

Test Coverage
<table class="price-list-table">
        <th>SIN/SIN Proposed</th>
        <th>Service Proposed (e.g. Labor Category or Job Title/Task)</th>
        <th>Minimum Education / Certification Level</th>
        <th >Minimum Years of Experience (cannot be a range)</th>
        <th>Unit of Issue (e.g. Hour, Task, Sq Ft)</th>
        <th>Price Offered to GSA (including IFF)</th>
    {% for row in rows %}
        <td class="{% if row.sin.errors %}error{% endif %}">
          {{ row.sin.value }}
          {{ row.sin.errors }}
        <td class="{% if row.labor_category.errors %}error{% endif %}">
          {{ row.labor_category.value }}
          {{ row.labor_category.errors }}
        <td class="{% if row.education_level.errors %}error{% endif %}">
          {{ row.education_level.value }}
          {{ row.education_level.errors }}
        <td class="number {% if row.min_years_experience.errors %}error{% endif %}">
          {{ row.min_years_experience.value }}
          {{ row.min_years_experience.errors }}
        <td class="{% if row.unit_of_issue.errors %}error{% endif %}">
          {{ row.unit_of_issue.value }}
          {{ row.unit_of_issue.errors }}
        <td class="number {% if row.price_including_iff.errors %}error{% else %}currency{% endif %}">
          {% if row.price_including_iff.errors %}
            {{ row.price_including_iff.value }}
            {{ row.price_including_iff.errors }}
          {% else %}
            {{ row.price_including_iff.value|floatformat:2 }}
          {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}