**

  Template for an individual blog post. [Learn more](#blog-post-template) or [View live example]({{ site.baseurl }}/2017/03/21/nasa-journey-with-us-web-design-standards/).


### Primary template

Located at [`_layouts/primary.html`](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/tree/master/_layouts/primary.html), this is the template that is most frequently used in 18f.gsa.gov. It is responsible for creating content pages like [/code-of-conduct/]({{ site.baseurl }}/code-of-conduct/) to guides-style pages such as [/join/]({{ site.baseurl }}/join/).

  <img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/styleguide/primary-page-template.png" alt="" class="image-shadowed" />
  <figcaption>Example of primary template. Found at <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/join/">Join</a>.</figcaption>

#### Primary template front matter

The primary template uses [Jekyll front matter](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/frontmatter/) heavily to account for variations within the site. Below are the the potential front matter attributes that you can use. Some are listed as _(optional)_. These can be used to alter the appearance of a page.

Attribute | Type | What it does
--- | --- | ---
`title` | String | Title for the page visible in blue banner at the top of the page
`permalink` | String |Path that the page renders relative to the site's `baseurl`
`layout` | String | Should be set to `primary`
`lead` | String | _(optional)_ Large white text that renders on the top blue banner
`banner_cta` | Boolean | _(optional)_ Set to `false` by default. Generates a light blue call to action banner when set to `true`.
`subnav_items` | Object | _(optional)_ Navigation items object that contains a list of subnavigation items that contain a `permalink` and `text`. Renders a [sticky subnav]({{ site.baseurl }}/styleguide/components/#sticky-subnavigation) on the left side of the page.
`subnav_title` | String| _(optional)_ Set if you want the subnav title or breadcumb text to differ from the page `title`.
`hero` | Boolean | _(optional)_ Enables a hero image in the banner. Defaults to `true`, so set to `false` to hide the image
`image` | String | _(optional)_ Path to hero image. This image will also display on blog post preview cards
`image_alt` | String | _(optional)_ Accessibility text for the image
`image_figcaption` | String | _(optional)_ A caption that will be displayed on top of the image
`breadcrumb` | Boolean | _(optional)_ Set to `false` by default. Specify `true` to enable the breadcrumb. If set to `true`, set `subnav_title` if the breadcrumb text differs from the page `title`. [View breadcrumb component]({{ site.baseurl }}/styleguide/components/#breadcumbs)

### How we work page

`/how-we-work` page is similar to the primary template but with a few adjustments that help to highlight how we support our customers. We pull these components:

- Project cards are placed at the bottom of the page to highlight past work and to bring users to `/what-we-deliver`.[View project cards component]({{ site.baseurl }}/styleguide/components/#project-cards)
- Testimonal quote is used within the body of the content. Bringing the voices of our partner agencies front and center is a top priority. [View testimonial component]({{ site.baseurl }}/styleguide/components/#testimonials-and-fun-facts)


### Project page template

Located at [`_layouts/project-page.html`](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/tree/master/_layouts/project-page.html), this is the template for creating new project pages as well as [project cards]({{ site.baseurl }}/styleguide/components/#project-cards) that show up at [/what-we-deliver/]({{ site.baseurl }}/what-we-deliver/).

  <img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/styleguide/project-page-template.png" alt="" class="image-shadowed" />
  <figcaption>Example of project page template. Found at <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/how-it-works/fec-gov/">FEC project page</a>.</figcaption>

#### Add a project page
1. Determine if the project is a service or a product and find the corresponding directory
2. Create a new file within either the `_products_projects` or `_servicess_projects` directory and name it with the following format: `[agency acronym]-[project-name].md`.
2. Copy the [project page template](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/master/examples/project-template.md) to that file. Here you can build out the page to include:
  - Main content on the project's background and 18F's approach
  - The sidebar for at-a-glance information like the project's website or GitHub repos. To do this, update the front matter related to the sidebar. If you don't want something to show up in the sidebar, remove it from the front matter
  - Testimonials or fun facts styling within the body of the page  
3. Replace all relavent front matter fields. To see if a field is required, see the [project page schema](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/blob/master/tests/schema/_services_projects.yml).
4. If you're adding an image, make sure to [check out tips on picking a project page image]({{ site.baseurl }}/styleguide/images/#project-page-images ). If you're not adding an image, make sure to specify an `image_icon` property in the front matter, and reference an SVG available in the [SVG catalog]({{ site.basurl }}/images/svg-include-catalog) like so:
  image_icon: gavel.svg


### Blog post template

Located at [`_layouts/post.html`](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/tree/master/_layouts/post.html), this is the template for creating new blog posts.

  <img src="{{ site.baseurl }}/assets/img/styleguide/blog-post-template.png" alt="" class="image-shadowed" />
  <figcaption>Example of a blog post template. Found at <a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/2017/03/21/nasa-journey-with-us-web-design-standards/">NASA's journey with the U.S. Web Design Standards</a>.</figcaption>

There is extensive documentation for how to [publish a blog post](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/wiki/Publishing-a-blog-post) on the wiki and an [example blog post](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/blob/master/examples/blog-post.md) to assist with adding metadata and frequently used blog components. A deeper dive into those components is available at [Blog](https://18f.gsa.gov/styleguide/blog-components/).


### Grid

The layout and grid structure inherits from the U.S. Web Design System and makes some slight adjustments. Layout changes are not overrides of the Design System, but a handful of CSS classes have been added to compliment the Design System.

Class name | What it does
--- | ---
[`usa-width-tablet`](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/blob/master/_sass/_core/grid.scss) | A class that allows certain content, namely the [project cards]({{ site.baseurl }}/styleguide/project-cards/), and the [blog previews]({{ site.baseurl }}/styleguide/blog-components/#post-previews) to respond at a different breakpoint, [`$tablet-screen`](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/blob/master/_sass/_core/variables.scss) (768px).
[`usa-flex`](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/blob/master/_sass/_components/layout.scss) | Wrapper class that sets `display: flex`, and can be used to create more flexible layouts.
Classes used with `usa-flex` | `usa-flex-baseline`, `usa-flex-end`, `usa-flex-pull-right`, `usa-flex-always`, `usa-flex-wrap`, `usa-flex-vertically-top`, `usa-flex-pull-right`, and `usa-flex-vertically-bottom`.
[`usa-grid-reversed`](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/blob/master/_sass/_core/grid.scss) | This class can be used to alternate the order that content appears in mobile vs desktop screen widths.
`content-wide` | In the Design System, the primary way to improve readability is via the `usa-content` class, which [limits content to 75 characters](https://designsystem.digital.gov/components/typography/#typesetting). Instead of relying on this mechanism, the site wraps site content with the `content-focus` class, [limiting the entire grid to roughly 100 characters](https://github.com/18F/18f.gsa.gov/blob/master/_sass/_components/layout.scss).
`content-focus` | When the the grid needs to be wider, `content-wide` is used and the content width is controlled by using partial grid layouts.


### Sidebar

This attribute is found in the [contact]({{ site.baseurl }}/contact) and [project pages]({{ site.baseurl }}/what-we-deliver/federalist/) on the 18F site. This feature provides at-a-glance information.

{% capture sidebar %}{% raw %}
<div class="usa-grid-full usa-grid-reversed">
  <aside class="usa-grid usa-section usa-grid-reversed-right usa-width-one-third section-info section-info-gray">
      <li class="section-info-list-item">
        <div class="section-info-header">Section header</div>
        <p>Supporting subheader</p>
      <li class="section-info-list-item">
        <div class="section-info-header">List of helpful reference links</div>
          <li>link to agency 1: <a href="">agency1.gov</a></li>
          <li>link to more info: <a href="">More info</a></li>
          <li>Twitter: <a href="">@agency</a></li>
          <li>GitHub: <a href="">link to repo</a></li>
  <div class="usa-grid usa-section usa-width-two-thirds">
    <h3>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</h3>
    <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.</p>
{% endraw %}{% endcapture %}

{% capture sidebar_description %}
- The sidebar should be placed first in the HTML before the main content on the left.
- In the `<aside>` tag we use the `usa-grid-reversed-right` class. This class reverses the order in which the HTML is displayed so that the content that would normally appear on the left will appear on the right instead. The order is not reversed in mobile.

{% endcapture %}
{% include details-code.html