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7 hrs
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import d3 from "d3";
import barChart from "./barchart";
import formatters from "./formatters";
import transformers from "./transformers";
 * our block renderer is a d3 selection manipulator that does a bunch of
 * stuff:
 * 1. it knows how to get the URL for a block by either looking at the
 *    `source` key of its bound data _or_ the node's data-source attribute.
 * 2. it can be configured to transform the loaded data using a function
 * 3. it has a configurable rendering function that gets called on the first
 *    child of matching the `.data` selector.
 * 4. it dispatches events "loading", "load", "render" and "error" events to
 *    notify us of the state of data.
 * Example:
 * ```js
 * var block = loadAndRender()
 *   .render(function(selection, data) {
 *     selection.text(JSON.stringify(data));
 *   });
 * d3.select("#foo")
 *   .call(block);
 * ```
function loadAndRender() {
  let url = function (d) {
    return d && d.source;

  let transform = Object;

  let renderer = function () {};

  const dispatch = d3.dispatch("loading", "load", "error", "render");

  const block = function (selection) {
      .filter(function (d) {
        d.refresh = +this.getAttribute("data-refresh");
        return !Number.isNaN(d.refresh) && d.refresh > 0;
      .each(function (d) {
        const that = d3.select(this);
        d.interval = setInterval(() => {
        }, d.refresh * 1000);

    function load(d) {
      if (d.dataRequest) d.dataRequest.abort();

      const that = d3
        .classed("loading", true)
        .classed("loaded error", false);

      dispatch.loading(selection, d);

      const json = url.apply(this, arguments);
      if (!json) {
        return console.error("no data source found:", this, d);

      d.dataRequest = d3.json(json, (error, data) => {
        that.classed("loading", false);
        if (error) return that.call(onerror, error);

        that.classed("loaded", true);
        dispatch.load(selection, data);
        that.call(render, (d.transformedData = transform(data)));

  function onerror(selection, request) {
    const message = request.responseText;

    selection.classed("error", true).select(".error-message").text(message);

    dispatch.error(selection, request, message);

  block.render = function (x) {
    if (!arguments.length) return renderer;
    renderer = x;
    return block;

  block.url = function (x) {
    if (!arguments.length) return url;
    url = d3.functor(x);
    return block;

  block.transform = function (x) {
    if (!arguments.length) return transform;
    transform = d3.functor(x);
    return block;

  function render(selection, data) {
    // populate meta elements
    selection.select(".meta-name").text((d) => d.meta.name);
    selection.select(".meta-desc").text((d) => d.meta.description);

    selection.select(".data").datum(data).call(renderer, data);
    dispatch.render(selection, data);

  return d3.rebind(block, dispatch, "on");

function buildBarChart(transformMethod) {
  return loadAndRender()
        .value((d) => d.proportion)

function buildBarChartWithLabel(transformMethod, labelKey) {
  return loadAndRender()
        .value((d) => d.proportion)
        .label((d) => d[labelKey]),

// Builds a bar chart for the key with values that are below a threshold
// combined into an Other category
function buildBarBasicChart(desiredKey) {
  const method = (d) => transformers.toTopPercents(d, desiredKey);
  return buildBarChart(method);

// Builds a bar chart for the key with values that are below a threshold
// omitted from the chart
function buildCompactBarChart(desiredKey) {
  const method = (d) =>
    transformers.toTopPercentsWithoutConsolidation(d, desiredKey);
  return buildBarChart(method);

export default {