

Test Coverage
// Earlier copies of the U.S. Web Design System had a pixels-to-rem function
// we use extensively. New versions have stripped that out. This duplicates it.

$em-base: 10px;

// Strips the unit from a number.

@function strip-units($value) {
  @return ($value / ($value * 0 + 1));

// Convert pixels to rems
// eg. for a relational value of 12px write rem(12)
// Assumes $em-base is the font-size of <html>

@function rem($pxval) {
  @if not unitless($pxval) {
    $pxval: strip-units($pxval);

  $base: $em-base;
  @if not unitless($base) {
    $base: strip-units($base);
  @return ($pxval / $base) * 1rem;