

Test Coverage
{% extends 'data_capture/step.html' %}
{% block main_class %}secondary-step card--collapse-header{% endblock %}

{% block subtitle %}Errors in price list upload{% endblock %}
{% block step_heading %}<h2>Review errors</h2>{% endblock %}
{% block step_body %}
    {% with rows=gleaned_data.invalid_rows %}

      {% with total=rows|length %}

      <div class="usa-alert usa-alert-error" role="alert">
        {% if not gleaned_data.valid_rows %}
          <h4>No valid rows found!</h4>
            Your uploaded price list contains no valid rows. Please fix the errors
            shown below in the original file and <a href="#upload">try uploading it again</a>.
        {% else %}
          <h4>We found errors in {{ total }} row{{ total|pluralize }} of your data</h4>
            The row{{ total|pluralize }} below appear{{ total|pluralize:"s," }} to be
            invalid and <strong>will be discarded</strong> when you upload your
            price list.
            If you'd like, you may correct {{ total|pluralize:"this row,these rows" }}
            in your original spreadsheet and <a href="#upload">try uploading it again</a>.
        {% endif %}

        {% if not is_preferred_schedule %}
        <hr />
          <strong>Note:</strong> You specified that the price list you were
          uploading was for <em>{{ preferred_schedule_title }}</em>, but it
          appears to be for <em>{{ gleaned_data.title }}</em>. If this is
          incorrect, please upload a different file.
        {% endif %}
      {% endwith %}
      {{ gleaned_data.to_error_table|safe }}
    {% endwith %}
<div class="card">
  <div class="content">
    <h2 id="upload" tabindex="-1">Upload replacement (optional)</h2>

      If you'd like to fix the errors above in your spreadsheet,
      you can try uploading it again here.
      {% if gleaned_data.valid_rows %}
        Otherwise, we'll discard the rows with problems when we upload
        your original spreadsheet.
      {% endif %}

    <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"
          action="{% url 'data_capture:step_3' %}">
      {% csrf_token %}

      {{ form.file }}

      <div class="form-button-row clearfix">
        <a href="{% url 'data_capture:step_3' %}" class="usa-button usa-button-secondary button-previous">Previous</a>

        <button type="submit" class="usa-button usa-button-primary">
          Upload revised price list

        {% if gleaned_data.valid_rows %}
          <a href="{% url 'data_capture:step_4' %}" class="usa-button usa-button-secondary">
            Continue without these rows
        {% else %}
          <div class="submit-group">
            <div class="usa-button usa-button-disabled">Continue without these rows</div>
        {% endif %}


{% endblock step_body %}
{% block card_footer %}
  <form method="post">
    {% csrf_token %}
    <button type="submit" class="usa-button usa-button-link" name="cancel" data-a11y-dialog-show="cancel-dialog" formnovalidate>Cancel this upload</button>
{% endblock %}