

Test Coverage
    {% load staticfiles %}
      <div class="container">
        <div class="row">

          <div class="four columns">
            {% if not user.is_authenticated %}
              <h2>Log in to add price lists</h2>
              <p>Now contracting officers and other acquisition professionals can upload price lists to CALC.</p>
              <a href="{% url 'uaa_client:login' %}" class="usa-button button-small_white">Log in</a>
            {% elif user.is_authenticated %}
            <p>You are logged in to CALC as {{ }}, and can now <a href="{% url 'data_capture:step_1' %}">add price lists</a>.</p>
            <div class="footer__bottom-links">
              <p class="small"><a href="{% url 'user_account:index' %}">View activity</a>
              <p class="small"><a href="{% url 'uaa_logout' %}">Log out</a></p>
            {% endif %}
          {% include 'session_security/all.html' %} 
          <div class="five columns footer__divider">
            <h2>Get in touch</h2>
              We're always looking for feedback on CALC!<br>
              To share your thoughts, email us at <a href="mailto:{{ HELP_EMAIL }}">{{ HELP_EMAIL }}</a>.
            <div class="footer__bottom-links">
              <p class="small">
                <a href="{% url 'updates' %}">Read about recent updates to CALC</a>
              <p class="small">
                <a href="">View our code on GitHub</a>

          <div class="three columns">
            <div id="logos">
              <a href=""><img alt="General Services Administration logo"
                src="{% static 'frontend/images/logo-gsa.png' %}"></a>
              <a href=""><img alt="18F logo"
                src="{% static 'frontend/images/logo-18f.svg' %}"></a>
