name: C2
full_name: C2
type: app
owner_type: project
stage: live
status: active
description: We built a simplified, email-based purchasing approval tool for purchase card holders authorized to buy office supplies for the government. We designed it to be intuitive and convenient so that federal employees could drastically reduce the time they spend on purchase card approvals.
impact: As C2 streamlines the purchase card approval process, government employees can spend more time performing their essential work and less time on the paperwork required to buy their micropurchases. The updated process also helps restore public confidence that government employees are only using cards for valid purchases and save the government agencies millions of dollars by creating a more reliable, efficient approval system for micropurchases.
testable: true
- github: afeld
role: developer
- github: annalee
role: developer
- github: phirefly
role: lead
- github: pkarman
role: developer
- github: yozlet
role: developer
- github: jessieay
role: developer
- GSA National Capital Region
- 18F
- GSA Common Acquisition Platform
- Ruby
- Rails
- name: CircleCI
category: CI
url: https://circleci.com/gh/18F/C2
badge: https://circleci.com/gh/18F/C2.svg?style=svg
- name: Code Climate
category: code quality
url: https://codeclimate.com/github/18F/C2
badge: https://codeclimate.com/github/18F/C2/badges/gpa.svg
- name: Code Climate Coverage
category: code coverage
url: https://codeclimate.com/github/18F/C2
badge: https://codeclimate.com/github/18F/C2/badges/coverage.svg
- name: Gemnasium
category: dependency status
url: https://gemnasium.com/18F/C2
badge: https://gemnasium.com/18F/C2.svg
- name: Hakiri
category: dependency status
url: https://hakiri.io/github/18F/C2/master
badge: https://hakiri.io/github/18F/C2/master.svg
name: "CC0-1.0"
url: https://github.com/18F/C2/blob/master/LICENSE.md
- url: https://cap.18f.gov/
text: C2 website
- url: https://cap.18f.gov/feedback
text: C2 support
- url: https://github.com/18F/C2/issues
text: C2 GitHub issues