

Test Coverage
// Variable overrides for the U.S. Web Design Standards.
// These names should not be changed unless the WDS names change.

@import 'rem';

// Set the base path for assets (used for font and image paths)
$asset-path: '../vendor/uswds/' !default;

// Color overrides
// Addtional colors specific to CALC are defined in _variables.scss
$color-blue:                 #0770b5;
$color-blue-darker:          #0c4c6f;
$color-blue-darkest:         #0a2d39;

$color-green:                #bbcb70;
$color-green-light:          #cddc86;
$color-green-lighter:        #dae6a3;
$color-green-lightest:       #e6edc2;
$color-green-bright:         #ccde61;

$color-primary:              #136b94; // $color-blue-dark, which is not a USWDS variable
$color-primary-darker:       $color-blue-darker;
$color-primary-darkest:      $color-blue-darker;
$color-secondary:            $color-green-bright;
$color-primary-alt:          $color-green-bright;

$color-red-dark:             #BC1630;
$color-red-darkest:          #981b1e; // No change from USWDS, including for visual reference
$color-red-lightest:         #ffe0e0;

$color-white:                #ffffff; // No change from USWDS, including for visual reference
$color-base:                 #021014;
$color-black:                $color-base;

$color-gray-dark:            #436a79;
$color-gray:                 #547d8c;
$color-gray-medium:          #7da1b0;
$color-gray-light:           #c5d6de;
$color-gray-lighter:         #dfe7ee;
$color-gray-lightest:        #f0f6fa;

$color-gold:                 #fdb81e; // No change from USWDS, including for visual reference

$color-gold-lightest:        #fbeebe;
$color-visited:              $color-blue;

// Mobile First Breakpoints
$small-screen:      481px;
$medium-screen:     600px;
$large-screen:      1201px;

// Magic Numbers
$border-radius: 3px;
$button-border-radius: $border-radius;
$box-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(#000, 0.3);

$input-max-width: 46rem;

// Fonts
$font-sans:'Libre Franklin', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif;

$em-base:             10px;
$base-font-size:      rem(16px);
$medium-font-size:    rem(14px);
$small-font-size:     rem(12px);
$h1-font-size:        rem(34px);
$h2-font-size:        rem(28px);
$h3-font-size:        rem(22px);
$h4-font-size:        rem(18px);
$h5-font-size:        rem(16px);
$h6-font-size:        rem(12px);

$base-line-height:    1.5;
$heading-line-height: 1.3;